UKIRT refereed publication list for 1993 – Instrument

UKIRT refereed publication list for 1993 – Instrument

No. of Articles: 72 (last updated 26 May 2015)

1-D Speckle Cam (1 article)

  1. Dewarf, L. E. & Dyck, H. M.
    The infrared morphology of young stellar objects without companions – A speckle interferometric study
    AJ, 105, 2211 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 9

Total number of citations: 10

BERKCAM (1 article)

  1. Keto, Eric, Ball, Roger, Arens, John, Jernigan, Garrett, Meixner, Margaret, Skinner, Christopher & Graham, James
    The mid-infrared radio correlation at high angular resolution – NGC 253
    ApJ, 413, 23 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 27

Total number of citations: 29

CGS2 (1 article)

  1. Kerr, T. H., Adamson, A. J. & Whittet, D. C. B.
    Infrared spectroscopy of solid CO – The Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud
    MNRAS, 262, 1047 (41 refereed citations) (49 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 41

Total number of citations: 49

CGS3 (2 articles)

  1. Dudley, C. C. & Wynn-Williams, C. G.
    The 8-13 micron spectrum of ARP 299C
    ApJ, 407, 65 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
  2. Hanner, M. S., Russell, R. W., Lynch, D. K. & Brooke, T. Y.
    Infrared spectroscopy and photometry of Comet Austin 1990 V
    Icar, 101, 64 (16 refereed citations) (18 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 29

Total number of citations: 31

CGS4 (27 articles)

  1. Aspin, C. & 17 authors
    Near-IR spectroscopy and imaging photometry of M 1-16: Bipolar H2 jets in a post-AGB transition object
    A&A, 278, 255
  2. Block, D. L., Geballe, T. R. & Dyson, J. E.
    An Embedded Cluster of Stars at the Rosette Giant Molecular Cloud Co/ Peak
    A&A, 273, 41
  3. Brooke, T. Y., Tokunaga, A. T. & Strom, S. E.
    Dust emission features in 3-micron spectra of Herbig Ae/Be stars
    AJ, 106, 656 (56 refereed citations) (64 total citations)
  4. Chandler, C. J., Carlstrom, J. E., Scoville, N. Z., Dent, W. R. F. & Geballe, T. R.
    Infrared CO emission from young stars – High-resolution spectroscopy
    ApJ, 412, 71 (66 refereed citations) (80 total citations)
  5. Chrysostomou, A., Brand, P. W. J. L., Burton, M. G. & Moorhouse, A.
    Physical Conditions in Photodissociation Regions – M17 Northern Bar
    MNRAS, 265, 329 (43 refereed citations) (48 total citations)
  6. Conti, Peter S., Block, David L., Geballe, T. R. & Hanson, Margaret M.
    First detection of ionized helium absorption lines in infrared K band spectra of O-type stars
    ApJ, 406, 21 (10 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
  7. Cruikshank, D. P. & 7 authors
    Ices on the surface of Triton
    Sci, 261, 742 (177 refereed citations) (197 total citations)
  8. Davies, J. K., Puxley, P. J., Mumma, M. J., Reuter, D. C., Hoban, S., Weaver, H. A. & Lumsden, S. L.
    The infrared (3.2-3.6 micron) spectrum of Comet P/Swift-Tuttle – Detection of methanol and other organics
    MNRAS, 265, 1022 (11 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
  9. Drew, J. E., Bunn, J. C. & Hoare, M. G.
    Constraints on the Outflow in S:106IR from Hei 2.058-MICRON Absorption Line and HI Emission Line Profiles
    MNRAS, 265, 12 (27 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
  10. Eales, Stephen A. & Rawlings, Steve
    Infrared spectroscopy of 11 radio galaxies at Z equals 2-4 – Evidence that some high-redshift radio galaxies may be protogalaxies
    ApJ, 411, 67 (107 refereed citations) (115 total citations)
  11. Eales, Steve, Rawlings, Steve, Puxley, Phil, Rocca-Volmerange, Brigitte & Kuntz, Kip
    Evidence that the Z = 3.4 radio galaxy B2 0902+34 may be a protogalaxy
    Natur, 363, 140 (34 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
  12. Everall, C., Coe, M. J., Norton, A. J., Roche, P. & Unger, S. J.
    K-band spectroscopy of Be-star X-ray binaries
    MNRAS, 262, 57 (8 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
  13. Ferrario, Lilia, Bailey, Jeremy & Wickramasinghe, Dayal T.
    Detection of cyclotron emission features in the infrared spectrum of ST LMi
    MNRAS, 262, 285 (27 refereed citations) (39 total citations)
  14. Geballe, T. R., Jagod, M.-F. & Oka, T.
    Detection of H3(+) infrared emission lines in Saturn
    ApJ, 408, 109 (83 refereed citations) (88 total citations)
  15. Hanson, M. M., Geballe, T. R., Conti, P. S. & Block, D. L.
    On the Nature of the Stellar Cluster at the Rosette Giant Molecular Cloud Co/ Peak
    A&A, 273, 44
  16. Hodapp, Klaus-Werner & Deane, James
    Star formation in the L1641 North cluster
    ApJS, 88, 119 (43 refereed citations) (52 total citations)
  17. Hu, E. M., Songaila, A., Cowie, L. L. & Hodapp, K.-W.
    Upper Limits to Balmer-Line Emission in Three Z approximately 2 Damped Lyman- alpha Systems
    ApJ, 419, 13 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
  18. Ivison, R. J., Munari, U. & Marang, F.
    On the Symbiotic Star V919-SAGITTARII
    A&A, 277, 510
  19. Kerr, T. H., Adamson, A. J. & Whittet, D. C. B.
    Infrared spectroscopy of solid CO – The Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud
    MNRAS, 262, 1047 (41 refereed citations) (49 total citations)
  20. Krisciunas, K. & 10 authors
    The 9-AURIGAE System
    MNRAS, 263, 781 (22 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
  21. Owen, T. C. & 9 authors
    Surface ices and the atmospheric composition of Pluto
    Sci, 261, 745 (221 refereed citations) (247 total citations)
  22. Ramsay, S. K., Chrysostomou, A., Geballe, T. R., Brand, P. W. J. L. & Mountain, M.
    Pure Fluorescent H2 Emission from Hubble 12
    MNRAS, 263, 695 (46 refereed citations) (51 total citations)
  23. Sandford, Scott A., Allamandola, Louis J. & Geballe, Thomas R.
    Spectroscopic detection of molecular hydrogen frozen in interstellar ices
    Sci, 262, 400 (50 refereed citations) (57 total citations)
  24. Tinney, C. G., Mould, J. R. & Reid, I. N.
    The faintest stars – Infrared photometry, spectra, and bolometric magnitude
    AJ, 105, 1045 (130 refereed citations) (147 total citations)
  25. Trafton, L. M., Geballe, T. R., Miller, S., Tennyson, J. & Ballester, G. E.
    Detection of H3(+) from Uranus
    ApJ, 405, 761 (85 refereed citations) (94 total citations)
  26. Waters, L. B. F. M., Marlborough, J. M., Geballe, T. R., Oosterbroek, T. & Zaal, P.
    Infrared Emission Lines in Tau-Scorpii – a Pole-On Be-Star
    A&A, 272, 9
  27. van Kerkwijk, M. H.
    Spectroscopic and Photometric Variability of CYGNUS-X-3
    A&A, 276, 9

Total number of refereed citations: 1304

Total number of citations: 1485

IRCAM (28 articles)

  1. Appleton, P. N. & Marcum, P. M.
    Infrared Observations of the Seyfert Ring Galaxy NGC 985
    ApJ, 417, 90 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
  2. Aragon-Salamanca, Alfonso, Ellis, Richard S., Couch, Warrick J. & Carter, David
    Evidence for systematic evolution in the properties of galaxies in distant clusters
    MNRAS, 262, 764 (206 refereed citations) (236 total citations)
  3. Aspin, C. & 17 authors
    Near-IR spectroscopy and imaging photometry of M 1-16: Bipolar H2 jets in a post-AGB transition object
    A&A, 278, 255
  4. Carr, John S.
    The H2 velocity field in Herbig-Haro 7-11
    ApJ, 406, 553 (36 refereed citations) (44 total citations)
  5. Casares, J., Charles, P. A., Naylor, T. & Pavlenko, E. P.
    Optical Studies of V:404-CYGNI the X-Ray Transient GS:2023+338 – Part Three – the Secondary Star and Accretion Disc
    MNRAS, 265, 834 (94 refereed citations) (100 total citations)
  6. Chen, H., Tokunaga, A. T., Strom, K. M. & Hodapp, K.-W.
    Infrared and optical imaging of IRAS sources with CO outflow – A snapshot of early star formation
    ApJ, 407, 639 (32 refereed citations) (38 total citations)
  7. Dunlop, J. S. & Peacock, J. A.
    Luminosity Dependence of Optical Activity and Alignments Into Radio Galaxies
    MNRAS, 263, 936 (96 refereed citations) (113 total citations)
  8. Dunlop, J. S., Taylor, G. L., Hughes, D. H. & Robson, E. I.
    Infrared Imaging of the Host Galaxies of Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet Quasars
    MNRAS, 264, 455 (84 refereed citations) (105 total citations)
  9. Eales, Stephen A., Rawlings, Steve, Dickinson, Mark, Spinrad, Hyron, Hill, Gary J. & Lacy, Mark
    An optically luminous radio galaxy at Z = 3.22 and the K-z diagram at high redshift
    ApJ, 409, 578 (56 refereed citations) (61 total citations)
  10. Eales, Steve, Rawlings, Steve, Puxley, Phil, Rocca-Volmerange, Brigitte & Kuntz, Kip
    Evidence that the Z = 3.4 radio galaxy B2 0902+34 may be a protogalaxy
    Natur, 363, 140 (34 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
  11. Gopal-Krishna, Yates, M., Wiita, Paul J., Smette, A., Pati, A. & Altieri, B.
    Near-infrared and optical imaging of Q2345+007: The largest gravitationally lensed QSO system?
    A&A, 280, 360
  12. Hubbard, W. B. & 21 authors
    The occultation of 28 SGR by Saturn – Saturn pole position and astrometry
    Icar, 103, 215 (25 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
  13. Hughes, D. H., Robson, E. I., Dunlop, J. S. & Gear, W. K.
    Thermal Dust Emission from Quasars – Part One – Submillimetre Spectral Indices of Radio Quiet Quasars
    MNRAS, 263, 607 (80 refereed citations) (94 total citations)
  14. Lawrence, A. & 16 authors
    Optical, infrared, radio and polarization imaging of the high-redshift galaxy IRAS F10214 + 4724
    MNRAS, 260, 28 (51 refereed citations) (66 total citations)
  15. Mobasher, B., Sharples, R. M. & Ellis, R. S.
    A Complete Galaxy Redshift Survey – Part Five – Infrared Luminosity Functions for Field Galaxies
    MNRAS, 263, 560 (119 refereed citations) (136 total citations)
  16. Norton, A. J., Coe, M. J., Unger, S. J., Margon, B. & Phillips, A. C.
    Infrared observations of highly variable radio sources in the galactic plane
    MNRAS, 260, 883 (4 refereed citations) (4 total citations)
  17. Rowan-Robinson, M. & 15 authors
    The ultraviolet-to-radio continuum of the ultraluminous galaxy IRAS F10214 + 4724
    MNRAS, 261, 513 (100 refereed citations) (118 total citations)
  18. Shahbaz, T., Naylor, T. & Charles, P. A.
    An Ellipsoidal Study of Centaurus-X-4
    MNRAS, 265, 655 (73 refereed citations) (81 total citations)
  19. Shaw, M.
    The stellar dynamics of ‘box/peanut’ galactic bulges
    A&A, 280, 33
  20. Shaw, M.
    The stellar dynamics of ‘box/peanut’ galactic bulges
    A&A, 280, 33
  21. Shaw, M. A., Combes, F., Axon, D. J. & Wright, G. S.
    Isophote Twists in the Nuclear Regions of Barred Spiral Galaxies
    A&A, 273, 31
  22. Smail, I., Ellis, R. S., Aragon-Salamanca, A., Soucail, G., Mellier, Y. & Giraud, E.
    The Nature of Star Formation in Lensed Galaxies at High Redshift
    MNRAS, 263, 628 (21 refereed citations) (27 total citations)
  23. Smith, R. G.
    The Dust around the Cometary Nebula PARSAMIAN:13S
    MNRAS, 264, 587 (7 refereed citations) (8 total citations)
  24. Spinrad, Hyron, Dey, Arjun, Yates, Mark, Dickinson, Mark & van Breugel, Wil
    3C 364 – A steep-spectrum radio galaxy at Z = 0.92
    AJ, 106, 6 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations)
  25. Steele, I. A., Jameson, R. F. & Hambly, N. C.
    RIJHK Photometry of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades
    MNRAS, 263, 647 (29 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
  26. Walther, D. M., Robson, E. I., Aspin, C. & Dent, W. R. F.
    JHKL Imaging and K Polarimetry of the Bipolar Outflow NGC 2071
    ApJ, 418, 310 (21 refereed citations) (28 total citations)
  27. Zhou, Shudong, Wynn-Williams, C. G. & Sanders, D. B.
    Imaging of luminous infrared galaxies at 3.4 microns
    ApJ, 409, 149 (30 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
  28. Zitelli, V., Granato, G. L., Mandolesi, N., Wade, R. & Danese, L.
    A near-infrared study of a homogeneous sample of optically selected active galactic nuclei. I – The observations
    ApJS, 84, 185 (31 refereed citations) (32 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 1245

Total number of citations: 1437

IRPOL (1 article)

  1. Walther, D. M., Robson, E. I., Aspin, C. & Dent, W. R. F.
    JHKL Imaging and K Polarimetry of the Bipolar Outflow NGC 2071
    ApJ, 418, 310 (21 refereed citations) (28 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 21

Total number of citations: 28

MIRACLE (1 article)

  1. Cameron, Murray & 7 authors
    Subarcsecond Mid-Infrared Imaging of Warm Dust in the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 1068
    ApJ, 419, 136 (78 refereed citations) (88 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 78

Total number of citations: 88

MPE heterodyne Rx (1 article)

  1. Graf, U. U., Eckart, A., Genzel, R., Harris, A. I., Poglitsch, A., Russell, A. P. G. & Stutzki, J.
    CO lines toward NGC 2024 and other star-forming regions – A closer look at the warm gas component
    ApJ, 405, 249 (38 refereed citations) (46 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 38

Total number of citations: 46

UCL mid-IR spectrometer (1 article)

  1. Aitken, David K., Wright, Christopher M., Smith, Craig H. & Roche, Patrick F.
    Studies in mid-infrared spectropolarimetry. I – Magnetic fields, discs and flows in star formation regions
    MNRAS, 262, 456 (35 refereed citations) (39 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 35

Total number of citations: 39

UKT14 (1 article)

  1. Graf, U. U., Eckart, A., Genzel, R., Harris, A. I., Poglitsch, A., Russell, A. P. G. & Stutzki, J.
    CO lines toward NGC 2024 and other star-forming regions – A closer look at the warm gas component
    ApJ, 405, 249 (38 refereed citations) (46 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 38

Total number of citations: 46

UKT7 (1 article)

  1. Robson, E. I. & 11 authors
    The infrared-millimetre-centimetre flaring behaviour of the quasar 3C 273
    MNRAS, 262, 249 (52 refereed citations) (60 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 52

Total number of citations: 60

UKT8 (1 article)

  1. Robson, E. I. & 11 authors
    The infrared-millimetre-centimetre flaring behaviour of the quasar 3C 273
    MNRAS, 262, 249 (52 refereed citations) (60 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 52

Total number of citations: 60

UKT9 (12 articles)

  1. Andre, Philippe, Ward-Thompson, Derek & Barsony, Mary
    Submillimeter continuum observations of Rho Ophiuchi A – The candidate protostar VLA 1623 and prestellar clumps
    ApJ, 406, 122 (870 refereed citations) (1028 total citations)
  2. Blommaert, J. A. D. L., van der Veen, W. E. C. J. & Habing, H. J.
    Candidate OH/IR stars in the outer parts of our Galaxy
    A&A, 267, 39
  3. Coe, M. J. & 7 authors
    Infrared and optical studies of Be star/X-ray binaries
    A&AS, 97, 245
  4. Conlon, E. S., Dufton, P. L., Keenan, F. P., McCausland, R. J. H. & Little, J. E.
    Infrared Observations of Possible Hot Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
    A&A, 272, 243
  5. Conlon, E. S., Dufton, P. L., McCausland, R. J. H. & Keenan, F. P.
    LSIV -12 deg 111 – A candidate halo proto-planetary nebula
    ApJ, 408, 593 (36 refereed citations) (44 total citations)
  6. Davies, J. K., Sykes, M. V. & Cruikshank, D. P.
    Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the unusual minor planet 5145 Pholus (1992AD)
    Icar, 102, 166 (44 refereed citations) (49 total citations)
  7. Fernley, J. A., Skillen, I. & Burki, G.
    Infrared photometry and radial velocities of field RR Lyraes
    A&AS, 97, 815
  8. Gear, W. K.
    Are There Two Populations of Bl-Lacertae Objects
    MNRAS, 264, 919 (22 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
  9. Hill, Gary J., Thompson, Keith L. & Elston, Richard
    Optical lines in high-redshift quasi-stellar objects – Balmer lines, forbidden O III, and Fe II
    ApJ, 414, 1 (30 refereed citations) (36 total citations)
  10. Kwok, Sun, Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Langill, Philip P.
    Photometry and imaging of the peculiar planetary nebula IRAS 21282 + 5050
    ApJ, 408, 586 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
  11. Noll, K. S. & Knacke, R. F.
    Titan – 1.5 micron photometry and spectrophotometry and a search for variability
    Icar, 101, 272 (21 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
  12. Zitelli, V., Granato, G. L., Mandolesi, N., Wade, R. & Danese, L.
    A near-infrared study of a homogeneous sample of optically selected active galactic nuclei. I – The observations
    ApJS, 84, 185 (31 refereed citations) (32 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 1071

Total number of citations: 1255