UKIRT refereed publication list for 1996 – First Author

UKIRT refereed publication list for 1996 – First Author

No. of Articles: 83 (last updated 26 May 2015)

  1. Alonso-Herrero, A., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Zamorano, J. & Rego, M.
    Star formation history in a sample of starburst galaxies.
    MNRAS, 278, 417 (32 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [IRCAM]
  2. Alonso-Herrero, A., Ward, M. J. & Kotilainen, J. K.
    The near-infrared continuum of Seyfert 2s – deconvolution into the stellar and non-stellar components.
    MNRAS, 278, 902 (47 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [IRCAM]
  3. Aragon-Salamanca, Alfonso, Ellis, Richard S. & O’Brien, Kieran S.
    Faint galaxies close to QSOs with damped Lyman alpha absorption systems
    MNRAS, 281, 945 (15 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  4. Beekman, G., Shahbaz, T., Naylor, T. & Charles, P. A.
    The mass of the black hole in GS 2000+25 (=QZ Vul).
    MNRAS, 281, 1 (18 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  5. Bester, M., Danchi, W. C., Hale, D., Townes, C. H., Degiacomi, C. G., Mekarnia, D. & Geballe, T. R.
    Measurement at 11 Micron Wavelengths of the Diameters of alpha Orionis and alpha Scorpii: Changes in Effective Temperature of alpha Orionis and Very Recent Dust Emission
    ApJ, 463, 336 (51 refereed citations) (63 total citations) [UKT8,CGS3]
  6. Bontemps, S., Ward-Thompson, D. & Andre, P.
    Discovery of a jet emanating from the protostar HH 24 MMS.
    A&A, 314, 477 [IRCAM3]
  7. Brooke, T. Y., Orton, G. S., Crisp, D., Friedson, A. J. & Bjoraker, G. L.
    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact Sites with UKIRT: CO Emission from the L Site and Additional 5-mum Spectra
    Icar, 121, 422 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [CGS4]
  8. Casali, M. M. & Eiroa, C.
    The photospheres of embedded young stellar objects.
    A&A, 306, 427 [CGS4]
  9. Castro-Tirado, A. J., Geballe, T. R. & Lund, N.
    Infrared Spectroscopy of the Superluminal Galactic Source GRS 1915+105 During the September 1994 Outburst
    ApJ, 461, 99 (26 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [CGS4]
  10. Chambers, K. C., Miley, G. K., van Breugel, W. J. M., Bremer, M. A. R., Huang, J.-S. & Trentham, N. A.
    Ultra–Steep-Spectrum Radio Sources. II. Radio, Infrared, Optical, and HST Imaging of High-Redshift 4C Objects
    ApJS, 106, 247 (62 refereed citations) (68 total citations) [IRCAM]
  11. Chiar, J. E., Adamson, A. J. & Whittet, D. C. B.
    Three Micron Hydrocarbon and Methanol Absorption in Taurus
    ApJ, 472, 665 (82 refereed citations) (102 total citations) [CGS4]
  12. Chrysostomou, A., Hough, J. H., Whittet, D. C. B., Aitken, D. K., Roche, P. F. & Lazarian, A.
    Interstellar Polarization from CO and XCN Mantled Grains: A Severe Test for Grain Alignment Mechanisms
    ApJ, 465, 61 (24 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [CGS4]
  13. Coe, M. J., Fabregat, J., Negueruela, I., Roche, P. & Steele, I. A.
    Discovery of the optical counterpart to the ASCA transient AX 1845.0-0433
    MNRAS, 281, 333 (25 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [CGS4]
  14. Cohen, Martin, Witteborn, Fred C., Carbon, Duane F., Davies, John K., Wooden, Diane H. & Bregman, Jesse D.
    Spectral Irradiance Calibration in the Infrared.VII.New Composite Spectra, Comparison with Model Atmospheres, and Far-Infrared Extrapolations
    AJ, 112, 2274 (88 refereed citations) (102 total citations) [CGS3]
  15. Collins, C. A., Parkes, I. M. & Joseph, R. D.
    Limits on Halpha emission from young galaxies
    MNRAS, 282, 903 (1 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [IRCAM]
  16. Crowther, P. A. & Smith, L. J.
    An infrared spectral analysis of two Cygnus WNE stars.
    A&A, 305, 541 [CGS4]
  17. Davis, C. J. & Smith, M. D.
    Echelle spectroscopy of shocked H_2_ in the L1448 outflow.
    A&A, 309, 929 [CGS4]
  18. Davis, C. J. & Smith, M. D.
    Near-IR imaging and spectroscopy of DR21: a case for supersonic turbulence.
    A&A, 310, 961 [CGS4]
  19. Davis, Christopher J., Eisloeffel, Jochen & Smith, Michael D.
    Near-Infrared and Optical Observations of an Obliquely Viewed Bow Shock: AS 353A/HH 32
    ApJ, 463, 246 (27 refereed citations) (30 total citations) [CGS4]
  20. Dougherty, S. M., Williams, P. M., van der Hucht, K. A., Bode, M. F. & Davis, R. J.
    Multifrequency observations of the Wolf-Rayet star WR 146: another colliding-wind binary?
    MNRAS, 280, 963 (47 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [UKT9]
  21. Dunlop, James, Peacock, John, Spinrad, Hyron, Dey, Arjun, Jimenez, Raul, Stern, Daniel & Windhorst, Rogier
    A 3.5-Gyr-old galaxy at redshift 1.55
    Natur, 381, 581 (311 refereed citations) (378 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  22. Eales, Stephen A. & Rawlings, Steve
    A Panoramic View of Radio Galaxy Evolution from a Redshift of 0 to a Redshift of 4.3
    ApJ, 460, 68 (59 refereed citations) (74 total citations) [CGS4,IRCAM]
  23. Egami, E., Iwamuro, F., Maihara, T., Oya, S. & Cowie, L. L.
    Hawaii 167 and Q0059-2735: Heavily Dust-Enshrouded Young QSOs
    AJ, 112, 73 (43 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [CGS4]
  24. Evans, A., Geballe, T. R., Rawlings, J. M. C. & Scott, A. D.
    Infrared spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993 – I. The pre-dust phase
    MNRAS, 282, 1049 (46 refereed citations) (47 total citations) [CGS4]
  25. Fender, R. P. & Bell Burnell, S. J.
    A new deep infrared finder chart for the Cygnus X-3 field.
    A&A, 308, 497 [IRCAM3]
  26. Fender, R. P., Bell Burnell, S. J., Williams, P. M. & Webster, A. S.
    Flaring and quiescent infrared behaviour of Cygnus X-3
    MNRAS, 283, 798 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKT9,UKT10]
  27. Gardner, J. P.
    K-band photometry of spectroscopic redshift survey objects.
    MNRAS, 279, 1157 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [IRCAM2,IRCAM3]
  28. Geballe, T. R. & Oka, T.
    Detection of H+3 in interstellar space
    Natur, 384, 334 (186 refereed citations) (219 total citations) [CGS4]
  29. Geballe, T. R., Kulkarni, S. R., Woodward, Charles E. & Sloan, G. C.
    The Near-Infrared Spectrum of the Brown Dwarf Gliese 229B
    ApJ, 467, 101 (71 refereed citations) (99 total citations) [CGS4]
  30. Groenewegen, M. A. T., Oudmaijer, R. D., Goudfrooij, P., van den Hoek, L. B. & van Kerkwijk, M. H.
    On the nature of AFGL 2477.
    A&A, 305, 475 [CGS2]
  31. Guenther, E. W. & Emerson, J. P.
    Infrared lines for measuring the magnetic field strength of T Tauri stars.
    A&A, 309, 777 [CGS4]
  32. Hartman, R. C. & 27 authors
    Simultaneous Multiwavelength Spectrum and Variability of 3C 279 from 10 9 to 10 24 Hz
    ApJ, 461, 698 (101 refereed citations) (122 total citations) [IRCAM]
  33. Heisler, Charlene A., De Robertis, M. M. & Nadeau, D.
    Near-infrared surface photometry of `Sixty Micron Peaker’ galaxies
    MNRAS, 280, 579 (11 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [IRCAM]
  34. Hora, Joseph L., Deutsch, Lynne K., Hoffmann, William F. & Fazio, Giovanni G.
    Mid-Infrared Imaging of the Bipolar Nebulae AFGL 618, AFGL 2688, and AFGL 915
    AJ, 112, 2064 (20 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [MIRAC]
  35. Hough, J. H., Chrysostomou, A., Messinger, D. W., Whittet, D. C. B., Aitken, D. K. & Roche, P. F.
    Spectropolarimetry of the 3 Micron Ice Feature toward the Becklin-Neugebauer Object
    ApJ, 461, 902 (25 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [CGS4]
  36. Joblin, C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Allamandola, L. J. & Geballe, T. R.
    Spatial Variation of the 3.29 and 3.40 Micron Emission Bands within Reflection Nebulae and the Photochemical Evolution of Methylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    ApJ, 458, 610 (98 refereed citations) (120 total citations) [CGS2]
  37. Joblin, C., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Geballe, T. R. & Wooden, D. H.
    Variations of the 8.6 and 11.3 MU M Emission Bands within NGC 1333: Evidence for PAH Cations
    ApJ, 460, 119 (75 refereed citations) (93 total citations) [CGS3]
  38. Jones, Hugh R. A., Longmore, Andrew J., Allard, France & Hauschildt, Peter H.
    Spectral analysis of M dwarfs
    MNRAS, 280, 77 (79 refereed citations) (86 total citations) [CGS4]
  39. Justtanont, K., Barlow, M. J., Skinner, C. J., Roche, P. F., Aitken, D. K. & Smith, C. H.
    Mid-infrared spectroscopy of carbon-rich post-AGB objects and detection of the PAH molecule chrysene.
    A&A, 309, 612 [CGS3,UCL Spectrometer]
  40. Justtanont, K., Skinner, C. J., Tielens, A. G. G. M., Meixner, M. & Baas, F.
    Modeling of the Dust and Gas Outflows from OH 26.5+0.6: The Superwind
    ApJ, 456, 337 (51 refereed citations) (63 total citations) [CGS3]
  41. Kluckers, V. A., Wooder, N. J., Dainty, J. C. & Longmore, A. J.
    Comparison of shift-and-add and bispectrum image reconstruction methods for astronomy in the near infrared.
    JOSAA, 13, 1577 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations) [IRCAM]
  42. Lacy, Mark & Rawlings, Steve
    Imaging of the field of 4C 41.17 below the Lyman limit
    MNRAS, 280, 888 (12 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  43. Leggett, S. K., Allard, F., Berriman, Graham, Dahn, Conard C. & Hauschildt, Peter H.
    Infrared Spectra of Low-Mass Stars: Toward a Temperature Scale for Red Dwarfs
    ApJS, 104, 117 (213 refereed citations) (237 total citations) [CGS4]
  44. Liu, Michael C. & 8 authors
    Mid-Infrared Imaging of Young Stellar Objects
    ApJ, 461, 334 (30 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [IRCAM]
  45. Liu, Michael C., Graham, James R. & Wright, Gillian S.
    IRAS FSC 15307+3252: Gravitationally Lensed Seyfert or Cannibal Elliptical at Z = 0.93?
    ApJ, 470, 771 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [CGS4]
  46. Lucas, P. W. & Roche, P. F.
    Near-infrared observations of L1551-IRS5 with image sharpening
    MNRAS, 280, 1219 (13 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  47. Lumsden, S. L. & Puxley, P. J.
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of the ultracompact HII region G45.12+0.13
    MNRAS, 281, 493 (30 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [CGS4]
  48. Lumsden, Stuart L. & Hoare, Melvin G.
    An Infrared Study of the Velocity Structure of the Cometary Compact H II Region G29.96-0.02
    ApJ, 464, 272 (24 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [CGS4]
  49. Matz, S. M., Fender, R. P., Bell Burnell, S. J., Grove, J. E. & Strickman, M. S.
    Hard X-ray and IR observations of Cygnus X-3.
    A&AS, 120, 235 [IRCAM3]
  50. Meikle, W. P. S. & 21 authors
    An early-time infrared and optical study of the Type IA supernovae SN 1994D and 1991T
    MNRAS, 281, 263 (85 refereed citations) (95 total citations) [CGS4]
  51. Metcalfe, N., Shanks, T., Campos, A., Fong, R. & Gardner, J. P.
    Galaxy formation at high redshifts
    Natur, 383, 236 (59 refereed citations) (70 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  52. Mirabel, I. F. & 7 authors
    Infrared Observations of an Energetic Outburst in GRS 1915+105
    ApJ, 472, 111 (28 refereed citations) (38 total citations) [IRCAM,CGS4 ]
  53. Mobasher, B. & James, P. A.
    Stellar population of elliptical galaxies in different environments: spectroscopic CO observations
    MNRAS, 280, 895 (13 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [CGS4]
  54. Noll, Keith S., Geballe, Thomas R., Knacke, Roger F. & Pendleton, Yvonne J.
    Titan’s 5 mum Spectral Window: Carbon Monoxide and the Albedo of the Surface
    Icar, 124, 625 (31 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [CGS4]
  55. Peletier, R. F. & Balcells, M.
    Ages of Galaxies Bulges and Disks From Optical and Near-Infrared Colors
    AJ, 111, 2238 (142 refereed citations) (170 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  56. Rawlings, Steve, Lacy, Mark, Blundell, Katherine M., Eales, Stephen A., Bunker, Andrew J. & Garrington, Simon T.
    A radio galaxy at redshift 4.41
    Natur, 383, 502 (44 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [IRCAM3,CGS4]
  57. Rawlings, Steve, Lacy, Mark, Leahy, J. P., Dunlop, J. S., Garrington, S. T. & Ludke, E.
    A study of 4C 13.66 – the final identification and redshift for the revised 3C sample
    MNRAS, 279, 13 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [IRCAM,CGS4]
  58. Roche, P. F., Lucas, P. W. & Geballe, T. R.
    The emission band at 5.25 mum and its relationship to the unidentified emission features at 11-13 and 3.4-3.6 mum.
    MNRAS, 281, 25 (7 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [CGS4]
  59. Roche, P. F., Lucas, P. W., Hoare, M. G., Aitken, D. K. & Smith, C. H.
    An investigation of the 3-mum emission bands in planetary nebulae
    MNRAS, 280, 924 (23 refereed citations) (25 total citations) [CGS4]
  60. Schmutz, W., Geballe, T. R. & Schild, H.
    Cyg X-3: evidence for a black hole.
    A&A, 311, 25 [CGS4]
  61. Schutte, W. A., Gerakines, P. A., Geballe, T. R., van Dishoeck, E. F. & Greenberg, J. M.
    Discovery of solid formaldehyde toward the protostar GL 2136: observations and laboratory simulation.
    A&A, 309, 633 [CGS4]
  62. Sellgren, K., Werner, M. W. & Allamandola, L. J.
    A Survey of Near-Infrared Emission in Visual Reflection Nebulae
    ApJS, 102, 369 (31 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [UKT9]
  63. Shahbaz, T., Bandyopadhyay, R., Charles, P. A. & Naylor, T.
    Infrared spectroscopy of V404 Cygni: limits on the accretion disc contamination
    MNRAS, 282, 977 (33 refereed citations) (43 total citations) [CGS4]
  64. Simon, M., Longmore, A. J., Shure, M. A. & Smillie, A.
    Observation of a Lunar Occultation of T Tauri
    ApJ, 456, 41 (13 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  65. Simpson, Chris, Forbes, Duncan A., Baker, Amanda C. & Ward, Martin J.
    Forbidden Fe^+ emission from active galaxies
    MNRAS, 283, 777 (54 refereed citations) (56 total citations) [CGS4]
  66. Simpson, Chris, Mulchaey, John S., Wilson, A. S., Ward, M. J. & Alonso-Herrero, A.
    An Ionization Cone and Dusty Disk in Markarian 348: The Obscuring Torus Revealed?
    ApJ, 457, 19 (23 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  67. Snellen, I. A. G., Bremer, M. N., Schilizzi, R. T. & Miley, G. K.
    Near-infrared imaging of gigahertz-peaked-spectrum radio galaxies: tracing the evolution of giant ellipticals?
    MNRAS, 283, 123 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  68. Somers, M. W., Mukai, K. & Naylor, T.
    Infrared photometry of WY Sge: just an ordinary old nova?
    MNRAS, 278, 845 (18 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [IRCAM2]
  69. Sproats, L. N., Howell, S. B. & Mason, K. O.
    Infrared colours, distance determination and absolute magnitudes of a sample of faint cataclysmic variables
    MNRAS, 282, 1211 (57 refereed citations) (64 total citations) [IRCAM2]
  70. Sylvester, R. J., Skinner, C. J., Barlow, M. J. & Mannings, V.
    Optical, infrared and millimetre-wave properties of Vega-like systems.
    MNRAS, 279, 915 (192 refereed citations) (208 total citations) [CGS3,UKT9,IRCAM]
  71. Taylor, G. L., Dunlop, J. S., Hughes, D. H. & Robson, E. I.
    A near-IR study of the host galaxies of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies
    MNRAS, 283, 930 (121 refereed citations) (150 total citations) [IRCAM]
  72. Thompson, D., Mannucci, F. & Beckwith, S. V. W.
    A Narrowband Imaging Survey for High Redshift Galaxies in the Near Infrared
    AJ, 112, 1794 (29 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [CGS4]
  73. Waters, L. B. F. M., Izumiura, H., Zaal, P. A., Geballe, T. R., Kester, D. J. M. & Bontekoe, T. R.
    Infrared imaging and spectroscopy of G79.29+0.46.
    A&A, 313, 866 [CGS4]
  74. Watson, M. G. & 7 authors
    The EUV transient RE J1255+266
    MNRAS, 281, 1016 (12 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [IRCAM3]
  75. Whittet, D. C. B. & 8 authors
    Interstellar Dust Absorption Features in the Infrared Spectrum of HH 100-IR: Searching for the Nitrogen Component of the Ices
    ApJ, 458, 363 (54 refereed citations) (59 total citations) [CGS2]
  76. Williams, P. M., Longmore, A. J. & Geballe, T. R.
    Evolution of the 1-4 mum spectrum of Nova PW Vulpeculae 1984
    MNRAS, 279, 804 (15 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [UKT6,UKT9,CGS2]
  77. Young, S., Hough, J. H., Axon, D. J., Ward, M. J. & Bailey, J. A.
    Optical and near-infrared spectropolarimetry of the infrared-luminous galaxy IRAS 23060+0505
    MNRAS, 280, 291 (22 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [CGS4,IRPOL]
  78. Young, S., Hough, J. H., Efstathiou, A., Wills, B. J., Axon, D. J., Bailey, J. A. & Ward, M. J.
    Scattered broad optical lines in the polarized flux spectrum of the FR II galaxy 3C 321.
    MNRAS, 279, 72 (33 refereed citations) (38 total citations) [UKT9,HATPOL]
  79. Young, S., Hough, J. H., Efstathiou, A., Wills, B. J., Bailey, J. A., Ward, M. J. & Axon, D. J.
    Polarimetry and modelling of narrow-line active galaxies
    MNRAS, 281, 1206 (132 refereed citations) (145 total citations) [UKT9,HATPOL]
  80. Young, S., Packham, C., Hough, J. H. & Efstathiou, A.
    The nuclear torus in the active galaxy NGC 1068.
    MNRAS, 283, 1 (37 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [IRCAM3,IRPOL2]
  81. de Jong, R. S.
    Near-infrared and optical broadband surface photometry of 86 face-on disk dominated galaxies. IV. Using color profiles to study stellar and dust content of galaxies.
    A&A, 313, 377 [IRCAM]
  82. van Kerkwijk, M. H., Geballe, T. R., King, D. L., van der Klis, M. & van Paradijs, J.
    The Wolf-Rayet counterpart of Cygnus X-3.
    A&A, 314, 521 [CGS4]
  83. van Ojik, R., Roettgering, H. J. A., Carilli, C. L., Miley, G. K., Bremer, M. N. & Macchetto, F.
    A powerful radio galaxy at z=3.6 in a giant rotating Lyman alpha halo.
    A&A, 313, 25 [CGS4,IRCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 3421

Total number of citations: 4043