Information for Colloquium Speakers

Colloquia Time and Location


IfA Mānoa Auditorium (C-214), unless noted
2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI


Wednesdays 11:45am – 12:45pm HST, unless noted 

Before Your Visit

For visitors to Manoa only – Speakers will be contacted by the Colloquium Chair (Fabio Bresolin – and/or the Colloquium Secretary (Laura Toyama – to arrange travel to/from Oahu, accommodations in Honolulu, and local transportation. If possible, we prefer to reserve and pay for accommodations and car rental directly using our UH corporate accounts. Speakers will also receive a formal letter of invitation describing their visit and reimbursable expenses. On a typical visit the speaker arrives the day before colloquium and stays in Honolulu for two nights. Visits can be extended when additional sources of funds are available (e.g., from an IfA collaborator).

During Your Visit

Outside speakers will have an IfA host to guide them through the day. The host may arrange a schedule for the speaker, including meetings with IfA researchers and setup 30 minutes before colloquium. The speaker will be taken to lunch at a nearby restaurant by members of the faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. On Wednesdays at the IfA, an astro-ph discussion is held at 10:30am in the Library. Speakers are encouraged to attend and, for part of the session, lead an informal discussion (for 10-20 minutes) of some aspect of their work that they will not be covering in their talk later in the day. Recent papers and plots can be displayed, although we encourage speakers not to prepare slides.


Travel Reimbursements

Prior to your visit, please confirm with the Colloquium Chair what expenses will be reimbursed. While at IfA, please see Laura Toyama (B-110) to complete reimbursement paperwork, including UH’s WH-1 form. The completed WH-1 form must be returned to IfA fiscal staff in order for you to be reimbursed for expenses.

Additional documentation needed

Permanent residents will need to bring a copy of their permanent resident card. Foreign visitors will need to bring a copy of the photo page of their passport, along with a copy of their visa OR I-94 form.

Institute for Astronomy