Guide for Remote PIs and PCs

Guide for Remote PIs and PCs

Remote Principal Investigators are those who, having applied for UKIRT time, have been awarded telescope time but not summit occupancy. Remote PCs are “Principal Contacts” who may be designated by the PI to oversee the preparation and execution of the program or receive emails on it (while, for example, the PI is away). Prepared observations become part of the UKIRT queue and are executed as and when conditions at the summit, and the science priority assigned to the proposal, permit. This document lists, step-by-step, the procedures which Remote PIs should use to specify their observations, and retrieve any resulting data. It is assumed that you are familiar with the instrument capabilities, locations of the instrument pages, etc., and have read the relevant parts of the UKIRT documentation set.

Get a Project PasswordFollow the link on the left, and once there, click on “Issue a new password.” On the OMP password request page, enter your project id (u/yys/nn). A password will be emailed to you. This only takes a few minutes. Note: if your project has a reference number below 10, leading zeroes are not required.
Designate Other Contacts if NecessaryGo to the link on the left and enter the project ID and password to access the Project home page. Click on the “envelope” symbol next to the observer who you wish also to receive email on the project, then tick their box in the resulting list. Click “Update” to complete the process. Then reissue a password; it will be mailed to both you and the new contact.
Get the OTHow to get and install the UKIRT observing tool.
Prepare and Submit MSBsThis page is the main document for observation preparation. It includes links to instructions on how to prepare Minimum Schedulable Blocks (MSBs) and submit them to the database. It also includes links to pages likely to be useful (such as instrument pages) in preparing your MSBs. Please take the time to read through these instructions, as they are intended to help you create well documented and efficient observing programs. Note that further instrument-specific information is given in the instrument pages.
Finder ChartsFor some observing modes (UIST spectroscopy in particular, or any imaging project where you wish the observer to inspect a particular object in the field) finder chart material is critical to the success of the project. Please read the instructions posted here for information on how to upload finder charts for use at the summit.
Monitor ProgressThis page shows the various levels of the OMP as they relate to a typical program.
Retrieve DataHow to get your flexed data. This page is also linked to from the central table on the UKIRT home page.