Sample Spectra

Sample Spectra

Below are a few example IR spectra, taken from the literature.

  • Orion S (at J,H) High-density PDR (HI, [OI], [FeII], [FeIII], H2). 
    Ref: Luhman et al., 1998, ApJ, 499, 799
  • Orion S (at K) High-density PDR (HI, [OI], [FeII], [FeIII], H2; Pfund series!). 
    Ref: Luhman et al., 1998, ApJ, 499, 799
  • Hubble 12 (at K) Archetypal PDR/PPNe (HI, H2, HeI). 
    Ref: Ramsay et al., 1993, MNRAS, 263, 695
  • Orion Peak 1 (J,H,K) Molecular shock region (HI, HeI, [OI], [FeII], H2). 
    Ref: Everett et al., 1995, AJ, 110, 1295
  • HH 313 (H,K) Herbig Haro bow shock (H2 lines only). 
    Ref: Davis & Smith, 1999, MNRAS
  • W51-IRS2 (K) High-mass star forming region (HI, H2, HeI, [FeIII]!). 
    Ref: Okumura et al. 2001, AJ, 121, 20893-5 microns (LM)

3-5 microns (LM)

  • IC 443 supernova remnant, at KL and M (H2 and CO lines). 
    Ref: Richter et al. 1995, ApJ, 454, 277
  • NGC6302 and NGC6537 (3 – 5 microns) High-excitation Planetary Nebule (HI, H2, Silicates, He, etc.). 
    Ref: Casassus et al., 2000, MNRAS, 314, 657
  • GSS30 Low-mass YSO/reflection nebula (Fundamental ro-vibrational CO – (1-0) P and R lines). 
    Ref: K. M. Pontoppidan et al., 2002, AA, 393, 585
  • McNeil’s Nebula (J-M) Rapidly-evolving young star (HI, H2, HeI, CO, Ice). 
    Ref: Vacca et al. 2004, ApJ, 609, L29Greater than 5 microns (NQ etc.)

Greater than 5 microns (NQ etc.)

  • Orion (2 – 40 microns) High-mass star forming/HII/PDR region; ISO data (HI, H2, Silicates, H20, etc.). 
    Ref: Van Dishoek et al. 1998, ApJ, 502, L173 
  • W33A(2.5 – 25 microns) Dust-embedded Massive Young star; ISO data (Solid-phase molecules: CO2, CO, H20, Silicates, Ices, etc.). 
    Ref: Gibb et al. 2000, ApJ, 536, 347 
  • L1551 (2.5 – 25 microns) Dust-embedded Low-mass Young star; ISO data (Solid-phase molecules: CO2, CO, H20, Silicates, Ices, Fe[II], etc.). 
    Ref: White et al. 2000, A&A, 364, 741

See also: A library of near-IR stellar spectra from 1.43 to 2.5 microns, Lancon & Rocca-Volmetange, 1992, A&AS, 96, 593.