OMP Web Page Contents and Usage
The OMP web pages give access to all available information on Programme completion, MSBs executed etc., and also provide remote users access to their data. This document discusses the functions available and gives worked examples of external PI’s use of the system. The examples are essentially UKIRT-specific but the principles are the same.
Document Sections:
Accessing the system | How to get in, from the UKIRT home page |
The OMP Sidebar | The sidebar is everything. Understand this and you have the key to successful use of the system |
Viewing data and remote eavesdropping | Monitoring your reduced data products on the web, either in real time or after the night is complete |
Retrieving data | Getting your actual data files |
Accessing the system

From the UKIRT home page sidebar, select Obs. Management.
The OMP Sidebar
Understanding the sidebar once into the OMP pages is crucial to your successful use of the system. The contents of this bar change depending on where you are in the system:

At home page level. Links get you into the “Feedback” system (via a project ID prompt), the Fault system, and back to the home page.
The following three panels show the sidebar as it becomes when you click on each of the three links here.
Note: “Project info” refers to the OMP project, not any observing programme.

At the Feedback System top level. Note that in this example we’ve entered project ID u/03a/22, and so all of the links below the title line refer to this particular project.
Tip: If you return to OMP home at this point, then select OMP Feedback system again (see the panel above) you will still be looking at project u/03a/22 (the system remembers). Use Logout (at the bottom) to disassociate yourself from this project.
Tip: this sidebar contains virtually all the useful functions as far as a remote PI is concerned. We suggest that you click each of these links one by one and look carefully at the information displayed on the page. This is expanded upon below.

At the Fault system level. Click on “UKIRT Faults” to get to UKIRT-specific faults.

At the UKIRT fault level. Note the two new links, for filing and viewing faults, and the fault ID textbox if you happen to know the particulat reference number of the fault you’re after.
Note: this sidebar remains the same if you’re filing or viewing a fault.
The following panels show typical pages seen when clicking down through the project feedback sidebar entries for a given project.
Project Home

Feedback Entries

Program Details

This page reflects the current state of the observation database for your programme. For each MSB in the database, it lists the content of the MSB, the number of times it remains to be observed, conditions requirements and its expected duration. These parameters are the same ones as used to query the database by summit observers, so you should ensure that they reflect your wishes.
Add Comment

MSB History


OMP Home
The obvious place.
Note: this is not the same as Logout.

Viewing data and eavesdropping on observing in progress
For a limited period after the data were taken (typically a week, but beware that this is dependent on disk space at the summit) you can view the reduced data products from the summit pipeline via the project log pages. Here is the basic sequence, following which we show screen shots for an example programme:
- Login to your project home page (top link on the OMP page sidebar)
- Click on one of the UT dates for which data are listed as having been taken
- In the resulting list of observations (below the MSB list) click on one of the data product links, which are at the righthand end of the observation list table.
For spectroscopy, the reduced group image is the _group (the same _group is linked to from the end of each frame’s line). For imaging, the reduced group is the _mos (mosaic) image.
Note that if you have a tabbed browser (Mozilla or Netscape 7 for example) then you can set it to open a new tab when middle-clicking on a link; this will save you from reloading the observation list repeatedly in order to look at more than one image/spectrum.
In detail, with screen captures for an example programme (the detailed appearance of some of these pages is subject to change but the basic idea will generally be as shown here):
Step 1 – go to the project home page

Step 2 – select a given UT date

Step 3 – Inspect the Observation list
The example below shows only the extreme left and right edges of the table. Note the _group links for the final reduced spectroscopy group, and _wce for the individual frames. These links all take you to a WORF page for closer inspection.

Step 4 – Inspect the data
For example, a spectral image:

…and the same image after selecting a horizontal cut:

Since February 2005, we also provide links to FITS and NDF images, and an Aladin viewer. These are all accessible from the WORF page:

Aladin (added February 2005)
The Aladin viewer is particularly useful for inspecting reduced imaging products (at the time of writing, it is only available for imaging). Please note that a normal mosaic image can take tens of seconds to load – check the image stack at the right hand side of the Aladin display.

Retrieving data
Data can be retrieved from the OMP system in three straightforward steps. As with all operations relating to your project, everything starts from your project home page, so log into that first.
Step 1 – Select the UT date you want to get data for

Step 2 – Go there

Step 3 – Get the data
Click on “Retrieve data with calibrations” or “Retrieve data without calibrations”. The former retrieves all observations from the night which had “flag as standard” ticked in the Observation box in the OT, the latter omits those unless they are directly associated with the programme in question.