July 1, 2017 will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of the IfA. Come join us at the IfA June 28-30, 2017 for a 3 day meeting to contemplate 50 years of the Institute for Astronomy
Please provide us an expression of interest on our pre-registration page.
The UH Institute for Astronomy will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a special three day meeting in Honolulu from June 28 to 30, 2017. As the highlight of this celebration we are inviting everyone with a history or relationship with the IfA to join us, including former and present graduate students, postdocs, staff and faculty
This special anniversary event will collect the history of our institute and our science and craft a vision of our future. We envisage a quite unusual meeting, with a mixture of story telling and science, capturing the human and sociological aspects of building an institution of great scientific ambition. We will have oral presentations together with posters and documents, and ample time for social gatherings. In addition, we will assemble the contributions in a publication to document the foundation and development of one of the major world institutions in modern astronomy.
As we plan for this celebration, we are kindly asking you to let us know whether you would be interested in attending. We are still in the preparation phase and we need an idea about the potential attendance. In addition, we would appreciate your input and ideas for such a meeting. We plan to send out an official announcement of the meeting together with invitation letters and information about a website and registration in roughly two months from now.
We look forward to hear from you soon and hope for a positive answer.
With many regards and Aloha!
Rolf Kudritzki
Chair of the IfA 50th Anniversary Committee