IfA Libraries FAQs

a continuing work in progress…

IfA Libraries – Borrowing and returning

Who may borrow from the IfA Libraries?

How do I register to borrow materials from the IfA Libraries?

How do I check out a book from the IfA Libraries?

What is the loan period for items borrowed from the IfA Libraries?

How do I return books to the IfA Libraries?

What do I do if the IfA Libraries don’t have what I need?

UH System Libraries – Borrowing and returning

What other libraries can I borrow materials from?

As an IfA researcher/student, how do I register to have electronic access and to borrow materials via the UH Manoa library?

What is the loan period for items borrowed from a UH system library?

How can I renew something from a UH system library?

Electronic Access: Books, Journals, etc.

Is there access to electronic books?

How do I access complete articles (ie., online articles) in electronic journals?

What should I do when prompted to log in or to purchase an article from an electronic journal?

When I am away from the IfA do I need passwords to read online articles in journals?

How can I browse the table of contents of current issues of astronomical journals?

I’d like to see a citation count on a certain author. What’s the best way to go about finding that?

Finding Materials at the IfA Libraries

Where are the journals?

Where are the books?

Where are the observatory publications?

Where are the class reserves?

How can I look up books on a certain topic, or a general list of similar books, or a specific title or author?

What if an item is not on the shelf?

Equipment to Help You

Where can I make a photocopy?

What should I do if the copy machine or the printers in the library don’t work properly?

How can I print using the IfA Manoa public printers?

• Borrowing and returning – IfA Libraries

Who may borrow from the IfA Libraries?

The IfA Libraries are for the use of those working at an IfA location. This means IfA staff, IfA faculty, IfA graduate students, and affiliated visiting researchers. Student help, UH students, and all others may not check out materials from the IfA Library. Visitors wishing to use the library should first check with the Librarian.

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How do I register to borrow from the IfA Libraries?

Stop by and see a friendly IfA Librarian! Or send an email to:libraryatifadothawaiidotedu

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How do I check out a book from the IfA Libraries?

The IfA Libraries work on a self-service checkout system. Instructions are posted next to the circulation computers and the Library staff will be happy to show you how it works. If the network is down, please write the barcode number, title, author, your name, and date on the sheet on the clipboard near the computer.

Since it is vitally important for research purposes that journals be accessible at all times, journals should usually be consulted in the library. Journals may be removed from the library for a brief photocopying session. If a journal must be consulted in your work area, please advise library staff, and it should be returned to the library before you leave for the night. Journals should not be left locked in an office or other work area.

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What is the loan period for materials borrowed from the IfA Libraries?

The IfA Libraries do not have a specific due date for borrowed materials. However, some limits do apply for borrowed materials to ensure the availability of library resources for those who need them.

  • Researchers are required to keep any checked out library materials in their office or work area.
  • Materials should be returned to the Library before leaving on an extended trip.
  • The Library’s catalog shows the circulation status of an item, and if an item is borrowed, the catalog shows who the borrower is. This way, anyone who needs an item that is checked out will know where to find it. If the person who checked out the material is not available, library staff will, if necessary, use a master key to retrieve the material from an office or laboratory.
  • Anyone who anticipates a long-term need for a book should check it out from Hamilton Library or purchase the title with grant funds.

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How do I return books to the IfA Libraries?

UH System library books (e.g. Hamilton Library):you are welcome to leave the item(s) in the return box in the IfA Library and the library staff will return it for you.

IfA Library books:leave the item(s) in the return box and the library staff will check it in for you.

Please do not return checked out materials to the shelves. Do not give checked out materials to another person; return the item to the Library and let the next person check out the item under their own name.

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What If the IfA Libraries don’t have what I need?

If the IfA Libraries don’t have the item you need, never fret!

  • Tell your friendly IfA Librarian what you are looking for and let us do the legworkor
  • Do it yourself, by checking the UH System Libraries collection through theUH Voyager Catalog. If the campus library nearest to you has the material, just stop on in and check it out (IfA Library staff can also borrow materials for you). If the material is at another campus, you can request it be sent to the location nearest you through theUH IntraSystem Loan.

If the UH System doesn’t have the material, don’t despair!

UH may be able to get the materials from a Mainland source through theUH InterLibrary Loan Service. Be aware that this process may take some time and there may be charges associated with it.

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• Borrowing and returning – UH System Libraries

What other libraries can I borrow materials from?

TheUH Systemis comprised of 10 campuses with the main campus at Manoa. The main library is Hamilton Library on the Manoa campus.

As staff, faculty, student, or visiting researcher working at the Institute for Astronomy, you are entitled to borrow materials fromany libraryin the University of Hawaii Library System. Through theUH InterLibrary Loan Service, materials can also be obtained from libraries on the Mainland.

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As an IfA researcher/student, how do I register to have electronic access and to borrow materials via the UH Manoa library?

Everyone who joins the IfA to study, to conduct research or to teach (faculty, postdocs, junior researchers, graduate students, and specialists) should register with the UH Manoa Hamilton LibraryAS SOON AS POSSIBLEto initiate access to electronic journals and other materials. This registration process has two steps:

      1) obtain a UH Manoa ID Card

2) register the card with the UH Manoa Hamilton Library

  • Step 1.Get a UHM ID Card

    All ID cards are issued at theCampus Center Ticket, Information & ID Office

        located at the UH Manoa’s Campus Center, Room 212. ID cards are issued during normal business hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm, except on holidays. What to bring:
          1) a valid photo ID (driver’s license, state ID w/expiration date, passport, etc.)

    2) the appropriate application form authorized by the IfA Personnel Department:

    Application forms:

    1. BOR appointees:

        The ID Card application form is available in PDF format (see the link below). The form requires IfA Personnel Department authorization and your 8-digit UH number, which the IfA Personnel Department can provide or

    check here for your 8-digit UH ID Number

        . The ID Card is issued for the duration of employment.
          UH Manoa

    ID Card Application Form

          for Faculty/Staff/Non-Regular Employees.

    Requires IfA Personnel Department authorization

          UH Manoa ID Card


          . Campus Center 212, Ticket, Information & ID office.

    2. RCUH hires:(not BOR appointees) The ID Card application form is available in PDF format (see the link below). Fill in the top half of the form and fax the entire form to RCUH Human Resources–the fax number is given in the bottom half of the form. (A fax machine is available in the IfA Library office.) The form requires IfA Personnel Department authorization and your 8-digit UH number, which the IfA Personnel Department can provide orcheck here for your 8-digit UH ID Number. ID Cards are valid for 2 years from the date of issuance and can be renewed free of charge by submitting another UH-RCUH Faculty/Staff ID Card Application form to RCUH Human Resources.Special note for RCUH Postdocs who need an ID Card immediately upon arrival [before the end of the required 6-month probationary period]:If you need an ID Card for work related reasons, such as library research, you can submit an ID Card Application to RCUH Human Resources at any time. Along with the application, submit an attached memo signed by your Principal Investigator confirming that you need an ID Card for your work.

    RCUH Faculty/StaffID Card Application Form.Requires IfA Personnel Department authorization.

    UH Manoa RCUH ID Card information

          . Campus Center 212, Ticket, Information & ID office.

    UH Hilo RCUH ID Card information

          . Campus Center 204, Gameroom.
          RCUH ID

    Card rules and procedures

          [see your respective UH campus]. RCUH new hire

    6-month probationary period


    3. IfA Students:The ID Card application form is available in PDF format (see the link below). You will need your 8-digit UH ID Number.Check here for your UH ID Number.

          UH Manoa Student

    ID Card Application Form

          UH Manoa ID Card


          . Campus Center 212, Ticket, Information & ID office.
    • Step 2.Register your UH ID Card with UHM Hamilton Library

      Option A. Register in Person at the Hamilton Library Circulation Desk

          for immediate registration.

      Print out the registration form

          . Fill out the form.

      Take the completed form and your UH ID Card to the Circulation Desk


      Option B. Register Online


      Fill out the registration form online


      Select Manoa as your campus, regardless of which island you are on

          . Whether you have a UH ID Card number or a RCUH ID Card number, type in the number you have in BOTH boxes–the “UH Number (required)” box


        the “ID Barcode (required)” box. Submit the form electronically. Completion of the registration form takes 2-3 business days.

    • Completion:
          When your ID Card registration is complete, you will be able to access electronic journals from campus or from remote locations by EITHER logging in using your last name and your UH ID Card number


        by using your campus email account username [username@hawaii.edu] and password. If you experience difficulties or delays during this process, please contact an IfA Librarian.

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    What is the loan period for items borrowed from a UH system library?

    Please see the UH Library’s current“Policy on Circulation of Library Materials”.

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    How can I renew something from a UH system library?

    You can renew anytime online! Please see the UH Library’s current“Guidelines for Renewing Library Items”for the details.

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    • Electronic Access: Books, Journals, etc.

    Is there access to electronic books?

    Some electronic books can be accessed through the IfA Library while others can be accessed through Hamilton Library.


    • Access is limited to certain IAU Colloquia and Symposia (as determined by the publisher).
    • To accessIAUColloquia and Symposia online, go to theIfA Librarywebsite and click onLIBCAT (the IfA Library Catalog). The LIBCAT database contains listings of the holdings for all three IfA Libraries – Manoa, Hilo, and Maui. You can limit a search by library, at the bottom of the screen.
    • UnderQuik Search, typeIAUand thenumberof the Colloquium or Symposium you are looking for (e.g.: IAU 199). If electronic access is available for that particular item, the URL will be shown. Simply click on the link and it will take you to the electronic version of that book. Both theAstronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)andCambridge Scientific Publishing (CSA)provide access to these materials.

    Hamilton Library

    • Electronic Resources search form: electronic books includeSPIEtechnical papers, journals and conference proceedings from 1998–. Click on the link and type in your search term at the search box. Under the search box, choose“Online books”and limit the search by subject. You will be prompted for a login and password. Log in the same way you would for electronic journals. Clickherefor login information.
    • UH Voyager Catalog: records contain links to those items with electronic access. Perform a search on Voyager for the item you need. Click on the URL provided in the record. To access the contents, log in using your username and password.

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    How do I access complete articles (ie., online articles) in electronic journals?

    The most direct way to access articles in electronic journals is via the IfA Library’s web page. Click on theJournals, Newsletters & Annual Reportslink; find the journal you want and click on theONLINElink by the journal’s name. This will take you to the University’s proxy server where you login for direct access.

    Most journals don’t provide free electronic access. Journal publishers now support proxy access for institutional subscribers and reserve ID-&-Password access for personal subscribers. UH Hamilton Library pays for the subscriptions for UH Manoa access.

    Journal titles on the “Journals, Newsletters & Annual Reports” page link to each publisher’s web site. Link to publisher’s web sites for personal subscription information, instructions for authors, etc. But, don’t expect publishers to provide free article access from their journals’ web sites.

    • The link from a journal title goes directly to the publisher’s web page.
    • TheONLINElink goes directly to the electronic text of an article, via the Hamilton Library proxy server.
    • IfADS(Astrophysics Data System)offers access to early issues, a link “Archival ONLINE” via ADS is shown.

    To access journals through Hamilton Library, you must login using either:

    1)Your UH Manoa ID card, which is available at the UH Campus Center and for which all IfA personnel are eligible. The ID card number must be registered at either the Hamilton Library Circulation Desk –in person– or online at theID Registrationpage.
    2)Your UH Username and password (the one you use for email@hawaii.edu and MyUH).

    To find Hamilton Library journals not listed on the IfA Library Journal page, as well as non-astronomy related journals, use Hamilton’s“Electronic Resources” search form.

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    What should I do when prompted to log in or to purchase an article from an electronic journal?

    See if the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library subscribes to the electronic version of the journal you want. To do this:

    (1)Check the IfA Library’sJournal listin the “Journals, Newsletters & Annual Reports” section of theIfA Library Web Page.


    (2)Check the University of Hawaii Library’sElectronic Resourceslink.

    (3)When you find the journal you want through IfA / UH Library access, make sure the year you are interested in is covered in the subscription. Then click on the journal title and log in. To log in, you must be registered. Click here for theelectronic access registration instructionsin this FAQ section.

    (4)If you don’t find what you need, see an IfA Librarian or send an email tolibraryatifadothawaiidotedu.

    Note:WithMNRAS, for example, you may be able to access older archive copies of articles inADS, but for more current articles you will need to use IfA / UH Library access.

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    When I am away from the IfA do I need passwords to read online articles in journals?

    Since you are at a remote location, you will need to access journals through the UHM’s Hamilton Library proxy server. The best way to get there is to go to the IfA Library web site, to theJournals, Newsletters & Annual Reportssection and click on theONLINElink, and then log in with your UH number, barcode, email account info, etc.

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    How can I browse the table of contents of current issues of astronomical journals?

    Some publishers offer free email alerts and will send you the table of contents of some of their current issues. To see if a publisher offers this service, click on theJournals, Newsletters & Annual Reportssection the the IfA Library web site. Click on a journal title link, which will take you directly to the publisher’s web site. Please note that these email messages will not work to view online articles, since you need to access article through the proxy server.

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    I’d like to see a citation count on a certain author. What’s the best way to go about getting that?

    UseWeb of Science, which is “a multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the sciences (Science Citation Index Expanded) as well as both theSocial Sciences Citation Indexand theArts & Humanities Citation Index. Approximately 70% of the records have author abstracts. Online coverage is from 1980 to present.”

    Other options for finding citation count information (that may not be as complete asWeb of Science) areADS(Astrophysics Data System)andS P I R E S.

    SearchingWeb of Science:

    • Access and Basics:

    Click here

        or go to the

    IfA Library web page

        • Under

    Quik Info

        , go to

    Abstracts & Indexes

        and scroll down to

    Web of Science

        . This will take you to Hamilton Library’s

    Electronic Resources

        access to electronic journals and databases.
        • After clicking on

    Web of Science

        you will need to log in as you would for electronic journals (for login information,


        • For a tutorial on how to search

    Web of Science

        go to

    “Using Web of Science for Citation Studies”

      via Lehigh University Library and Technology Services.”
    • Starting a Search:

    • First, ***Uncheck*** bothSocial Sciences Citation IndexandArts & Humanities Citation Index.
    • Next, ****Select/Check**** onlyScience Citation Index Expandedto limit your search to that database.
    • Then, click on theCited Ref Search boxnear the top of the page.
    • Select the time span you want.
    • Below that are theCited Author,Cited Work, andCited Year(s)search boxes.

    • Cited Refsthis feature enables you to find articles that have cited a specific published work or the works of a specific author.
    • Cited Year(s)this feature can be used to limit the year of publication.
      • Cited Author— Search Tips:


        Use the following search format:

    SurnamespaceInitial of first name

        . Example:

    Smith J

        (no punctuation). Using an author’s entire first name hampers the results.
      • Results will be a list of the author’s work by publication (for common surnames, the list may be exceptionally long). Check all that apply and be sure to check all pages.
    • Cited Work— Search Tips:
      • Enter an abbreviated journal title.
      • Consult the cited work index to look up title abbreviations.


      There may be more than one abbreviation for a title, which can make this search feature tricky and inconsistent.
      • Use truncation to match variations of several abbreviations for the same title.
      • Join mutiple journal titles with the search operator


    Sample searches using truncation:

        • Enter

    Acad* Med*

        to find references to articles published in the journal

    Academic Medicine.

        • Enter

    J Am Chem*orJ Amer Chem*orJacs*

        to find references to articles published in the journal

    Journal of the American Chemical Society

        • Enter

    Mark* Sci*

        to find references to articles published in the journal

    Marketing Science

    • The results of yourWeb of Sciencesearch:
        • Click the “Finish Search” button near the top.
        • The results list the citations of articles that include the

    cited author

        in their bibliographies. Reverse chronology is the default (newest to oldest).
        • Select the records you want by checking their boxes to the left. •

    Output Records

        box on the right, select by record number to email , save or print the results.
        • For a large number of records, you can select all, email them, and dump them into


      or other software for easy control, sorting, etc.

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    • Finding Materials at the IfA Libraries

    Where are the journals?

    IfA Manoa Library Map(click on the map for a larger image)

    The IfA Manoa library journals are shelved in two separate alphabetical runs.

    The first run starts against the side wall near the windows, and contains the core journals of the discipline. They include:

    The Astronomical Journal
    Astronomy and Astrophysics
    Astronomy and Astrophysics Review
    Astrophysical Journal, Letters, and Supplements
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    Solar Physics
    The second alphabetical run begins immediately afterSolar Physics, beginning withActa Astronomica, and winds its way through and ends along the back wall.

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    Where are the books in the IfA Manoa Library located?

    IfA Manoa Library Map(click on the map for a larger image)

    The entrance to theMain Book Collection Roomis located at the back of the main library room next to the Library Office (C-108B). Books are cataloged and shelved according to theLibrary of Congress Classification system.Atlases and folio booksare also located in this room.Reference Books(withgreen dotson the spines) andClass Reserve Books(withorange dotson the spines) are in the main library room and are on a shelf facing the door to the building lobby.

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    Where are the observatory publications?

    Observatory Publications (LOC Classification: QB 4) are located at the IfA Hilo Library.

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    How can I look up books on a certain topic, or a general list of similar books, or a specific title or author?

    To find a certain topic, or for a general list of similar books, such as IAUs or SPIEs, use theIfA Library Catalog (LIBCAT). For a numbered conference, you can enter the number underQuik Search. Be sure to log off when you are done with your session, as the online catalog allows only 4 users at a time.

    IAU Symposiaare directly behind the Reference books. All other conference series are interspersed throughout the book collection, arranged by call number.

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    Where are the class reserves?

    The class reserves are located on the bottom shelf of the Reference Collection. The spines are marked with anorange dot.

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    What if an item is not on the shelf?

    If an item is not on the shelf, it may be misshelved, currently being read in the library or being photocopied, loaned out or it may be missing. Use theIfA Library Catalog (LIBCAT)to see the current status. If the item is not misshelved or loaned out, and you do not see another patron with it, please notify one of the library staff. We may be able to get what you need through interlibrary loan.

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    • Equipment to Help You

    Where can I make a photocopy?

    A copy machine is available in the IfA Manoa Library for IfA personnel use.
    It is located in the main book collection room, next to the Library Office (C-108B).
    Two-sided copies are available.
    There is no charge for copies.

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    What should I do if the copy machine or one of the printers in the library isn’t work properly?
    Copy machine —please notify a librarian.
    Printers —please contact the computer staff. Or notify a librarian and we’ll be happy to contact them for you.

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    How can I print using the IfA Manoa public printers?

    The following steps will take you to the instructions:

    1) From your IfA account, start a web session with your favorite browser and from there go to the “Locals Only” page from the“IfA Site Map”

        2) Click on “Computer Help”
      3) Scroll down to “Public Printers (Manoa)” and select “Public Network Printers” for information and instructions, etc. The library printer called Anuenue can print in color and, as Dupanuenue can make double-sided copies.

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