ORAC-DR will produce individual images (for each of the pol vectors)
labelled _I, _P, _th, etc. It will also produce a "catalogue" file,
.FIT: for example, gu20020101_123_I.sdf, gu20020101_123_P.sdf,
gu20020101_123.FIT, etc.
1. Copy files to something more meaningful...
> cp gu20020101_123.FIT smm1.FIT
> cp gu20020101_123_I.sdf smm1_I.sdf
2. Bin up values in the catalogue file:
> polbin
IN - Input catalogue /@m87j_bin/ > smm1 <<------ smm1
BOX - Bin size /5/ > 3
METHOD - Binning method /'mean'/ >
OUT - Output catalogue > smm1_bin <<------ smm1_bin
320 vectors written to the output catalogue.
3. Create a "sub"-catalogue which contains only select values,
in this case for pixels where Intensity > 0 but Polarisation
percent is < 0, and polarisation is at least 3-sigma
> catselect
CATIN - Input catalogue: /@smm1_avcube(,,1)/ > smm1_bin
CATOUT - Output catalogue: > smm1_thr <<------ smm1_thr
REJCAT - Rejects catalogue? /NO/ >
SELTYP - Selection type: /''/ > e
EXPR - Selection expression: > I>0 & P/dp > 3 & P<10
88 objects selected.
4. Display image (created by ORAC-DR) and overplot vectors:
> display smm1_I
MODE - Method to define the scaling limits /'per'/ >
PERCENTILES - Percentiles for scaling /[10,90]/ >
Data will be scaled from -0.0009998139 to 0.002607805.
> lutgrey
> polplot smm1_thr noclear frame=pixel vscale=8
Alignment has occurred within the PIXEL Domain.
88 vectors plotted.
5. Finally, create image from the smoothed catalogue file created earlier:
> polimage
IN - Input catalogue /@unpol_K_cat/ > smm1_thr
COLDAT - Name of catalogue column holding data values /'U'/ > P
OUT - Output image /@unpol_K_U/ > smm1_thr_P <<------ smm1_thr_P
COLDAT - Name of catalogue column holding data values /'ang'/ > DP
OUT - Output image /@smm1_thr_ang/ > @smm1_thr_dP
COLDAT - Name of catalogue column holding data values /'z'/ > ang
OUT - Output image /@dp/ > smm1_thr_ang
> ls *_thr*.sdf
smm1_thr_P.sdf smm1_thr_dP.sdf smm4_thr_ang.sdf
smm1_thr_ang.sdf smm4_thr_P.sdf smm4_thr_dP.sdf