UKIRT refereed publication list for 1997 – First Author
No. of Articles: 88 (last updated 26 May 2015)
- Aitken, David K., Smith, Craig H., Moore, Toby J. T., Roche, Patrick F., Fujiyoshi, Takuya & Wright, Christopher M.
“Mid- and far-infrared polarimetric studies of the core of OMC-1: the inner field configuration“
MNRAS, 286, 85 (28 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [NIMPOL/MIRAS] - Aspin, C. & Sandell, G.
“Near-IR imaging photometry of NGC 1333: a 3-mum imaging survey“
MNRAS, 289, 1 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [IRCAM] - Aspin, C., Puxley, P. J., Hawarden, T. G., Paterson, M. J. & Pickup, D. A.
“High spatial resolution `shift-and-add’ imaging at UKIRT: multiplicity amongst young stellar objects“
MNRAS, 284, 257 (10 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [IRCAM] - Bandyopadhyay, R., Shahbaz, T., Charles, P. A., van Kerkwijk, M. H. & Naylor, T.
“Infrared spectroscopy of low-mass X-ray binaries“
MNRAS, 285, 718 (27 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [CGS4] - Beekman, G., Shahbaz, T., Naylor, T., Charles, P. A., Wagner, R. M. & Martini, P.
“The mass of the black hole in the low-inclination LMXB transient system GRO J0422+32 (=Nova Persei 1992)“
MNRAS, 290, 303 (34 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [IRCAM] - Bergeron, P., Ruiz, María Teresa & Leggett, S. K.
“The Chemical Evolution of Cool White Dwarfs and the Age of the Local Galactic Disk“
ApJS, 108, 339 (212 refereed citations) (259 total citations) [UKT9,IRCAM] - Best, P. N., Longair, M. S. & Roettgering, H. J. A.
“HST, radio and infrared observations of 28 3CR radio galaxies at redshift Z of about 1. I – The observations“
MNRAS, 292, 758 (88 refereed citations) (103 total citations) [IRCAM] - Best, P. N., Longair, M. S. & Rottgering, H. J. A.
“A jet-cloud interaction in 3C 34 at redshift z=0.69“
MNRAS, 286, 785 (37 refereed citations) (44 total citations) [IRCAM ] - Blanco, A., Borghesi, A., Epifani, E., Fonti, S., Orofino, V. & Strafella, F.
“Variability of Circumstellar Emission from Dust Envelopes Around Carbon Stars“
Ap&SS, 251, 97 [CGS3] - Bowers, E. J. C. & 7 authors
“Infrared and optical spectroscopy of Type IA supernovae in the nebular phase“
MNRAS, 290, 663 (64 refereed citations) (73 total citations) [CGS2,CGS4] - Carpenter, John M., Meyer, Michael R., Dougados, Catherine, Strom, Stephen E. & Hillenbrand, Lynne A.
“Properties of the Monoceros R2 Stellar Cluster“
AJ, 114, 198 (104 refereed citations) (134 total citations) [IRCAM] - Chakrabarty, Deepto & Roche, Paul
“The Symbiotic Neutron Star Binary GX 1+4/V2116 Ophiuchi“
ApJ, 489, 254 (74 refereed citations) (90 total citations) [IRCAM] - Chen, W. P. & Simon, M.
“Infrared Point Sources Identified By Lunar Occultation Observations“
AJ, 113, 752 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations) [UKT9] - Chrysostomou, Antonio, Burton, Michael G., Axon, David J., Brand, Peter W. J. L., Hough, J. H., Bland-Hawthorn, Joss & Geballe, T. R.
“Velocity-resolved Fabry-Perot imaging of molecular hydrogen emission in OMC-1“
MNRAS, 289, 605 (33 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [IRCAM] - Close, Laird M., Roddier, François, J. Northcott, Malcolm, Roddier, Claude & Elon Graves, J.
“Adaptive Optics 0.2″ Resolution Infrared Images of HL Tauri: Direct Images of an Active Accretion Disk around a Protostar“
ApJ, 478, 766 (61 refereed citations) (72 total citations) [IRCAM] - Cossburn, M. R., Hodgkin, S. T., Jameson, R. F. & Pinfield, D. J.
“Discovery of the lowest mass brown dwarf in the Pleiades“
MNRAS, 288, 23 (24 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [IRCAM] - Crowther, P. A. & Bohannan, B.
“The distinction between OIafpe and WNLha stars. A spectral analysis of HD 151804, HD 152408 and HDE 313846.“
A&A, 317, 532 [CGS4] - Davies, John K., Geballe, Thomas R., Hanner, Martha S., Weaver, H. A., Crovisier, Jacques & Bockelée-Morvan, Dominique
“Thermal Infrared Spectra of Comet Hale-Bopp at Heliocentric Distances of 4 and 2.9 AU“
EM&P, 78, 293 [CGS3] - Davies, John K., McBride, Neil & Green, Simon F.
“Optical and Infrared Photometry of Kuiper Belt Object 1993SC“
Icar, 125, 61 (22 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [IRCAM] - Davies, John K., Roush, Ted L., Cruikshank, Dale P., Bartholomew, Mary Jane, Geballe, Thomas R., Owen, Tobias & de Bergh, Catherine
“The Detection of Water Ice in Comet Hale-Bopp“
Icar, 127, 238 (68 refereed citations) (79 total citations) [CGS4] - Davies, Richard I., Sugai, Hajime & Ward, Martin J.
“Molecular hydrogen emission in NGC 4536“
MNRAS, 291, 314 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [IRCAM] - Davis, C. J., Ray, T. P., Eisloeffel, J. & Corcoran, D.
“Near-IR imaging of the molecular outflows in HH24-26, L1634(HH240-241), L1660(HH72) and RNO15FIR.“
A&A, 324, 263 [IRCAM] - Dhillon, V. S., Marsh, T. R., Duck, S. R. & Rosen, S. R.
“Infrared spectroscopy of cataclysmic variables – II. Intermediate polars“
MNRAS, 285, 95 (20 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [CGS4] - Dinelli, Bianca Maria & 9 authors
“UKIRT Observations of the Impact and Consequences of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter“
Icar, 126, 107 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [CGS4] - Dudley, C. C. & Wynn-Williams, C. G.
“The Deep Silicate Absorption Feature in IRAS 08572+3915 and Other Infrared Galaxies“
ApJ, 488, 720 (82 refereed citations) (89 total citations) [CGS3 ] - Eales, Stephen, Rawlings, Steve, Law-Green, Duncan, Cotter, Garret & Lacy, Mark
“A first sample of faint radio sources with virtually complete redshifts. I – Infrared images, the Hubble diagram and the alignment effect“
MNRAS, 291, 593 (121 refereed citations) (149 total citations) [IRCAM] - Evans, A., Geballe, T. R., Rawlings, J. M. C., Eyres, S. P. S. & Davies, J. K.
“Infrared spectroscopy of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993. II – Evolution of the dust“
MNRAS, 292, 192 (37 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [CGS4] - Eyres, S. P. S., Evans, A., Geballe, T. R., Davies, J. K. & Rawlings, J. M. C.
“Dust Evolution in Nova Cassiopeia 1993“
Ap&SS, 251, 303 [CGS3,CGS4] - Fender, R. P., Bell Burnell, S. J., Waltman, E. B., Pooley, G. G., Ghigo, F. D. & Foster, R. S.
“Cygnus X-3 in outburst: quenched radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity“
MNRAS, 288, 849 (24 refereed citations) (30 total citations) [IRCAM] - Fender, R. P., Pooley, G. G., Brocksopp, C. & Newell, S. J.
“Rapid infrared flares in GRS 1915+105: evidence for infrared synchrotron emission“
MNRAS, 290, 65 (94 refereed citations) (109 total citations) [IRCAM] - Fernandes, A. J. L., Brand, P. W. J. L. & Burton, M. G.
“Detection of H_2 fluorescent emission from the DR 21 bipolar outflow“
MNRAS, 290, 216 (20 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [CGS4] - Goldader, Jeffrey D., Goldader, Deborah L., Joseph, R. D., Doyon, Rene & Sanders, D. B.
“Heavily Obscured Star Formation in the II ZW 96 Galaxy Merger“
AJ, 113, 1569 (17 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [CGS4] - Goldader, Jeffrey D., Joseph, R. D., Doyon, René & Sanders, D. B.
“Spectroscopy of Luminous Infrared Galaxies at 2 Microns. II. Data for Galaxies with 11.2 <~ log (LIR/L&sun;) <~ 11.9“
ApJS, 108, 449 (54 refereed citations) (58 total citations) [CGS4] - Goldader, Jeffrey D., Joseph, R. D., Doyon, René & Sanders, D. B.
“Spectroscopy of Luminous Infrared Galaxies at 2 Microns. III. Analysis for Galaxies with log (LIR/L&sun;) >~ 11.2“
ApJ, 474, 104 (82 refereed citations) (90 total citations) [CGS4] - Hale, David D. S. & 10 authors
“Multiple Dust Shells and Motions around IK Tauri as Seen by Infrared Interferometry“
ApJ, 490, 407 (32 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [CGS3,UKT8] - Harrop-Allin, M. K., Cropper, Mark, Potter, S. B., Dhillon, V. S. & Howell, Steve B.
“Infrared spectroscopy of the long-period polar RX J0515.6+0105“
MNRAS, 288, 1033 (13 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [CGS4] - Herbst, T. M., Beckwith, S. V. W. & Robberto, M.
“A New Molecular Hydrogen Outflow in Serpens“
ApJ, 486, 59 (23 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [IRCAM] - Horrobin, M. J., Casali, M. M. & Eiroa, C.
“Variability and a vanishing YSO in the Serpens cloud core.“
A&A, 320, 41 [IRCAM,UKT8] - Hunt, L. K., Malkan, M. A., Salvati, M., Mandolesi, N., Palazzi, E. & Wade, R.
“The Disks of Galaxies with Seyfert and Starburst Nuclei. I. Near-Infrared Colors and Color Gradients“
ApJS, 108, 229 (62 refereed citations) (67 total citations) [IRCAM] - Jackson, Neal & Rawlings, Steve
“[O III] 500.7 spectroscopy of 3C galaxies and quasars at redshift z>1“
MNRAS, 286, 241 (118 refereed citations) (124 total citations) [CGS4] - Jensen, Eric L. N. & Mathieu, Robert D.
“Evidence for Cleared Regions in the Disks Around Pre-Main-Sequence Spectroscopic Binaries“
AJ, 114, 301 (95 refereed citations) (107 total citations) [CGS3] - Keto, Eric & 9 authors
“The Infrared Bright Nuclei in the Mid-Infrared“
ApJ, 485, 598 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [BERKCAM,MIRAC] - Knacke, R. F., Fajardo-Acosta, S. B., Geballe, T. R. & Noll, Keith S.
“Infrared Spectra of the R Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9“
Icar, 125, 340 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [CGS4] - Knopp, Graham P. & Chambers, K. C.
“Dust at High Redshift: Infrared and Optical Polarimetry of an Ultra-Steep-Spectrum Radio Source at z = 2.572“
ApJ, 487, 644 (12 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [IRCAM,IRPOL] - Lam, Hoanh An, Achilleos, Nicholas, Miller, Steven, Tennyson, Jonathan, Trafton, Laurence M., Geballe, Thomas R. & Ballester, Gilda E.
“A Baseline Spectroscopic Study of the Infrared Auroras of Jupiter“
Icar, 127, 379 (74 refereed citations) (79 total citations) [CGS4] - Lam, Hoanh An, Miller, Steven, Joseph, Robert D., Geballe, Thomas R., Trafton, Laurence M., Tennyson, Jonathan & Ballester, Gilda E.
“Variation in the H+3 Emission of Uranus“
ApJ, 474, 73 (21 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [CGS4] - Lopez, B. & 16 authors
“Nonspherical Structures and Temporal Variations in the Dust Shell of o Ceti Observed with a Long Baseline Interferometer at 11 microns“
ApJ, 488, 807 (56 refereed citations) (73 total citations) [CGS3] - Lucas, P. W. & Roche, P. F.
“Butterfly star in Taurus: structures of young stellar objects“
MNRAS, 286, 895 (51 refereed citations) (59 total citations) [IRCAM] - Mathieu, Robert D., Stassun, Keivan, Basri, Gibor, Jensen, Eric L. N., Johns-Krull, Christopher M., Valenti, J. A. & Hartmann, L. W.
“The Classical T Tauri Spectroscopic Binary DQ Tau.I.Orbital Elements and Light Curves“
AJ, 113, 1841 (116 refereed citations) (135 total citations) [IRCAM] - Meisenheimer, K., Yates, M. G. & Roeser, H.-J.
“The synchrotron spectra of radio hot spots. II. Infrared imaging.“
A&A, 325, 57 [IRCAM] - Meixner, M., Skinner, C. J., Graham, J. R., Keto, E., Jernigan, J. G. & Arens, J. F.
“Axially Symmetric Superwinds of Proto-Planetary Nebulae with 21 Micron Dust Features“
ApJ, 482, 897 (65 refereed citations) (82 total citations) [BERKCAM] - Meyer, Michael R., Beckwith, S. V. W., Herbst, T. M. & Robberto, M.
“The Transitional Pre–Main-Sequence Object DI Tauri: Evidence for a Substellar Companion and Rapid Disk Evolution“
ApJ, 489, 173 (15 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [MAX] - Miller, Steven, Achilleos, Nicholas, Ballester, Gilda E., Lam, Hoanh An, Tennyson, Jonathan, Geballe, Thomas R. & Trafton, Laurence M.
“Mid-to-Low Latitude H +3Emission from Jupiter“
Icar, 130, 57 (57 refereed citations) (60 total citations) [CGS4] - Mirabel, I. F., Bandyopadhyay, R., Charles, P. A., Shahbaz, T. & Rodríguez, L. F.
“The Superluminal Source GRS 1915+105: A High Mass X-Ray Binary?“
ApJ, 477, 45 (33 refereed citations) (44 total citations) [CGS4] - Monnier, J. D. & 9 authors
“Nonuniform Dust Outflow Observed around Infrared Object NML Cygni“
ApJ, 481, 420 (36 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [CGS3] - Mottola, S. & 28 authors
“Physical model of near-earth asteroid 6489 golevka (1991 JX) from optical and infrared observations.“
AJ, 114, 1234 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [CGS3] - Najarro, F., Krabbe, A., Genzel, R., Lutz, D., Kudritzki, R. P. & Hillier, D. J.
“Quantitative spectroscopy of the HeI cluster in the Galactic center.“
A&A, 325, 700 [CGS4] - Newsam, A. M., McHardy, I. M., Jones, L. R. & Mason, K. O.
“The discovery of very red counterparts to faint X-ray sources“
MNRAS, 292, 378 (11 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [IRCAM] - Noll, Keith S., Geballe, T. R. & Marley, Mark S.
“Detection of Abundant Carbon Monoxide in the Brown Dwarf Gliese 229B“
ApJ, 489, 87 (84 refereed citations) (113 total citations) [CGS4] - Oudmaijer, Rene D., Drew, Janet E., Barlow, M. J., Crawford, I. A. & Proga, D.
“Helium absorption and emission towards Theta^1 ORI C“
MNRAS, 291, 110 (10 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [CGS4] - Packham, C., Young, S., Hough, J. H., Axon, D. J. & Bailey, J. A.
“Near-infrared imaging polarimetry of NGC 1068“
MNRAS, 288, 375 (46 refereed citations) (51 total citations) [IRCAM,IRPOL] - Palumbo, M. E., Geballe, T. R. & Tielens, A. G. G. M.
“Solid Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) in Dense Molecular Clouds“
ApJ, 479, 839 (109 refereed citations) (121 total citations) [CGS4] - Potter, S. B., Cropper, Mark, Mason, K. O., Hough, J. H. & Bailey, J. A.
“Simultaneous UBVRIJK photometric and polarimetric observations of PQ GEM“
MNRAS, 285, 82 (49 refereed citations) (58 total citations) [IRCAM] - Pravec, Petr, Wolf, Marek, Sarounová, Lenka, Harris, Alan W. & Davies, John K.
“Spin Vector, Shape, and Size of the Amor Asteroid (6053) 1993 BW 3“
Icar, 127, 441 (10 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [CGS3] - Puxley, P. J., Doyon, R. & Ward, M. J.
“The Spatial Distribution of Stellar CO Absorption in M83“
ApJ, 476, 120 (33 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [CGS4] - Reipurth, Bo & Aspin, Colin
“Infrared Spectroscopy of Herbig-Haro Energy Sources“
AJ, 114, 2700 (88 refereed citations) (96 total citations) [CGS4] - Ruiz, Maria Teresa, Leggett, S. K. & Allard, France
“Kelu-1 : A Free-floating Brown Dwarf in the Solar Neighborhood“
ApJ, 491, 107 (132 refereed citations) (162 total citations) [CGS4] - Saunders, Richard & 11 authors
“Optical and Infrared Investigation toward the Z = 3.8 Quasar Pair PC 1643+4631A, B“
ApJ, 479, 5 (20 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [IRCAM] - Schild, H., Miller, S. & Tennyson, J.
“The H_2_ structure of OMC-1.“
A&A, 318, 608 [CGS4] - Skinner, C. J. & 10 authors
“The remarkable asymmetric outflow from the Cygnus EGG Nebula“
A&A, 328, 290 [IRCAM] - Skinner, C. J. & 7 authors
“Circumstellar environments – V. The asymmetric chromosphere and dust shell of alpha Orionis“
MNRAS, 288, 295 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [BERKCAM] - Sloan, G. C., Bregman, J. D., Geballe, T. R., Allamandola, L. J. & Woodward, E.
“Variations in the 3 Micron Spectrum across the Orion Bar: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Molecules“
ApJ, 474, 735 (55 refereed citations) (62 total citations) [CGS4] - Speck, A. K. & Barlow, M. J.
“UIR Bands in Carbon Star Spectra“
Ap&SS, 251, 115 [CGS3] - Speck, A. K., Barlow, M. J. & Skinner, C. J.
“The nature of the silicon carbide in carbon star outflows“
MNRAS, 288, 431 (69 refereed citations) (81 total citations) [CGS3] - Spinrad, Hyron, Dey, Arjun, Stern, Daniel, Dunlop, James, Peacock, John, Jimenez, Raul & Windhorst, Rogier
“LBDS 53W091: An Old, Red Galaxy at z = 1.552“
ApJ, 484, 581 (266 refereed citations) (328 total citations) [IRCAM] - Stiavelli, M., Peletier, R. F. & Carollo, C. M.
“M87 in the near-infrared: the jet and the counterjet regions“
MNRAS, 285, 181 (10 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [IRCAM] - Sugai, H., Malkan, M. A., Ward, M. J., Davies, R. I. & McLean, I. S.
“Excitation Mechanism of Molecular Hydrogen Emission in NGC 6240“
ApJ, 481, 186 (43 refereed citations) (47 total citations) [IRCAM] - Sylvester, R. J., Skinner, C. J. & Barlow, M. J.
“Optical, infrared and millimetre-wave properties of Vega-like systems – III. Models with thermally spiking grains“
MNRAS, 289, 831 (20 refereed citations) (23 total citations) [CGS4] - Trafton, Laurence M., Kim, Sang J., Geballe, Thomas R. & Miller, Steven
“NOTE: Hydrogen Dimer Features in the 2-mum Spectra of Saturn and Neptune“
Icar, 130, 544 (4 refereed citations) (4 total citations) [CGS4] - Veilleux, Sylvain, Goodrich, Robert W. & Hill, Gary J.
“Infrared Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Galaxies: A Look through the Obscuring Torus? II.“
ApJ, 477, 631 (147 refereed citations) (159 total citations) [CGS4] - Veilleux, Sylvain, Sanders, D. B. & Kim, D.-C.
“A Near-Infrared Search for Hidden Broad-Line Regions in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies“
ApJ, 484, 92 (123 refereed citations) (142 total citations) [CGS4] - Viti, Serena & 7 authors
“The effective temperature and metallicity of CM Draconis“
MNRAS, 291, 780 (28 refereed citations) (31 total citations) [CGS4] - Walker, H. J., Tsikoudi, V., Clayton, C. A., Geballe, T., Wooden, D. H. & Butner, H. M.
“The nature of the unusual source IRAS 18530+0817.“
A&A, 323, 442 [CGS4] - White, G. J., Lefloch, B., Fridlund, C. V. M., Aspin, C. A., Dahmen, G., Minchin, N. R. & Huldtgren, M.
“An observational study of cometary globules near the Rosette nebula.“
A&A, 323, 931 [IRCAM] - Williams, P. M., Dougherty, S. M., Davis, R. J., van der Hucht, K. A., Bode, M. F. & Setia Gunawan, D. Y. A.
“Radio and infrared structure of the colliding-wind Wolf-Rayet system WR147“
MNRAS, 289, 10 (85 refereed citations) (119 total citations) [IRCAM] - Willis, A. J., Dessart, Luc, Crowther, P. A., Morris, P. W., Maeder, A., Conti, P. S. & van der Hucht, K. A.
“The neon abundance in WC stars – I. ISO SWS spectroscopy of WR146 (WC6+O)“
MNRAS, 290, 371 (23 refereed citations) (31 total citations) [CGS4] - Zaal, P. A., Waters, L. B. F. M., Geballe, T. R. & Marlborough, J. M.
“Emission features in Bralpha and Brgamma spectra of normal O and B stars.“
A&A, 326, 237 [CGS4] - von Montigny, C. & 32 authors
“Multiwavelength Observations of 3C 273 in 1993-1995“
ApJ, 483, 161 (67 refereed citations) (77 total citations) [IRCAM]
Total number of refereed citations: 3963
Total number of citations: 4667