Transportation Schedule

For those requiring bus transportation, we are making the following bus trips available.  Please note that seating is limited.  If you have not already requested a seat on the bus, please contact us (  Note: IfA interisland travelers have already been counted.

Wednesday June 28:
Honolulu Airport to IfA, departing 8:15AM (for IfA interisland travelers)
Pacific Beach Hotel to IfA, departing 8:00AM
IfA to Honolulu Airport, departing IfA 5:30PM
IfA to Orvis Auditorium and Pacific Beach Hotel, departing IfA 6:45PM
Orvis Auditorium to Pacific Beach Hotel, departing Orvis 9:00PM

Thursday June 29:
Pacific Beach Hotel to Ko’olau Ballroom, departing 7:30AM
IfA to Ko’olau Ballroom, departing 7:30AM
Ko’olau Ballroom to Pacific Beach Hotel, departing 9:00PM
Ko’olau Ballroom to IfA, departing 9:00PM

Friday June 30:
Pacific Beach Hotel to Ko’olau Ballroom, departing 7:30AM
IfA to Ko’olau Ballroom, departing 7:30AM
Ko’olau Ballroom to Honolulu Airport, Pacific Beach Hotel, and IfA, departing 4:00PM

(Changes relative to the email of June 23 are marked in bold)