INTRO: ====== To activate KAPPA and FIGARO, you must first type, on the command line: > kappa > figaro To view an image, use GAIA, e.g. > gaia gu20030909_111_mos or > gaiadisp gu20030909_111_mos (uses previously opened gaia window) To plot an extracted spectrum, use splot (figaro) or linplot (similar kappa command. > splot gu20030909_111_dbs > linplot gu20030909_111_dbs Splot will let you set axes, scales, etc. Hit return if you're not sure what to use. Some useful Kappa/figaro - gdset (define the graphics display tool, e.g. xw, ps_p, ps_l, etc.) - linplot (kappa version of splot; better for getting publishable graphs) - stats (statistics from image or spectrum) - cadd/cmult/cdiv/csub (add, subtract, etc. a constant from an image/spectrum) - add/sub/div (add, subtract, etc one image/spectrum from another) - maths (more complex arithmetic involving images/spectra) To view all the available kappa and figaro routines, type: > kaphelp > fighelp If necessary; to convert data to NDF format (.sdf files), use convert, e.g.: > convert > fits2ndf "gu*" "*" ........................................................ REDUCTION STEPS - SUMMARY: ========================== Subaru ------ IRCS data - cross-dispersed; (extended sources) Suggest 1) Flat-field, sky-subtract, remove cosmics, correct S-distortion. 2) Extract individual orders, wavelength calibrate and divide through by standard star spectral images. UKIRT ----- UIST data (single order) Suggest 1) Use the _wce frames, or the group of these (the gu* frame). These have already been bp-masked, flat-fielded (and sky-subtracted) 2) To do: S-distortion correction, wavelength calibrate and divide through by standard. ........................................................ FLAT-FIELD & SKY-SUBTRACT SPECTRAL IMAGES ========================================= Note: The flux from the Black-body flat obviously has a slope with wavelength. However, it may not be necessary to remove this slope because: If observing a POINT source, then the curvature of the continuum (the "S-distortion") will be the same for the standard and the science target. Both spectra, after flat-fielding, will inherit the same slope from the flat; this slope will divide out provided the standard and science target spectra are both optimally extracted in the same way. For an EXTENDED source, if you're using SDIST/CDIST to remove the curvature of the standard and science target spectral images, then this ONLY shifts/rescales along columns to remove the curvature. The standard and science target spectral images, flat-fielded with a sloping BB curve, will both inherit the same slope. Optimally extracting a standard spectral image and expanding this into a 2-D image for calibration of the science target spectral image will therefore again lead to cancellation of the black-body slope. So - in both cases, removing the slope in the black-body flat may not be necessary. To FLAT-FIELD the data, divide all science target and standard star frames by the SAME flat-field (FF) frame. > idiv To SKY-SUBTRACT the data, simply subtract skies from object frames and average the results for each position. > sub (SUBARU: Do a half-dozen flats with the lamp on then the lamp off. Average the lamp-on frames and the lamp-off frames. Subtract the averaged lamp-off form the averagde lamped-on [to get rid of bad pixels] and apply this flat to ALL the data taken that night. Also - sky-subtraction; echelle data may be taken as object-sky-object,object-sky-object... rather than the traditional "quad"; so subtract the sky from the objects taken directly before and after the sky). ........................................................ REMOVE COSMICS THEN (MEDIAN) AVERAGE SPECTRA ============================================ Its probably a good idea to have a first-pass at removing cosmics and/or bad pixels from ff/sky-subtracted data before averaging up all the spectral images taken on each source. Median averaging may then be use to zap the last few bad pixels. Do this for the science target AND the associated standard star. > GLITCH (kappa) - just replaces by average of surrounding pixels > FILLBAD ( " ) - may be better, fits a surcae to surrounding pixels and replaces that way. > BCLEAN (figaro) - another option > FFCLEAN - can use this on 1-D spectra, though emission lines have to be at least a few pixels wide, otherwise it'll think a line is a cosmic! ........................................................ CORRECT FOR S-DISTORTION ======================== You should now have one spectral image for the standard star and one for the science target. Use SDIST to determine the curvature along a continuum spectrum (the standard, say). Then use CDIST to remove this curvature from both spectral images (also do the arc - to be used later). You should display the spectral image of the star in the xw window, so that you can use ICUR to identify the positions of bright continuum spectra (can do multiple orders!). > idev xw > colour grey > image star autoscale ystart=min yend=max xstart=min xend=max accept > icur Hit space-bar with mouse positioned over centre of continuum in xw display. > sdist image=star columns=5 trace=E width=6 maxdeg=2 softd=yes softd=yes soft=xw Spectrum traced from 1 to 1021 Spectrum fitted to polynomial of degree 2 Analysis results written to sdist.dat If sdist fails, try starting from a brighter/higher-S/N part of spectrum with icur. Or try a different fit (G for gaussian works well with Subaru - but E worked best with UIST..??) CDIST will now use the parameters in "sdist.dat" to correct the curvature. N.B. If you want to redo sdist, you MUST delete sdist.dat first. It won't over-write the file. > cdist IMAGE - (IMage) Image to be corrected for S-distortion /@star/ YSTART - (YStart) First Y value in range to be corrected /0.5/ > YEND - (YEnd) Last Y value in range to be corrected /1023.5/ > OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting image /@done/ > star_cdist Correction is based on analysis of a single spectrum (Must also do this to science target and arc spectrum; may need to use a different sdist.dat file, i.e. one derived from the science data rather than from the standard star - though strictly speaking these should be the same...) > cdist IMAGE - (IMage) Image to be corrected for S-distortion /@star/ > arc YSTART - (YStart) First Y value in range to be corrected /0.5/ > YEND - (YEnd) Last Y value in range to be corrected /1023.5/ > OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting image /@star_cdist/ > arc_cdist Now, to check the results of the distortion correction,. extract (YSTRACT) a cut along a few columns at the left, centre and right-hand edges of the continuum and use FITGAUSS to precisely measure the position of the continuum; does the continuum have any curvature? Compare cuts from the pre- and post-distortion-correction data (in this case, the spectral images star.sdf and star_cdist.sdf). > ystract IMAGE - (IMage) name of image to extract data from /@star/ > XSTART - (XStart) first x-value to be used /0.5/ > 10 XEND - (XEnd) last x-value to be used /1023.5/ > 20 SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) name of spectrum to be generated /@stdbb/ > yleft > ystract IMAGE - (IMage) name of image to extract data from /@star/ > XSTART - (XStart) first x-value to be used /10/ > 1000 XEND - (XEnd) last x-value to be used /20/ > 1010 SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) name of spectrum to be generated /@yleft/ > yright Here's an example run with fitgauss; just answer the questions... The region to be used, and the gaussian fit, should be displayed on the xw display. (TIP: the MASK interval is the range over which the gaussian is fitted. i.e. gaussian peak at 550, FWHM=10, so mask1=500 and mask2=600.) > fitgauss IN - Input NDF /@test/ > yleft DEVICE - Graphics device /!/ > xw MASK1 - Mask interval lower bound(s) /[0.4999999,0,-1.998481,-1.998484,0,-1.998479]/ > 500 MASK2 - Mask interval upper bound(s) /[1023.5,4.3240165E-34,-1.998484,-1.998479,1.4012985E-45,1.4012985E-45]/ > 600 Input NDF: /export/data/cdavis/UistSpecDemo/yleft Varuse parameter: F No. of data points: 1024 No. of mask intervals: 1 No. of valid data points: 100 Mask: 500.0000 600.0000 Actual abscissa range: 500.5000 599.5000 REMASK - Improve mask intervals /NO/ > NCOMP - Number of components /1/ > CONT - Continuum level /0/ > CENTRE - Gauss positions /545/ > PEAK - Gauss heights /800/ > FWHM - Gauss widths (FWHM) /10/ > 6 CF - Fit flags for line centres /[0,0,0,0,0,0]/ > PF - Fit flags for line peaks /[0,0,0,0,0,0]/ > WF - Fit flags for line widths /[0,0,0,0,0,0]/ > Input NDF: /export/data/cdavis/UistSpecDemo/yleft Varuse parameter: F No. of data points: 1024 No. of mask intervals: 1 No. of valid data points: 100 Mask: 500.0000 600.0000 Actual abscissa range: 500.5000 599.5000 Accepted continuum: 0.000000 No. of Gauss components: 1 Fit flags: # centre peak FWHM 1 0 0 0 List of free parameters: 1 Centre #1 2 Peak #1 3 FWHM #1 Gauss components: # centre pos. peak height FWHM line integral 1 545.0000 800.0000 6.000000 5109.441 +/- 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Degrees of freedom: 97 rms: 41.97770 REGUESS - Improve component guesses /NO/ > REMASK - Improve mask intervals /NO/ > FITGOOD - Fit acceptable /YES/ > COMP - Component numbers for storage /[1,2,3,4,5,6]/ > Used component # 1 to store results. !! DAT_PUT: Error writing value(s) to an HDS primitive. ! Application exit status DAT__DIMIN, Dimensions invalid ** ** ** You know have arc, standard and source spectral images ** that have been corrected for s-distortion. ** ** ........................................................ CORRECT DISTORTION ALONG ARC LINES AND WAVELENGTH CALIBRATE =========================================================== If you have cross-dispersed data, you probably have to "cut out" the different orders, so that you have a "mini spectral image" for each order. To do this, use > ndfcopy For non-cross-dispersed data, the above won't be necessary... To correct for sloping arc/sky lines and wavelength calibrate the grouped spectral images (after sdist/cdist), firstly extract a 1-D spectrum from the arc image (or from a raw image if using sky lines, though make sure the raw image has been sdist/cdist like the science data and standard star spec image - using the same sdist.dat file): > extract IMAGE - (IMage) name of image to extract data from /@iras20000/ > arc_cdist YSTART - (YStart) first y-value to be used /113/ > 91 YEND - (YEnd) last y-value to be used /119/ > 93 SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) name of spec to be generated /@iras20000_cal/ > argspec Next use the "arc" routine to identify the arc lines. Click on each line and enter the wavelength (in microns) followed by an "e". Move spectrum along with "n"; use "q" once all lines are labeled. The fit to these lines will be written to an ascii file, "arclines.lis". Also, an output file (a 1-D spectrum) will be plotted (in this case, called "argcal") that can be viewed with splot. Note; if you've just done a similar arc, set PREVIOUS to true and it will pick up identifications from these data. Otherwise, for a new arc, PREVIOUS = FALSE. > arc SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Arc spectrum to be fitted /@argarc/ > argspec ARCTYPE - (ARctype) Type of arc /'argon'/ > Reading lines from /star/etc/figaro/argon.arc PREVIOUS - (PREvious) Use arc lines from previous fit? /FALSE/ > true ARFILE - (ARFile) Name of file giving previous fit /'arlines.lis'/ > ORDER - (ORder) Polynomial order for 1st fit /3/ > SIGMA - (SIgma) Arc line half width in pixels /3/ > Use cursor to select an arc line ... WAVELEN - Wavelength, blank to cancel line /''/ > 2.38515 e Wavelength is 2.38515 OK? LINEOK - Correct? /YES/ > RMS now = 2.25E-4 Order of fit = 2 Use cursor to select an arc line Line at pixel 428.9 (fit: 2.396955) (interp: 2.396725) WAVELEN - Wavelength, blank to cancel line /''/ > 2.39713 e Wavelength is 2.39713 OK? LINEOK - Correct? /YES/ > RMS now = 2.17E-4 Order of fit = 2 Use cursor to select an arc line QUITSEL - Quit line selection /YES/ > CMD - Fit,Order,Disp,Help,Edit,Reselect,Quit,Print,Auto,Xauto,Modify /''/ > d 2nd order polynomial fit Coefficients of fit are - -1.82364E-09 1.25096E-03 1.86088E+00 Mean dispersion = 0.00 microns/channel Start wavelength = 1.86 microns End wavelength = 2.50 microns Central wavelength = 2.18 microns Line Wavelength Calculated Discrepancy RMS if Wavelength omitted 1 96.914 1.982 1.982 0.000 0.000 2 108.868 1.997 1.997 0.000 0.000 3 137.106 2.032 2.032 0.000 0.000 4 161.116 2.062 2.062 0.000 0.000 5 190.721 2.099 2.099 0.000 0.000 6 234.567 2.154 2.154 0.000 0.000 7 277.485 2.208 2.208 0.000 0.000 8 362.282 2.314 2.314 0.000 0.000 9 419.560 2.385 2.385 0.000 0.000 10 428.871 2.397 2.397 0.000 0.000 RMS error: 0.000 CMD - Fit,Order,Disp,Help,Edit,Reselect,Quit,Print,Auto,Xauto,Modify /''/ > d CMD - Fit,Order,Disp,Help,Edit,Reselect,Quit,Print,Auto,Xauto,Modify /''/ > o ORDER - (ORder) Polynomial order for 1st fit /2/ > 3 CMD - Fit,Order,Disp,Help,Edit,Reselect,Quit,Print,Auto,Xauto,Modify /''/ > d CMD - Fit,Order,Disp,Help,Edit,Reselect,Quit,Print,Auto,Xauto,Modify /''/ > q WRITEARC - Create and output file using this fit /YES/ > OUTPUT - (OUtput) Resulting arc file with wavelength fit /@argcal/ > argcal HARDARC - Do a hard plot of the arc /NO/ > HARDISP - Do a hard plot of the dispersion curve /NO/ > Details of fit output to /home/guest04/data/19990718/rgdir/arlines.lis Now use "iarc" to fit arc lines to the other rows in the arc image "arc_cdist". The routine works from the central row outward; 92 is the centre row in this case. The results are written to a text file, "argarc.iar" which is later used by "iscrunch" to correct the science target and standard star spectral images. > iarc IMAGE - (IMage) Image containing 2D arc to be fitted /@argarc/ > arc_cdist RSTART - (RSTart) Central row at which to start fit /92/ > RWIDTH - (RWidth) Number of rows to sum for each fit /1/ > FILE - (FIle) Text file used for results /'argarc.iar'/ > LOCK - (LOck) Automatic search for lines to help lock fit? /FALSE/ > XCORR - (XCorr) Analyse successive spectra for shifts? /FALSE/ > ... Row 46 Lines fitted: 9, Order of fit: 3 RMS: 0.00 Row 45 Lines fitted: 9, Order of fit: 3 RMS: 0.00 ... Now use HDSTRACE on the 1-D spectrum produced by "arc" to get the wavelength value of the first and last x-axis bin (column) to be used in "iscrunch". Also note the data size: > hdstrace argcal DATA(514) <_REAL> 1.874811,1.87601,1.877208, ... 2.487228,2.488426,2.489625 Run iscrunch on the arc spectral image to see how good a job it does. Are the arc lines straight? Are their wavelengths correct? > iscrunch IMAGE - (IMage) Image to be scrunched /@argarc/ > arc_cdist FILE - (FIle) File containing results of 2D arc fit /' '/> argarc.iar BINS - (BIns) Number of bins for scrunched image /514/ > LOG - (LOg) Bin into logarithmic wavelength bins? /FALSE/ > WSTART - (WStart) Wavelength of center of first bin /1.8/ > 1.874811 WEND - (WEnd) Wavelength of center of last bin (or increment) /2.5/ > 2.489625 Data is in units of A/D numbers per exposure DENSITY - (DENsity) Treat data as flux per unit wavelength? /FALSE/ > QUAD - (Quad) Use quadratic interpolation for data? /TRUE/ > OUTPUT - (OUtput) Name of resulting scrunched image /@rg289_scr/ > arc_scr You can view the scrunched arc spectral image with Gaia, or use xstract (like ystract above) with fitgauss to look at horitontal cuts made across the top, middle and bottom of the arc's spectral image. Are the wavelengths of the arc lines in the scrunched spectral images good?. Finally, if the scrunching is working ok, "iscrunch" the standard star and science target spectral images using the same argarc.iar as the reference. > iscrunch IMAGE - (IMage) Image to be scrunched /@argarc/ > std_cdist FILE - (FIle) File containing results of 2D arc fit /' '/> argarc.iar ... OUTPUT - (OUtput) Name of resulting scrunched image /@rg289_scr/ > std_scr Or, because everything remains the same for each file, the following which uses the previous input values can be used: > iscrunch IMAGE=star_cdist OUTPUT=star_scr \\ *** You now have a flat-fielded, wavelength-calibrated, sky-subtracted *** spectral image for the target AND for the standard star. *** All that's left to do now is correct for atmospheric *** absorption and (simultaneously) flux-calibrate by dividing *** the later into the former. You can do this either for *** an extracted spectrum or for the whole spectral image of *** the science target. ........................................................ PREPARING THE STANDARD SPECTRA ============================== If you just want to extract a single spectrum from the reduced/group spectral image, and flux calibrate and correct this for telluric absorption, then follow the steps below, under "Extracting Standard Star Spectrum", then "Extracting the Target spectrum". However, if you want to produce a flux-calibrated spectral image (for, e.g. a publishable P-V diagram), look under "Flux Calibrating a Spectral Image". Extracting Standard Star Spectrum --------------------------------- For a compact/point source, optimal extraction is often preferable over simply adding up 3 or 4 rows from the spectral image. Optimal extraction is used for the standard star: Use "profile/optextract" to fit and extract the +ve and -ve beams of the standard (assuming you slid it up and down the slit) and combine these: > profile IMAGE - (IMage) The input 2D data /@P/ > rg121_scr YSTART - (YStart) Y start for window /124/ > 95 YEND - (YEnd) Y end for window /128/ > 97 DEGREE - (DEGree) Degree of polynomial /5/ > NREJECT - (NREJect) Number of points to reject /5/ > PROFILE - (PROFile) Name of resulting profile image /@neg/ > pos RESIDUAL - (RESIDual) Name of image containing residuals /@junk/ > > profile IMAGE - (IMage) The input 2D data /@rg121_scr/ > rg121_scr YSTART - (YStart) Y start for window /95/ > 125 YEND - (YEnd) Y end for window /97/ > 127 DEGREE - (DEGree) Degree of polynomial /5/ > NREJECT - (NREJect) Number of points to reject /5/ > PROFILE - (PROFile) Name of resulting profile image /@pos/ > neg RESIDUAL - (RESIDual) Name of image containing residuals /@junk/ > > optextract IMAGE - (IMage) The 2D data to be reduced to a spectrum /@rg121_scr/ > PROFILE - (PROFile) The normalized spatial profile /@neg/ > pos SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Name of resulting spectrum /@crl_jet_sw_cal3/ > P > optextract IMAGE - (IMage) The 2D data to be reduced to a spectrum /@rg121_scr/ > PROFILE - (PROFile) The normalized spatial profile /@pos/ > neg SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Name of resulting spectrum /@P/ > N Combine the extracted spectra by subtracting the -ve (N) beam from +ve (P): > isub IMAGE - (IMage) Name of first image /@rg121_scr/ > P IMAGE1 - (IMAGE1) Name of second image /@N/ > N OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting image /@crl_jet_sw3/ > bs8170_121 Display on xw or graphics display > soft xw (may not ne needed) > splot SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Spectrum to be plotted /@N/ > bs8170_121 WHOLE - (WHole) Plot all of spectrum? /TRUE/ > AUTOSCALE - (AUtoscale) Scale so all of spectrum fits? /TRUE/ > LABEL - (LABel) Label for plot /'CRL2688 Jet SW3'/ > Standard HARDCOPY - (HArdcopy) Produce plot as a hard copy? /TRUE/ > false You can deriple (irflat) and remove BrGamma spike (isedit) from the standard if necessary. > irflat SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Spectrum containing data /@bs8170_121/ > !! DSA_SPECIFIC_STRUCTURE: Error trying to access the specific structure ! SPECT.MORE.FIGARO.MORE. The structure does not exist. PERIOD - (PERiod) Period of Ripple (pixels) /2/ > OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting ripple spectrum /@RIP/ > RIP Input spectrum name is /home/guest04/data/19990717/rgdir/bs8170_121 Output will be written to /home/guest04/data/19990717/rgdir/RIP Select Regions to be used to generate flat field spectrum XSTART - (XStart) Start X value of region /1.9/ > 1.9 XEND - (XEnd) End X value of region /2.5/ > 2.5 MORE - (MORE) Include additional ranges? /FALSE/ > 1 1.000269 2 0.9997311 > idiv bs8170_121 RIP test > splot test \\ > isedit IMAGE - (IMage) The 1D or 2D data /@bs8170_121/ > test OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting edited data /@bs8170_211e/ > bs8170_121e WHOLE - (WHole) Plot all of spectrum? /TRUE/ > D - Delete Point H - Type this list of commands I - Interpolate Between Two Data Points J - Interpolate Between Two Indicated Points M - Move Point R - Redraw Plot S - Delete This Scan Q - Quit Y - Plot a different Y value Indicate Second Point and Hit any Key Click on the spectrum; use "I" twice to mark left and right side of the BrG line, then "Q" and the line will be masked out. Now you can use "bs8170_121e", the reduced standard star spectrum, to flux calibrated extracted target spectra (or the whole spectral image if need be - see later) Extracting the Target spectrum: ------------------------------- You have two choices; either 1) optimal extraction as above, or, if an extended object 2) extract and average rows over a given range. For the former, the spectrum must be confined to a few rows, i.e. like a point-source spectrum (like the standard). The example below assumes an extended source, though one which is nevertheless slid up and down the slit (so positive and negative beams appear on the group spectral image). > extract IMAGE - (IMage) name of image to extract data from /@P/ > rg169_scr YSTART - (YStart) first y-value to be used /132/ > 83 YEND - (YEnd) last y-value to be used /137/ > 89 SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) name of spectrum to be generated /@crl_disk_e_cal/ > P > extract IMAGE - (IMage) name of image to extract data from /@rg169_scr/ > YSTART - (YStart) first y-value to be used /83/ > 113 YEND - (YEnd) last y-value to be used /89/ > 119 SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) name of spectrum to be generated /@P/ > N > isub IMAGE - (IMage) Name of first image /@rg169_scr/ > P IMAGE1 - (IMAGE1) Name of second image /@N/ > N OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting image /@crl_disk_e/ > crl_disk_w Now flux calibrate and divide out atmospheric effects using IRFLUX: > irflux SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Name of Source spectrum /@N/ > crl_disk_w STANDARD - (STandard) Name of Standard spectrum /@bs8170_211e/ > TEMP - (TEMP) Temperature of standard /6200/ > Standard name given as bs8170 Unable to find an entry for BS8170 in file /star/etc/figaro/kmags.dat CALTYPE - (CALtype) Type of calibration data /'K'/ > MAG - (MAG) magnitude of standard star /5.05/ > OUTPUT - (OUTput) Name of resulting spectrum /@crl_disk_e_cal/> crl_disk_w_cal The resulting, reduced spectrum can again be displayed with splot, and a hardcopy (postscript file) saved to disk, e.g.: > splot SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Spectrum to be plotted /@crl_disk_w_cal/ > WHOLE - (WHole) Plot all of spectrum? /TRUE/ > AUTOSCALE - (AUtoscale) Scale so all of spectrum fits? /FALSE/ > HIGH - (HIgh) Maximum data value to be plotted /500/ > LOW - (LOw) Minimum data value to be plotted /0/ > BIAS - (BIas) Bias value to be added to data /0/ > LABEL - (LABel) Label for plot /'crl2688 disk W'/ > HARDCOPY - (HArdcopy) Produce plot as a hard copy? /FALSE/ > true HARD /''/ > ps_l > mv gks74.ps crl_disk_w.ps > lp -dhp2 crl_disk_w.ps Flux Calibrating a Spectral Image --------------------------------- To flux calibrate a whole spectral image, optimally extract the standard star spectrum as described above, divide this by a blackbody (that has been normalised at a reference wavelength), and "grow" this into a 2-D image. This can then be used for flux calibration and telluric correction for the whole image. Basically, you must divide the group spectral image of the target by the spectral image "grown" out of the standard Star spectrum. Here we assume that the optimally extracted standard spectrum is called "bs8170spec" First, create a blackbody spectrum with "bbdoy" for the same temperature as the standard. bs8170 is a G2V star (mag 6.7) so its temp is 6500K > bbody -> bbspec... normalise this bb function so that the counts are 1 at a reference wavelength, say 2.2 microns. Splot "bbspec" and use ICUR to measure the flux at 2.2microns. Say the counts are 2000... > idiv bbspec 2000 bbspec_norm Now divide out the BB function associated with the standard star spectrum: > idiv bs8170spec bbspec_norm bs8170spec_bb Next, make an "image" from this spectrum. The image MUST be the same size as the image of the target (probably 1024 rows). > growx SPECTRUM - (SPectrum) Spectrum to be "grown" into image /@starspec/ > bs8170spec_bb NEW - (NEw) Force creation of a new image? /TRUE/ > IMAGE - (IMage) Image to grow spectrum into /@hh72/ > bs8170im YSTART - (YStart) First cross-section to copy spectrum into /1/ > YEND - (YEnd) Last cross-section to copy spectrum into /178/ > 1024 YSIZE - (YSIze) Y-dimension of new image /178/ > 1024 Finally, you can divide the "image" of the standard into the "image" of the source and - viola - you've corrected for telluric absorption. If, before you do this, you scale the counts so that both the standard star spectrum and the target image are in counts/second (i.e. divide by the exposure time), you can use the known flux density of the standard (W/m2/micron, say, or mJy) to give a meaningful flux scale across the corrected spectral image of the science target. The command "fwconv" can also be used to convert the flux to ergs, or Watts, if need be...
Last updated Sep 2003.