Education Programs
Programs from grade to graduate school
High School Students
Hi STAR is a one-week summer program designed for grade 8 – 11 students who would like to work on a science research project.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Each summer undergraduate students from across the United States spend 10-12 weeks as interns in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.
Akamai Workforce Initiative
The Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI) prepares Hawai`i college students for the high-tech workforce. Students from across the state, as well as students who are from Hawai`i and studying on the mainland, participate in internships, courses, and other training activities. AWI also prepares early career scientists and engineers, with a focus on graduate students, for teaching through a program that includes workshops and practical teaching experiences.

Hawaii high school juniors and seniors
Maunakea Scholars Program
The Maunakea Scholars program is a partnership between Maunakea observatores and the Hawaii State Department of Education. Outstanding Hawaii high school juniors and seniors write telescope proposals and compete for observing time on MKO telescopes. They are slso taken on a visit to the observatory.
Faulkes Telescope
The Faulkes Telescope North (and the Faulkes Telescope South) is the largest telescope built for Education and Outreach. Constructed under the auspices of the United Kingdom-based Faulkes Telescope Corporation and the IfA, it is now owned and operated by the Las Cumbres Observatory, and is available for use by students in Hawai`i and the United Kingdom. Contact Dr. J. D. Armstrong for more details.
Start Charts
An updated Star Chart for the evening sky over Hawai`i can be downloaded here each month .
StarLab, Classroom Visits and Star Parties
The faculty and students at IfA Mānoa run the Institute’s StarLab portable planetarium, visit K-12 classrooms, and host “star parties” with the Institute’s portable telescopes. To request these activities for your school or organization, please contact us for more details.
Speakers' Bureau
We would be happy to provide speakers on astronomy for schools, civic groups etc. throughout the state of Hawai`i. Please contact us if you are interested in having an astronomer make a presentation to your organization.