UIST: Engineering: Grism Wheels 2002-2003

UIST: Engineering: Grism Wheels 2002-2003

UIST has two 9-slot grism wheels which contain the polarimetry prism and the grisms for spectroscopy. The table below lists the grism wheels’ population.

September 2002 – 1 March 2003

Wheel 1Wheel 2
PosnGrismWavelength RangeResn 2-pix slitPosnGrismWavelength RangeResn 2-pix slit
1IJ 10.80-1.3716001Short J1.02-1.173700
2Wollaston prism2M4.32-5.322500
3Long H1.60-1.8040003short L2.87-3.672000
4HK1.37-2.4810004Short K2.00-2.264300
5HK Xdisp 15long K 12.20-2.503600
6short H1.42-1.6240006HK-low1for Xdisperser
7Blank7long L3.52-4.163000
8KL2.20-3.0017008Long J1.16-1.314000

1Not useable – replacement grism or filter on order