* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- General UIST parameters
- UIST software/file locations
- UIST.cfg notes
- Array (general)
- Read Noise & Gain
- Throughput
- Sensitivity
- Runup and Engineering
- Testing Motors and datum switches
- New Filter/Grism - focus etc.
- Instrument alignment (pupil stop)
- QA Night checks
- Notes on waveforms
- DAQ rack & quadrants
- Appendices - I: Session with wfg serial console
II: Example waveform
III: Header defn tables
IV: Measured Spec resolutions
General UIST Info:
Pressure: 10E{-4} mbarr when warm; 10E{-7} mbarr when cold.
Temps: Array - 30.0 (set point on lakeshore 330)
(Oct 16, 2002) Optics - 54.7 Wiring Pole - 38.3
1st Stage - 50.3 2nd Stage - 12.1
UIST apertures:
(Nov 28, 2002) Imaging mode: X = 4.82, Y = 1.19 (pixel 480,480)
Spectr. mode: X = -0.36, Y = -1.32
IFU mode : X = -0.36, Y = -0.63
Imaging pol : X = 4.82, Y = 22.19
In uist.cfg file:
e.g. "3_pix_low_res", 3.91, 11.95, 0.00, 2.00
Column 3 is the z-axis coordinate of the aperture (which we don't use,
so is always 0) and column 4 is the wavelength, in microns (TCS uses
this to compute refraction effect)
Ref pixel for source acquisition:
full array: 480, 480 (skr - Nov 28, 2002)
512x512 array: 224.5,224.5
256x256 array: 96.5,96.5
Note - this is the same physical pixel
Centre of Image rotation: 495,541 pixel
Center of 1-pix slit : x=507.5
Center of 2-pix slit : x=506
Center of 3-pix slit : x=502.5
Center of 4-pix slit : x=503
Use row y=541 for all slits
Center of pol-spec slit : x=509, y=??
Centre of IFU mask : x=497, y=535
Image Rotator: 25,002 steps = 90 degrees (180 degree on sky!)
Slit/filter wheels: 88,000 steps = full rotation
Slit angle (steps) = "steps for E-W slit" + (1/2 x angle x 277.8 steps/degree)
Originally had E-W slit:
i.e. 600 = 600 + (1/2 x 0 x 277.8) for an EW slit
13101 = 600 + (1/2 x 90 x 277.8) for a NS slit
But we want (NS slit for pa = 0 degrees):
i.e. 600 = 13101 + (1/2 x -90 x 277.8) for a NS slit
13101 = 13101 + (1/2 x 0 x 277.8) for an EW slit
Raytheon (previously SBRC) InSb array
plate-scale is 4.4"/mm
27um pixels; therefore 0.12"/pixel.
Most recent measurement:
0.12" camera 0.1205 "/pix (Nov'02 - Commissioning)
0.06+IJM 0.06112
0.06+HKL 0.06055
array angle 0.54 degrees counterclockwise
(i.e. columns slightly counterclockwise
of true East)
Minimum exposure times (15 Nov. '02):
256x256, thermal: 0.042s
256x256, non-thermal: 0.09s
512x512, thermal: 0.1s
512x512, non-thermal: 0.27s
1024x1024, thermal: 0.21s
1024x1024, non-thermal: 0.81s
All thermal waveforms are no-nulls, no-idles, no multireads,
900mV, 1200ns ticks.
All non-thermal waveforms are 1 null, idling, 6multireads,
600mV, 1560ns ticks.
ZnSe (1) and BaF2 (6) - coated
CaF2 (1) and LiF (4) - uncoated
(CaF2 window; ZnSe just inside window; all other lenses
are LiF or BaF2)
Flat mirrors (5).
UIST focus range of 5mm corresponds to 0.14mm of 'fine focus'
Autofocus-fine-focus -> telescope focal plane focus = x64.19
Autofocus-fine-focus -> UIST array focus = x30.96
Fine focus (while running autofocus on the top end)
- 0.12" Imaging & Spectroscopy = 0.65mm
- 0.06" Imaging (JHK) = 0.88mm
- 0.06" Imaging (LM) = 0.65mm
- IFU = 1.0mm ??
- Imaging/spec pol (only 0.12" possible) = 0.73mm
(n.b. these are with array focii in the .cfg file)
Grism efficiency (look at pinhole with and without grism; compare
integrated background counts. Have to use narrow-band filters).
short_J :
long_J : 60%
short_H : 47%
long_H : 37%
short_K : 55%
IJ : 35%
HK : 52% @ H; 70% @ K
UIST files locations:
1. Waveforms: /jac_sw/itsroot/install/uistWaveforms/data/
Changes to .wfg files (e.g. tick periods, voltages) are picked up
the next time the waveform is loaded.
2. uist.cfg: in /jac_sw/orac3/OT/cfg/ukirt/
> Login to kauwa as OBSERVER
> Edit /jac_sw/orac3/OT/cfg/ukirt/uist.cfg then
> cd /jac_sw/orac3/
> make
make will put the new version in use; can test by running OT in same
dir/on same machine. To commit to CVS and update in Hilo and HP, need
to be a member of the software group! - Ask Russell...
3. .data files for the mechanisms: /jac_sw/itsroot/src/uistCCS/data
Changes are picked up when the CCS is rebooted. Or, in this
directory, type "make" then "pvload pvGrism.data". If you have the
small mechEng.dl window open for the grisms wheel, you'll see the
numbers update based on the contents of this file.
4. execs files: /jac_sw/itsroot/install/engineering/data/
For focus runs, etc under then engineering interface.
Can editr/create new execs to run under uistEngSim
5. Temperature logs: /jac_logs/epics_data/uistLogs/uist.txt
UIST.cfg file
The scaling factors (at end of file) for the 1-pix, 2-pix, pol, ifu, etc.
are ONLY applied to the flats and arcs. They are not applied to the
defaul exposure times for stars of different magnitudes.
Array - general:
Never read out array when warm; impedence is low, so any voltage applied
across the array could burn it out.
STARE mode should give about 20,000 counts.
Open the WFG xterm; type 2 to get a prompt. Reboot edict from here.
Or, from the uist_oper screen, open all nione wfg windows: the master,
seven slaves and the WFG sereal console. Note - nothing ever reported
in slaves (unless reboot) - data taking, etc. only appears in master
and WFG.
If individual slaves are not booting, or are hung:
ctrl-x will restart a hung slave
@ - enter will restart if at a Vxboot prompt
If the wfg times out during a reboot, type "reset".
Read Noise & Gain:
Noise - take two 1sec NDSTARE frames (i.e. NREADS=2, read interval=1sec)
sigma from difference of two frames.
sigma * (nreads-1) * read-int * gain (15 e-/DN)
Noise (NDSTARE) = -----------------------------------------------
#-multireads x sqrt-2
sigma * gain
= ------------ ~ 40e- in 1 NDR (with 6
6 * sqrt-2 multireads/dig averages)
Measured on sky:
On star -> count/sec in 2" aperture?
-> e-/sec on star
J - zeroth = 1.65{-23} W/m2/Hz
H - zeroth = 1.07{-23} W/m2/Hz
K - zeroth = 6.73{-24} W/m2/Hz
Expect from standard star magnitude and
From Sandy:
Chris asked for a copy of my scribbles on throughput
and zeropoint but I thought they were illegible,
here it is typed instead
Number of photons from a zero mag star for a 3.5m^2 telescope
(we have that hole in the middle):
J 3.0e10 - H 2.6e10 - K 1.5e10 - L' 6.8e9 - M' 1.27e9
Definition of zeropoint
zp = 2.5log(ADU for zero mag)
= 2.5log[photons * throughput / gain]
Gain of cameras: UFT: 5.5 - IRCAM: 6 - UIST: 15 e-/DN
Observed zeropoints and derived throughput (UIST L'M'
zp calculated from reflection curves by extrapolation from H):
Instr. ZeroPoint/Throughput
J H K L' M'
UFTI 22.7/0.22 22.9/0.31 22.4/0.33 - -
IRCAM 23.1/0.40 23.2/0.44 22.5/0.40 21.3/0.29 19.0/0.19
UIST 21.2/0.15 21.5/0.23 20.8/0.21 [19.6/0.15 17.7/0.14]
Expected from Optics & Telescope/Atmosphere
Q.E. * 0.98^(A) * 0.95^(B) * Atmos * filter * stop => throughput
where A - no mirros (incl. telescope),
B - no lenses (2 types in UIST) and windows
Expect with UIST:
0.75 * 0.98^{8} * 0.95^{12} * 0.95 * 0.90 * 1.0 => 0.29 (29%)
Problem: 0.06" camera more sensitive than 0.12" camera;
only difference is former has 2 BaF2 lenses; latter 1 BaF2 and 1 LiF2.
Expect - BaF2 = 0.95, LiF = 0.93 (not coated)
0.12" camera:
0.98^6[BaF2} * 0.93^4[LiF] * 0.93[ZnSe] * 0.93[CaF2] * 0.98^5[mirrors] = 0.52
( * 0.75[Q.E.] * 0.90[filter] * 0.95[atmos] * 0.97^3[Tel] * 1.0[stop] = 0.30 )
0.06" camera
0.98^7[BaF2} * 0.93^3[LiF] * 0.93[ZnSe] * 0.93[CaF2] * 0.98^5[mirrors] = 0.54
( * 0.75[Q.E.] * 0.90[filter] * 0.95[atmos] * 0.97^3[Tel] * 1.0[stop] = 0.32 )
If BaF2 down to 0.96 overall drops by almost 10% to what we're getting.
If Q.E. down by 20% (to 0.55 at K), then overall drops by about 8% to what we get.
Extrapolation of this apparent degradation
of the 0.12camera doublet to all other BaF2 doublets could explain the overall
throughput loss in the instrument.
To Calculate POINT SOURCE sensitivities
Observer faint standard...
Calculate point-source 3sig/30min sensitivities (mags).
To convert POINT SOURCE sensitivities to EXTENDED SOURCE sensitivities
Start with long-slit extended-source sensitivities that are PER
Long-slit to IFU: 4pixels -> 2pixels
So SUBTRACT 0.4mag or MULTIPLY by sqrt-2
Nod to SKY: So SUBTRACT 0.4mag or MULTIPLY by sqrt-2
Transmission~80%: So SUBTRACT 0.25mag or MULTIPLY by 1/0.8
IN TOTAL: Must SUBTRACT 1.05mag to Long-slit sensitivies
or Must multiply bu 2.8 ~ 3.
Run-up and Engineering:
1. Run up epics windows
> uistMenu
From this open the
"CCS Control DM" (main Eng window)
"CCS Engineering" (Temps & individual wheel controls)
"Edict DM" (to enable the array)
"WFG Serial" (the seven xterms, or serial consoles -
master and slaves).
2. Hit return in each of the edict serial consoles (the "slaves") to
confirm that you're talking to the array (get a prompt?). From the
uist menu can open an xterm on kiki.
3. In WFG main xterm (see Appendix I):
> readBias (voltages near 0?)
> wfgClear; wfgLoad "uist_starev11"
> wfgClear; wfgLoad "uistStarev8L"
> setIdle
> readBias
Note that idling continually resets the array to beat persistence.
(can reset the wfg with "> reset" in the main wfg window.
Like a soft reboot).
4. On kiki xterm - running execs:
> engUistSim
Gives gaia display and a gui for running execs.
** EXECS are in /jac_sw/itsroot/install/engineering/tcl_execs/ **
From the uistMenu -> Edict DM window (already opened?), click on "set
config" to open setup.dl; from here can set exposure times/reads,
e.g. STARE: exp time=1, exposures=1, resets=1
NDSTARE: ND reads=2, read inter=1, reset delay=0.11
(note, reset delay equivalent to minimum exposure time, listed in last
table in config file; typically about 10% of read interval).
Select exp time configuration, then load "observe" in the exec window
and -- before enabling the array -- try an observation... Should get
distinctive striping in top-left quadrant of image. Now enable array
and try again.
do_focus_run, do_focus_run2
observe3, observe
Testing Motors:
Do ONLY if cold OR warm AND under vacuum (backfilled with N2).
Run up system as described above.
Open individual motor (mechEng.dl) screens from "CCS Engineering"
Select filter from "menu 1" or "menu 2". If DATUM FORCE = true, will
go to this filter VIA the selected switch; if = false, goes directly
to the filter from its current location. (Also goes to datum if start
from an error state)
Read Back Value (RBV) is relative, i.e. sets to zero from where wheel
currently is, then steps until finds datum. Sets to zero again at
datum switch; now knows where it is, and can find grisms or filter by
moving appropriate number of steps given in .data file.
The step value should always be the same for a
given filter if go via the switch OR from one filter to another.
Small moves of filter/grism wheel
To see affect of a small move of a wheel
- uistMenu
- from above, open "CCS Control" (uistCCS_control.dl)
- from above, open "CCS Engineering" (uistCCS_eng.dl")
+ from this window, select appropriate filter/grism/slit
window (mechEng.dl)
+ must switch power to ON (top-left corner of mechEng.dl)
+ to nudge a few steps either way, change step value in DVAL
by e.g. 1000 (bottom-left corner of mechEng.dl)
- view 2-pix pinhole through grism and see how "continuum"
is slanted; or view arc lines through slit and grism; or
take pupil images (see below)
Pupil Imaging
Can see circular aperture of pupil with pupil imager.
- uistMenu
- open "CCS Control" (uistCCS_control.dl)
- Select 4-pix slit; Pk50 filter; BB 5.0mm (BB on); JH grism; 5mm focus
- Take a 20sec exposure: example pupil images are shown here:
Log file
All moves made are written to log file (a new file is created daily
or after a reboot).
CCS Log kept in /ukirtdata/raw/eng/uist/ccslogs/
To view this:
- click on "Goto CCS Logfile" in uistMenu epics
- update the logfile after a move with "Log Flush" from
the (small) CCS Engineering screen.
Test switches
Go to a filter VIA datum (i.e. datum force = true). Any errors?
Will search for switch in 100steps, then 10steps, then 1step movements
(as outlined in log file).
Check the log (search in emacs for "Warning" or "Error").
WARNING: Failure to backoff
Here has backed off switch but switch hasn't closed (hasn't move far
enough away). Will try to backoff 3 times - gives "Error" only after 3rd
failure. Active area for switches should be within ~700 steps.
Switch should read OPEN when non-linear mechanism (i.e. those in
wheels: filter, slits, etc.) are at DATUM.
Switch should read CLOSED when linear mechanism (image rotator &
focus) are at DATUM.
(Note - after a reboot will always go to first filter via datum switch;
switch 1 is the default)
Am I loosing steps?
- Goto 5pix slit via datum; see RBV=42850
(this is the distance from datum to 5pix slit)
- Go back to datum; i.e. set target name to "0",
datum=true and click on start. Check log for steps;
found switch at RBV=45150 steps
- Sum of two numbers should equal one full revolution
42850+45150 = 88,000 (i.e. spot on!)
Should only lose one or two steps.
Testing motors
Use Execs "dat2Test.exec" - datums all motors on switch 2.
See also "slitD2move", "imRotD2move", etc. for datuming individual motors.
Run Exec and monitor individual screens; check log file for faults/warnings.
Finally, note that if motors are switched off, epics screens will still report
that its moving wheels!
Data Files:
pvGrism.data defines the speed with which wheels rotate, which switch
is being used, etc. If having problesm with a switch, can EITHER edit
values in the appropriate mechEng.dl window OR update values in
pvGrism.data or pvFilter.data file. In same directory, "make" then
"pvload pvGrism.data" to update value in mechEng.dl window. May need
to reboot the CCS to make changes permanent...
All files in: /jac_sw/itsroot/src/uistCCS/data
mechEng.dl screen
- Can use these screens to test switches and motors.
- Power will toggle to "On" when you click on start.
- If Car is Error, wheel will always try to find datum first before
going to demand position. If Car not in error state, can move
wheel back and forth by putting in VAL at bottom of screen that
is higher or lower than the RBV value.
- Can also try different speeds (VELO) and acceleration (ACCL), though
may have to adjust VBAS and VMAX to do this. Speeds as slow at 30
are ok; 4000 probably higher limit.
Miscellaneous notes on Motors:
- If want to pull a motor cable, switch off all motors first.
Motor controller electronics in bottom of electronics rack
in computer room (2 black boxes, each with 3 black, plastic fans
and green switch on right). Labelled "Motor Drive Cards".
Once a cable is unplugged, can switch motors back on (i.e. treat
like the FP).
E.G. Switch off motors; disconnect cal unit; attach f36 simulator.
- When cooling down, DON't leave wheels at switches.
- Wheel stuck? Try changing the "motor torque"; there is a dial on the
motor drive cards...
Rebooting the CCS:
From the UIST menu, click on "CCS Serial console" and in the xterm type
"reboot". This is necessary if you make a change to the .data files.
(image rotator angles, new filter/grism combos, etc.)
New filter/grism :
Look at pinhole through the filter (no grism). If the pinhole is not
off-centre, the filter is probably not badly tilted.
Pupil imager: is the filter vignetting the pupil?
Focus check:
Use exec "focus_run" (or "focus_run2" - better). Obtains series of images
of f36 "point source"; get best array focus (travel 0.5mm to 5.0mm) for
given filter/camera/pol combination. Or could use ukirt-qt in same way.
New focus values then go in the cfg file.
With QT:-
Open CCS control dm screen (from UIST menu).
Change focus (range 0.5mm - 5.0mm)
Observe faint star (FS) for 60secs
Measure FWHM at each internal focus (don't change telescope focus).
Must do if new filter or grism...
Alternatively; Focus using the cal unit BB and the 2pix pin-hole in the
slit wheel. For grisms - check that arc lines are sharp (2 pixel for
2-pix slit).
Adjust steps for new Grism:
Look at 2-pix pinhole through grism; adjust steps in the grism wheel
eng display (CCS Eng -> choose grism wheel -> bottom-left of window,
"Drive VAL") and take data. Should see slanted continuum spectrum
from pinhole. Use figaro ystract and fitgauss on columns on left and
right edge of pinhole "continuum" to measure y-axis posn. of left and
right-hand end. Change step values until get horozonal spectrum (best
to take data and plot results; linear fits will give point where left
and right edges at some y-value).
Updating .data files
Need to add the new grism/filter combos to the .data file and reboot
the CCS. From the UIST menu, click on "CCS Serial console" and in the
xterm type "reboot". After reboot these will appear in the big eng
epics window.
Will also need to update the tables in the .cfg file.
Image rotator position angles - check:
Load a "spec-acquisition" sequence with QUICK_LOOK and p/q offsets of
0,0; 0,45" and 0,-45". Load and run in QT - star should then be slid
up and down columns, regardless of p.a. If not along columns, may need
to change steps-per-angle, or change the "zero" posn angle step value
(Maren & Nick). Checked on 20021121; found 0.2degree error over
0-180 degree posn angles; equivalent to 1/6th of 2-pix xlit width.
Instrument Alignment (Pupil stop):
Select pupil imager in Engineering epics display. See example images
of pupil viewed through the pupil (cold) stop in UIST binder. The
pupil (dark secondary with bright central hole in secondary) and the
cold stop (sharp outer circle) should be about the same size... Align
pupil/secondary (inner "donut") with stop (outer sharp edge) using
dichroic "tip and tilt". Note that "squaring" of pupil is in fact
bars on the primary covers!
BUT - why is image of pupil out of focus?? Its in focus on a point source
(a star).
QA Night Checks:
1. Fine focus for "3 cameras", 0.12, 0.06IJM and 0.06HKL
(spec focus should be same as 0.12" camera)
2. Peakup column for slits; 1pix/2pix/3pix/4pix
(is it still column 503?)
3. Peakup pixel for IFU
(is it still 497,535?)
Notes on the Waveforms:
Kept as ascii files in /jac_sw/itsroot/install/edict/waveforms/uist
Specified in uist.cfg file.
Example waveform in Appendix II below.
If want to use a different tick period can test this in engineering
and enter this later in waveform.
e.g., in waveform:
waveformPeriod = 1560 nanoseconds
gain = 15 el/ADU
multiReads = 6
Note that "uist_starev11" calls other "sub"-waveforms. Some (full
array waveforms - like starev11) use two memory banks and therefore
call two waveforms. e.g. starev11 calls uist_rdl and uist_rd2L (L has
tweeks to get rid of white line).
Also in above directory can find waveform "header" files. e.g. look
in "uist_rd1.wfh" and "uist_rd2L.wfh" to get lengths of 2 waveforms
used by starev11.
e.g. 257099 + 261107 -> 518206
518206 is the total number of states. This goes in the last
table in uist.cfg, under NDread (for length of the read waveform) AND
under readRest.
Also in this table in cfg:
NDread * clckPer => Minimum Exposure time
e.g. for starev11: 518206 * 1560 => 0.81 sec
(this minimum exp time is to be set higher up in uist.cfg).
Changing BIAS level!
To change the biases you just need to change the .wfg file;
"bias0 VdetCom".
Must be negative value, i.e. -3.1V and check with "readBias" that it is
the voltage you asked for BEFORE enabling the array.
Don't go beyond the 600mV (-3.4V) to 900mV boundaries.
Don't change the voltages by more that two decimal places, i.e. -3.15V is
ok but not -3.155V.
N.B. Reverse Bias is the DIFFERENCE between VdetCom and Vdduc (first two items
in list, so -3.4V - (-4.0V) = 600mV!
There isn't a waveform set up to do multireads at 900mV (full array) but
you could easily take uist_starev11.wfg and change bias0 (VdetCom) to
-3.1V instead of -3.4V and save that to a different name.
To test: Camera 0.12, H98, BB 0.5mm aperture using NDStare.
DAQ racks and quadrants:
Looking at an image the quadrants are arranged as follows:
quadrant 1 = top left
quadrant 2 = top right
quadrant 3 = bottom left
quadrant 4 = bottom right
There will be two DAQ modules associated with each quadrant (8 outputs
per quadrant with each DAQ module processing 4 outputs each).
quadrant 1 = DAQ 1 & 2
quadrant 2 = DAQ 3 & 4
quadrant 3 = DAQ 5 & 6
quadrant 4 = DAQ 7 & 8
If you are looking at the DAQ rack..with the LEDS facing you...the
Clk/Bias module will be to your left. The DAQ modules should then be
numbered 8..1 left to right. You can check this be looking at the labels
on the orange fibre optics cable. Cable 1 should be going to DAQ module
1, cable 2 to DAQ module 2 etc.
As a double check...the array output cables, 2 off (the ones that come
out of the cryostat and split into 4) are labelled 1-4 and 5-8. So the
array output cable 1 should be going in one side of the DAQ 1 module
with the orange fibre optic cable 1 coming out the other side of the
module and similarily for modules 2 - 8.
If you are suspecting pickup from the fans then you can narrow it down
even further as the readout topology is in blocks of 4 reading from the
corner into the centre.
So taking quadrant 1 as an example, the first 4 columns (l-r_) would be
outputs fed into DAQ Module 1 the next 4 would be outputs fed into DAQ
Module 2. For quadrant 2, the first 4 columns (r-l) would be DAQ module
3 and the next 4 would be DAQ Module 4.
So if the structure is only in one set of four outputs you can check the
fans on that module.
To check whether it is the DAQ modules themselves that are noisy and not
the outputs from the array you can short the DAQ inputs and check the
S/C noise. This can be done automatically by setting setInput 0 in all
the daqslave windows.
Appendix I: A session with the (main) wfg serial console
uist_wfg-> readBias
Chan V mA uA mA
0 -3.403 1.0 VdetCom
1 -4.004 1.0 VddUC
2 -6.011 2.0 VnRow
3 -6.011 1.0 VnCol
4 0.000 1.0 VssCm
5 -1.504 0.0 VddOut
6 -2.510 1.0 Vref
7 -0.005 0.0 Vload
8 0.000 0.0 bias8
9 0.000 0.0 bias9
10 0.000 0.0 bias10
11 -0.005 0.0 bias11
12 0.000 0.0 bias12
13 0.000 0.0 bias13
14 -3.809 1.0 VddCL
15 -0.005 2.0 VrowOff
16 0.000 0.0 VggCL_Low
17 -6.006 0.0 VggCL_Hi
18 0.000 0.0 VrowON_Low
19 -0.005 0.0 VrowON_Hi
20 -1.641 11.8 VrstON_Low
21 -10.000 22.0 VrstON_Hi
22 -10.000 22.0 VrstOFF_Low
23 -10.000 22.0 VrstOFF_Hi
value = 0 = 0x0
uist_wfg-> wfgClear; wfgLoad "uist_starev9"
value = 0 = 0x0
readOutputStatusReg> Output status register value = 1
readOutputStatusReg> Outputs are disabled
wfgGetWfgConfig> wfg configuration file
/jac_sw/itsroot/install/edict/waveforms/uist/uist_starev9.wfg open OK
wfgGetWfgConfig> No NDIdle waveform specified - using nulls
wfgGetWfgConfig> No spare2 waveform specified
wfgLoadWfm> Waveform uist_rst loaded into bank 0
wfgLoadWfm> Waveform uist_rd1 loaded into bank 1
wfgLoadWfm> Waveform uist_rd2 loaded into bank 2
wfgLoadWfm> Waveform uist_donothing loaded into bank 3
readOutputStatusReg> Output status register value = 1
readOutputStatusReg> Outputs are disabled
Waveform script...
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 0.003640 (1st reset of exp)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 0.005080 (extra reset)
~ null for 1.200000; Gone = 1.205080 (exposure)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 1.575303 (readreset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 1.945512 (readreset2)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 1.946952 (extra reset)
~ null for 1.200000; Gone = 3.146952 (exposure)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 3.517175 (readreset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 3.887384 (readreset2)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 3.888824 (extra reset)
~ null for 1.200000; Gone = 5.088824 (exposure)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 5.459047 (readreset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 5.829257 (readreset2)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 5.830697 (extra reset)
~ null for 1.200000; Gone = 7.030697 (exposure)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 7.400919 (readreset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 7.771129 (readreset2)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 7.772569 (extra reset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 19.422362 (readreset2)
wfgBuildScript> Timeouts: data = 19.422361; obs = 19.422361
daqConfigure> DAQ configured OK
Configuration loaded, verified and adopted OK
value = 0 = 0x0
uist_wfg-> readBias
Chan V mA uA mA
0 -3.403 1.0 VdetCom
1 -4.009 0.0 VddUC
2 -6.011 2.0 VnRow
3 -6.006 2.0 VnCol
4 0.000 0.0 VssCm
5 -1.504 0.0 VddOut
6 -2.510 1.0 Vref
7 -0.005 0.0 Vload
8 0.000 0.0 bias8
9 0.000 0.0 bias9
10 -0.005 0.0 bias10
11 0.000 0.0 bias11
12 0.000 0.0 bias12
13 0.000 0.0 bias13
14 -3.809 1.0 VddCL
15 -0.005 673.8 VrowOff
16 0.000 0.0 VggCL_Low
17 -6.001 0.0 VggCL_Hi
18 -0.005 0.0 VrowON_Low
19 0.000 0.0 VrowON_Hi
20 -1.680 12.0 VrstON_Low
21 -10.000 22.0 VrstON_Hi
22 -10.000 22.0 VrstOFF_Low
23 -10.000 22.0 VrstOFF_Hi
value = 0 = 0x0
uist_wfg-> setIdle
setIdle> Enter 1 for idling, 0 to disable : 1
setIdle> Seconds between idle waveform triggers (min = 0.001440): 0.002
setIdle> Seconds of idling after config change : 1
setIdle> Number of idles to prepend to each integration : 100
setIdle0> Idling enabled
setIdle0> idlePeriod = 0.002000, idleTime = 1.000000, mustIdles = 100
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rst already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rst already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rd1 already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rd2 already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rst already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rd1 already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_rd2 already adopted
wfgAdoptWfm> Waveform uist_donothing already adopted
readOutputStatusReg> Output status register value = 1
readOutputStatusReg> Outputs are disabled
Waveform script...
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 0.003440 (1st reset of exp)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 0.004880 (extra reset)
~ null for 1.200000; Gone = 1.204880 (exposure)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 1.575103 (readreset)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 1.945312 (readreset2)
~ reset for 0.001440; Gone = 1.946752 (extra reset)
~ readreset for 0.370223; Gone = 19.051952 (final readreset of last exp)
~ readreset2 for 0.370210; Gone = 19.422162 (readreset2)
wfgBuildScript> Timeouts: data = 19.422163; obs = 19.422163
daqConfigure> DAQ configured OK
value = 0 = 0x0
Appendix 2: Example waveform (uist_starev11)
# made from uist_starev9.xls EXCEL spread sheet
# dji 05/4/02 - my birthday !!!!
# modified for seamless 2 banks operation both for STARES and NDREADS
# same routine used for both
# does 6 multi samples per pixel as well to get that damn noise down !!!!
# use IDLING which continuously resets the array to beat persistence -
# the wee bugger !!!
# the donothing routine is there to fix EDICT bug of under counting
# something like 1500ns tick required to beat the ghosts !!!
# Added extra 4 rows to read2 waveform to get rid of centre line.
# Changed Period to 1560 reduced chevron SKL SKR
idleWaveform = uist_rst
NDResetWaveform = uist_rst
NDReadWaveform = uist_rd1
NDRead2Waveform = uist_rd2L
resetWaveform = uist_rst
readResetWaveform = uist_rd1
readReset2Waveform = uist_rd2L
spare1Waveform = uist_donothing
waveformPeriod = 1560 nanoseconds
gain = 15 el/ADU
multiReads = 6
starttable biases
name voltage swCurLimMin swCurLimMax hwCurLim
VdetCom -3.4 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
VddUC -4 -1 1 -1
VnRow -6 -.5 .5 -.5
VnCol -6 -.5 .5 -.5
VssCm 0 -1 1 -1
VddOut -1.5 -15 15 -15
Vref -2.5 -1 1 -1
Vload 0 -15 15 -15
bias8 0 -15 15 -15
bias9 0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0
bias10 0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0
bias11 0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0
bias12 0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0
bias13 0 -10.0 10.0 -10.0
VddCL -3.8 -1.0 0.5 -0.5
VrowOff 0 -1.0 0.5 -0.5
VggCL_Low 0 -1.0 0.5 -0.5
VggCL_Hi 0 -1.0 0.5 -0.5
VrowON_Low -6 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
VrowON_Hi -6 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
VrstON_Low 0 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
VrstON_Hi 0 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
VrstOFF_Low -6 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
VrstOFF_Hi 0 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
starttable clocks
name voltageLow voltageHigh
trigger 0 0
swb_vrstON 0 0
swb_vggcl 0 0
swb_vrstOFF 0 0
swb_vrowON 0 0
s_sync -6 0
s_1 -6 0
s_2 -6 0
roe -6 0
rdes1 -6 0
rdes2 -6 0
rdes3 -6 0
rdes4 -6 0
f_sync -6 0
f_1 -6 0
f_2 -6 0
below is a read waveform header file; uist_rd1.wfh
# file uist_rd1
# File created Tue Sep 3 04:06:47 2002
# -----------------------------------------
# Top level EXEC generated automatically
# via Excel spreadsheet
# Created 05/06/02 10:53:28
# Read actually the same as rdrst in the meantime
# dji
# version 1
wfmType = read
x1 = 1 # start row coordinate
y1 = 1 # start column coordinate
x2 = 1024 # end row coordinate
y2 = 1024 # end column coordinate
wfmLength = 257099 states
# -----------------------------------------
Appendix 3: Header Definition Tables
header definition tables (source) are in (at the summit):
and installed versions at
If they need to be changed, please let me know.
Appendix 4: Spectral Resolutions
I have some new central wavelengths and pixel scales (in microns)
for the cfg which hopefully will tighten up the wavelength scales in the
DR. The pixel scales were measured near the centre of each grism
bandpass (if that's the right term). Data obtained with a 2-pix slit
on 20021119 (in uist/IFU_vs_Slit_Nov02/).
I'm happy to tackle the laborious task of typing these in if you tell me
where they go...
The numbers are:
Grism Cent wave Pixel scale
(microns) (microns)
IJ 1.140 0.000543
JH 1.515 0.000758
short_J 1.0991690 0.00015036057
long_J 1.2372639 0.0001496453
short_H 1.522482 0.00019769714
long_H 1.7023315 0.00019681215
HK 1.9533845 0.0010887752
short_K 2.1325271 0.00024775294
short_L 3.2721872 0.00071914542
long_L 3.9218109 0.00060469400
M 4.8431554 0.00091255528