! Import table for UKIRT linear polarimetry data.
! This gives the waveplate angle from some reference axis defined
! by the instrument. This reference axis is usually known from
! calibration measurements so that the measured polarisation position
! angle can be related to a true position angle on the sky.
! This keyword is required to be present in the input data since it
! is necessary for polarimetric image processing. The angle is expected
! to be in degrees.
WPLATE WPLANGLE 0=0.0,45=45.0,22.5=22.5,67.5=67.5
! This is a unique character identifer particular to each image and will
! be used to refer to the image throughout the data reduction sequence.
! It is constructed from the data of the observation and the observing
! sequence number of the exposure. If not supplied (if commented out
! for instance, or if the UTDATE and/or RUN keywords are not available),
! it defaults to the name of the data file.
! The filter used to make the observations. Where more than one filter
! is used (for example when there are several filter wheels in the
! beam) then this should be a combined filter name. If not supplied (if
! commented out for instance, or if the FILTER keyword is not
! available), it defaults to the value of WPLATE.