

alias echo "echo > /dev/null"
unalias echo

echo " "
echo " *** SLOPE OF SLIT *** "
echo " "
echo " Extract three rows near top, centre and bottom of array from "
echo " image of the slit.  Fit gaussians to the spectra to check "
echo " positions of the peaks.  Calculates angle of slit - should " 
echo " be 90 degrees "
echo " "
echo " Use QUICK_LOOK _raw frames"
echo " "

set date=20060201
echo "Date set to" $date
echo -n "Number of calibration frame: "
  set in="$<"
    if ($in < 10) set numcal=0000${in}
    if ($in > 9 && $in < 100) set numcal=000${in}
    if ($in > 99 && $in < 1000) set numcal=00${in}
    if ($in > 999) set numcal=0${in}

gaiadisp u${date}_${numcal}_raw

echo " Extract two rows, top and bottom"

extract image=u${date}_${numcal}_raw ystart=190 yend=195 spectrum=bottom
extract image=u${date}_${numcal}_raw ystart=500 yend=505 spectrum=middle
extract image=u${date}_${numcal}_raw ystart=970 yend=975 spectrum=top

echo " "
echo " Assuming arc line in range x1=600 to x2=630..."
echo " "

echo " "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo "             GAUSSIAN FITTING... "
echo " "

fitgauss in=bottom device=xw mask1=600 mask2=630
echo " "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " *** Make a note of X-posn. of peak at BOTTOM"
echo " "

fitgauss in=middle device=xw mask1=600 mask2=630
echo " "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " *** Make a note of X-posn. of peak at MIDDLE"
echo " "

fitgauss in=top device=xw  mask1=600 mask2=630
echo " "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " *** Make a note of X-posn. of peak at TOP"
echo " "

echo " "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " ******************************************** "
echo " "
echo " Finally..."
echo " "

echo -n " Enter x-value at BOTTOM of slit: "
set xa = ( $< )
echo -n " Enter x-value at    TOP of slit: "
set xb = ( $< )

echo " "
# HK vertical dispersion
echo " y1 - y2 = 100 (rows 190 and 370 extracted) "
#echo " y1 - y2 = 100 (rows 670 and 770 extracted) "
#echo " y1 - y2 = 900 (rows 50 and 950 extracted) "
#echo " y1 - y2 = 100 (rows 505 and 605 extracted) "

set angle = `calc exp="atand(180/($xa-$xb))"`
#set angle = `calc exp="atand(900/($xa-$xb))"`
#set angle = `calc exp="atand(100/($xa-$xb))"`

echo " "
echo " >>>> ANGLE OF SLIT =   " $angle
echo " "
echo " "