Contact Info
UKIRT Observatory, Institute for Astronomy
640 N. A’ohoku Place
University Park
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Telephone: +1 (808) 932-2397, 932-2300
Fax: +1 (808) 933-0737
Direction from Hilo Airport to IFA and UKIRT Office
Direction from Hilo Airport to Banyan Drive Hotels
Direction from Kona Airport to UKIRT Office
Directions from Kona Airport to Ali’i Drive
Directions from Kona Airport to Hale Pohaku
Map of Hilo
Map of Kona
Island of Hawaii
Hale Pohaku
Maunakea Summit
General inquiries
For general questions about UKIRT, please email Tom Kerr, Watson Varricatt
Principal contacts
If you need information in a specific area but you are not sure who to contact, try these people first:
Area of Inquiry | Contact Person |
Principal Investigator | David Lonborg |
Director of Technical Operations | Tom Kerr |
Head of Science Operations | Watson Varricatt |
Administration | |
Hotels/Flights/Car rentals | |
Telescope scheduling | Tom Kerr, Watson Varricatt |
Telescope performance | Tom Kerr, Watson Varricatt |
UIST Imaging | Watson Varricatt |
UIST Spectroscopy (& IFU) | Watson Varricatt |
WFCAM | Watson Varricatt |
UFTI (& FP) | Watson Varricatt |
CGS4/Michelle | Tom Kerr |
UKIDSS and UHS | Watson Varricatt |
Polarimetry | Tom Kerr |
Service Observing | Tom Kerr |
Newsletter | Tom Kerr |
Future Instrumentation | Tom Kerr |
Names of all UKIRT staff members are listed alphabetically below. UKIRT Email addresses are all in the form ( Links are provided to staff members’ personal web pages.
All Staff (Alphabetical)
George Aukon
Ivan Hamilton
Thomas Johnson
Tom Kerr
David Lonborg
Michael Pohlen
Jessica Stasik
Alexander Thompson
Watson Varricatt