UKIRT refereed publication list for 1999 – Instrument

UKIRT refereed publication list for 1999 – Instrument

No. of Articles: 83 (last updated 21 Mar 2016)

CGS3 (6 articles)

  1. Dudley, C. C.
    New 8-13mum spectroscopy of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies
    MNRAS, 307, 553 (39 refereed citations) (42 total citations)
  2. Dudley, C. C. & Wynn-Williams, C. G.
    8-13 mum spectroscopy of NGC 253: a spatially resolved starburst
    MNRAS, 304, 549 (12 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
  3. Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Kwok, Sun
    Discovery of Two New, Carbon-rich Proto-Planetary Nebulae:IRAS Z02229+6208 and IRAS 07430+1115
    ApJ, 513, 869 (32 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
  4. Lobel, A., Doyle, J. G. & Bagnulo, S.
    Modelling the spectral energy distribution and SED variability of the Carbon Mira R Fornacis
    A&A, 343, 466
  5. Simpson, Chris, Ward, Martin, O’Brien, Paul & Reeves, James
    Optical and infrared observations of the luminous quasar PDS 456: a radio-quiet analogue of 3C 273?
    MNRAS, 303, 23 (30 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
  6. Sylvester, R. J.
    Infrared spectra of evolved stars with unusual dust shells
    MNRAS, 309, 180 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 124

Total number of citations: 134

CGS4 (50 articles)

  1. Adamson, A. J., Whittet, D. C. B., Chrysostomou, A., Hough, J. H., Aitken, D. K., Wright, G. S. & Roche, P. F.
    Spectropolarimetric Constraints on the Nature of the 3.4 Micron Absorber in the Interstellar Medium
    ApJ, 512, 224 (45 refereed citations) (61 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Alexander, D. M., Young, S. & Hough, J. H.
    Polarized broad HeI and Paschen lines in NGC 1068
    MNRAS, 304, 1 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  3. Bandyopadhyay, R. M., Shahbaz, T., Charles, P. A. & Naylor, T.
    Infrared spectroscopy of low-mass X-ray binaries – II
    MNRAS, 306, 417 (64 refereed citations) (71 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  4. Belloni, T. & 9 authors
    On the Nature of XTE J0421+560/CI Camelopardalis
    ApJ, 527, 345 (32 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  5. Bohannan, Bruce & Crowther, Paul A.
    Quantitative Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of OF and WNL Stars
    ApJ, 511, 374 (36 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
  6. Brooke, T. Y., Sellgren, K. & Geballe, T. R.
    New 3 Micron Spectra of Young Stellar Objects with H2O Ice Bands
    ApJ, 517, 883 (103 refereed citations) (120 total citations)
  7. Buckle, J. V., Hatchell, J. & Fuller, G. A.
    The bow shock and jet in L483
    A&A, 348, 584
  8. Cesaroni, R. & 7 authors
    Unveiling the disk-jet system in the massive (proto)star IRAS 20126+4104
    A&A, 345, 949
  9. Clark, J. S., Steele, I. A., Fender, R. P. & Coe, M. J.
    Near IR spectroscopy of candidate B[e]/X-ray binaries
    A&A, 348, 888
  10. Crowther, Paul A. & Smith, Linda J.
    NaSt1: a Wolf-Rayet star cloaked by an eta Car-like nebula?
    MNRAS, 308, 82 (16 refereed citations) (16 total citations)
  11. Dartois, E., Schutte, W., Geballe, T. R., Demyk, K., Ehrenfreund, P. & D’Hendecourt, L.
    Methanol: The second most abundant ice species towards the high-mass protostars RAFGL7009S and W 33A
    A&A, 342, 32
  12. Davis, Christopher J., Smith, Michael D., Eislöffel, Jochen & Davies, John K.
    Excitation and kinematics in H_2 bow shocks: near-infrared observations of HH 99 and VLA 1623A (HH 313)
    MNRAS, 308, 539 (33 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
  13. Douté, S. & 7 authors
    Evidence for Methane Segregation at the Surface of Pluto
    Icar, 142, 421 (101 refereed citations) (110 total citations)
  14. Eyres, S. P. S., Smalley, B., Geballe, T. R., Evans, A., Asplund, M. & Tyne, V. H.
    Strong helium 10830-Å absorption in Sakurai’s object (V4334 Sgr)
    MNRAS, 307, 11 (26 refereed citations) (29 total citations)
  15. Figer, Donald F. & 7 authors
    High-Resolution Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Pistol Nebula: Evidence for Ejection
    ApJ, 525, 759 (43 refereed citations) (58 total citations)
  16. Folha, D. F. M. & Emerson, J. P.
    High veiling at near infrared wavelengths in classical T Tauri stars
    A&A, 352, 517
  17. Foster, Michael J., Green, Simon F., McBride, Neil & Davies, John K.
    NOTE: Detection of Water Ice on 2060 Chiron
    Icar, 141, 408 (29 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
  18. Geballe, T. R., McCall, B. J., Hinkle, K. H. & Oka, T.
    Detection of H+3 in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium: The Galactic Center and Cygnus OB2 Number 12
    ApJ, 510, 251 (78 refereed citations) (89 total citations)
  19. Georgantopoulos, I., Almaini, O., Shanks, T., Stewart, G. C., Griffiths, R. E., Boyle, B. J. & Gunn, K. F.
    ASCA observations of deep ROSAT fields – IV. Infrared and hard X-ray observations of an obscured high-redshift QSO
    MNRAS, 305, 125 (20 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
  20. Glazebrook, Karl, Blake, Chris, Economou, Frossie, Lilly, Simon & Colless, Matthew
    Measurement of the star formation rate from Halpha in field galaxies at z=1
    MNRAS, 306, 843 (147 refereed citations) (183 total citations)
  21. Haigh, N. J., Coe, M. J., Steele, I. A. & Fabregat, J.
    Disc loss and renewal in A0535+26
    MNRAS, 310, 21 (22 refereed citations) (24 total citations)
  22. Haynes, Roger & 12 authors
    Multiple-Object and Integral Field Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Using Fibers
    PASP, 111, 1451 (10 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
  23. Hillier, D. John & Miller, D. L.
    Constraints on the Evolution of Massive Stars through Spectral Analysis. I. The WC5 Star HD 165763
    ApJ, 519, 354 (172 refereed citations) (206 total citations)
  24. Howell, Steve B. & 7 authors
    Multiwavelength Superoutburst Observations of T Leonis
    PASP, 111, 342 (19 refereed citations) (20 total citations)
  25. Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Kwok, Sun
    Discovery of Two New, Carbon-rich Proto-Planetary Nebulae:IRAS Z02229+6208 and IRAS 07430+1115
    ApJ, 513, 869 (32 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
  26. James, P. A. & Mobasher, B.
    Stellar population of ellipticals in different environments: near-infrared spectroscopic observations
    MNRAS, 306, 199 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations)
  27. James, P. A. & Seigar, M. S.
    The nature of near-infrared emission from spiral galaxies
    A&A, 350, 791
  28. James, Phil, Bate, Cheryl, Wells, Martyn, Wright, Gillian & Doyon, René
    Do galaxy mergers form elliptical galaxies? A comparison of kinematic and photometric properties
    MNRAS, 309, 585 (35 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
  29. Kerr, T. H., Hurst, M. E., Miles, J. R. & Sarre, P. J.
    Observations of the 3.3-mum UIR band in the Red Rectangle: relation to unidentified optical emission
    MNRAS, 303, 446 (26 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
  30. Kirkpatrick, J. Davy & 9 authors
    Dwarfs Cooler than “M”: The Definition of Spectral Type “L” Using Discoveries from the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS)
    ApJ, 519, 802 (658 refereed citations) (791 total citations)
  31. Lumsden, S. L. & Hoare, M. G.
    Molecular and ionized gas motions in the compact H II region G 29.96-0.02
    MNRAS, 305, 701 (14 refereed citations) (19 total citations)
  32. McBride, N., Davies, J. K., Green, S. F. & Foster, M. J.
    Optical and infrared observations of the Centaur 1997 CU_26
    MNRAS, 306, 799 (25 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
  33. McCall, B. J., Geballe, T. R., Hinkle, K. H. & Oka, T.
    Observations of H+3 in Dense Molecular Clouds
    ApJ, 522, 338 (85 refereed citations) (98 total citations)
  34. McCartney, M. S. K., Brand, P. W. J. L., Burton, M. G. & Chrysostomou, A.
    Fluorescent H2 in the reflection nebula NGC 2023 – I. Recent observations
    MNRAS, 307, 315 (18 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
  35. Owen, T. C., Cruikshank, D. P., Dalle Ore, C. M., Geballe, T. R., Roush, T. L. & de Bergh, C.
    NOTE: Detection of Water Ice on Saturn’s Satellite Phoebe
    Icar, 139, 379 (30 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
  36. Preibisch, Thomas
    An extremely X-ray luminous proto-Herbig Ae/Be star in the Serpens star forming region
    A&A, 345, 583
  37. Puxley, P. J. & Brand, P. W. J. L.
    High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy and Nuclear Clusters in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 1614
    ApJ, 514, 675 (10 refereed citations) (11 total citations)
  38. Quirico, Eric & 7 authors
    Composition, Physical State, and Distribution of Ices at the Surface of Triton
    Icar, 139, 159 (112 refereed citations) (118 total citations)
  39. Ryder, S. D. & Knapen, J. H.
    High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100
    MNRAS, 302, 7 (23 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
  40. Shahbaz, T., Bandyopadhyay, R. M. & Charles, P. A.
    Infrared spectroscopy of V616 Monocerotis (=A0620-00): the accretion disc contamination
    A&A, 346, 82
  41. Shuping, R. Young, Snow, Theodore P., Crutcher, Richard & Lutz, Barry L.
    CO and C2 Absorption toward W40 IRS 1a
    ApJ, 520, 149 (13 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
  42. Simpson, Chris, Ward, Martin, O’Brien, Paul & Reeves, James
    Optical and infrared observations of the luminous quasar PDS 456: a radio-quiet analogue of 3C 273?
    MNRAS, 303, 23 (30 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
  43. Strauss, Michael A. & 28 authors
    The Discovery of a Field Methane Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data
    ApJ, 522, 61 (149 refereed citations) (185 total citations)
  44. Tedds, Jonathan A., Brand, Peter W. J. L. & Burton, Michael G.
    Shocked H2 and Fe+ dynamics in the Orion bullets
    MNRAS, 307, 337 (28 refereed citations) (31 total citations)
  45. Thornton, Robert J., Jr., Stockton, Alan & Ridgway, Susan E.
    Optical and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Cygnus A
    AJ, 118, 1461 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
  46. Tokunaga, A. T. & Kobayashi, N.
    K-Band Spectra and Narrowband Photometry of DENIS Field Brown Dwarfs
    AJ, 117, 1010 (49 refereed citations) (60 total citations)
  47. Trafton, L. M., Miller, S., Geballe, T. R., Tennyson, J. & Ballester, G. E.
    H2 Quadrupole and H+3 Emission from Uranus: The Uranian Thermosphere, Ionosphere, and Aurora
    ApJ, 524, 1059 (28 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
  48. Veilleux, Sylvain, Sanders, D. B. & Kim, D.-C.
    New Results from a Near-Infrared Search for Hidden Broad-Line Regions in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
    ApJ, 522, 139 (145 refereed citations) (170 total citations)
  49. Weaver, H. A. & 8 authors
    An Infrared Investigation of Volatiles in Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
    Icar, 142, 482 (42 refereed citations) (43 total citations)
  50. Zaal, P. A., de Koter, A., Waters, L. B. F. M., Marlborough, J. M., Geballe, T. R., Oliveira, J. M. & Foing, B. H.
    On the nature of the H BT I infrared emission lines of tau Scorpii
    A&A, 349, 573

Total number of refereed citations: 2584

Total number of citations: 3037

IRCAM (31 articles)

  1. Best, P. N., Eales, S. A., Longair, M. S., Rawlings, S. & Rottgering, H. J. A.
    Studies of a sample of 6C radio galaxies at a redshift of 1 – I. Deep multifrequency radio observations
    MNRAS, 303, 616 (21 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [High-z universe]
  2. Bloom, Steven D. & 7 authors
    Multiwaveband Observations of Quasars with Flat Radio Spectra and Strong Millimeter-Wave Emission
    ApJS, 122, 1 (23 refereed citations) (25 total citations)
  3. Davis, Christopher J., Smith, Michael D., Eislöffel, Jochen & Davies, John K.
    Excitation and kinematics in H_2 bow shocks: near-infrared observations of HH 99 and VLA 1623A (HH 313)
    MNRAS, 308, 539 (33 refereed citations) (37 total citations)
  4. Edge, A. C., Ivison, R. J., Smail, Ian, Blain, A. W. & Kneib, J.-P.
    The detection of dust in the central galaxies of distant cooling-flow clusters
    MNRAS, 306, 599 (75 refereed citations) (89 total citations)
  5. Fabian, A. C., Celotti, A., Pooley, G., Iwasawa, K., Brandt, W. N., McMahon, R. G. & Hoenig, M. D.
    Variability of the extreme z=4.72 blazar, GB 1428+4217
    MNRAS, 308, 6 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations)
  6. Fernandez, B. R., Holloway, A. J., Meaburn, J., Pedlar, A. & Mundell, C. G.
    Excited molecular hydrogen around the Seyfert nuclei of NGC 3227 and 4151
    MNRAS, 305, 319 (17 refereed citations) (23 total citations)
  7. Galama, T. J. & 40 authors
    The effect of magnetic fields on gamma-ray bursts inferred from multi-wavelength observations of the burst of 23 January 1999
    Natur, 398, 394 (121 refereed citations) (151 total citations)
  8. Georgantopoulos, I., Almaini, O., Shanks, T., Stewart, G. C., Griffiths, R. E., Boyle, B. J. & Gunn, K. F.
    ASCA observations of deep ROSAT fields – IV. Infrared and hard X-ray observations of an obscured high-redshift QSO
    MNRAS, 305, 125 (20 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
  9. Greiner, J. & 7 authors
    X-ray and optical-to-infrared follow-up observations of the transient X-ray burster SAX J1810.8-2609
    MNRAS, 308, 17 (6 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
  10. Hambly, N. C., Hodgkin, S. T., Cossburn, M. R. & Jameson, R. F.
    Brown dwarfs in the Pleiades and the initial mass function across the stellar/substellar boundary
    MNRAS, 303, 835 (51 refereed citations) (65 total citations)
  11. Hodgkin, S. T., Pinfield, D. J., Jameson, R. F., Steele, I. A., Cossburn, M. R. & Hambly, N. C.
    Infrared photometry of low-mass stars in Praesepe
    MNRAS, 310, 87 (25 refereed citations) (30 total citations)
  12. Hynes, R. I., Roche, P., Charles, P. A. & Coe, M. J.
    The X-ray transient XTE J2012+381
    MNRAS, 305, 49 (12 refereed citations) (13 total citations)
  13. Itoh, Yoichi, Chrysostomou, Antonio, Burton, Michael, Hough, J. H. & Tamura, Motohide
    The magnetic field structure of the DR21 region
    MNRAS, 304, 406 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)
  14. James, Phil, Bate, Cheryl, Wells, Martyn, Wright, Gillian & Doyon, René
    Do galaxy mergers form elliptical galaxies? A comparison of kinematic and photometric properties
    MNRAS, 309, 585 (35 refereed citations) (41 total citations)
  15. Kumar, M. S. Nanda, Anandarao, B. G. & Davis, C. J.
    Shocked molecular hydrogen from RNO 91} $ emission from RNO 91
    A&A, 344, 9
  16. Kumar, M. S. Nanda, Anandarao, B. G. & Davis, C. J.
    Shocked molecular hydrogen from RNO 91} $ emission from RNO 91
    A&A, 344, 9
  17. Laine, S., Kenney, J. D. P., Yun, M. S. & Gottesman, S. T.
    CO Distribution and Kinematics along the Bar in the Strongly Barred Spiral NGC 7479
    ApJ, 511, 709 (29 refereed citations) (35 total citations)
  18. Lamer, G., Newsam, A. M. & McHardy, I. M.
    The unusual host galaxy of the BL Lac object PKS 1413+135
    MNRAS, 309, 1085 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations)
  19. Leyshon, G., Dunlop, J. S. & Eales, Stephen A.
    Upper limits on K-band polarization in three high-redshift radio galaxies: 53W091, 3C 441 and MRC 0156-252
    MNRAS, 309, 474 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)
  20. McCartney, M. S. K., Brand, P. W. J. L., Burton, M. G. & Chrysostomou, A.
    Fluorescent H2 in the reflection nebula NGC 2023 – I. Recent observations
    MNRAS, 307, 315 (18 refereed citations) (21 total citations)
  21. McHardy, Ian, Lawson, Anthony, Newsam, Andrew, Marscher, Alan, Robson, Ian & Stevens, Jason
    Simultaneous X-ray and IR variability in the quasar 3C 273
    MNRAS, 310, 571 (23 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
  22. Mobasher, B., Guzman, R., Aragon-Salamanca, A. & Zepf, S.
    The near-infrared Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies
    MNRAS, 304, 225 (59 refereed citations) (63 total citations)
  23. Ryder, S. D. & Knapen, J. H.
    High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100
    MNRAS, 302, 7 (23 refereed citations) (33 total citations)
  24. Schmidt, Gary D., Liebert, James, Harris, Hugh C., Dahn, Conard C. & Leggett, S. K.
    Discovery of a Highly Magnetic White Dwarf with Strong Carbon Features
    ApJ, 512, 916 (35 refereed citations) (40 total citations)
  25. Simpson, Chris, Rawlings, Steve & Lacy, Mark
    Thermal-infrared imaging of 3C radio galaxies at z~1
    MNRAS, 306, 828 (46 refereed citations) (49 total citations)
  26. Smail, Ian & 7 authors
    The discovery of ERO counterparts to faint submillimetre galaxies
    MNRAS, 308, 1061 (143 refereed citations) (183 total citations)
  27. Strauss, Michael A. & 28 authors
    The Discovery of a Field Methane Dwarf from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Commissioning Data
    ApJ, 522, 61 (149 refereed citations) (185 total citations)
  28. Sugai, H., Davies, R. I., Malkan, M. A., McLean, I. S., Usuda, T. & Ward, M. J.
    Near-Infrared Line Observations of Arp 299 as a Tracer of Activity in the Nuclei
    ApJ, 527, 778 (15 refereed citations) (15 total citations)
  29. Vreeswijk, P. M. & 11 authors
    The X-ray, optical and infrared counterpart to GRB 980703
    A&AS, 138, 447
  30. Vreeswijk, P. M. & 38 authors
    The X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Counterpart to GRB 980703
    ApJ, 523, 171 (69 refereed citations) (84 total citations)
  31. Warren, S. J., Lewis, G. F., Hewett, P. C., Møller, P., Shaver, P. & Iovino, A.
    A VLT colour image of the optical Einstein ring 0047-2808
    A&A, 343, 35

Total number of refereed citations: 1094

Total number of citations: 1317

IRPOL (1 article)

  1. Leyshon, G., Dunlop, J. S. & Eales, Stephen A.
    Upper limits on K-band polarization in three high-redshift radio galaxies: 53W091, 3C 441 and MRC 0156-252
    MNRAS, 309, 474 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 1

Total number of citations: 1

IRPOL2 (3 articles)

  1. Adamson, A. J., Whittet, D. C. B., Chrysostomou, A., Hough, J. H., Aitken, D. K., Wright, G. S. & Roche, P. F.
    Spectropolarimetric Constraints on the Nature of the 3.4 Micron Absorber in the Interstellar Medium
    ApJ, 512, 224 (45 refereed citations) (61 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Alexander, D. M., Young, S. & Hough, J. H.
    Polarized broad HeI and Paschen lines in NGC 1068
    MNRAS, 304, 1 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  3. Itoh, Yoichi, Chrysostomou, Antonio, Burton, Michael, Hough, J. H. & Tamura, Motohide
    The magnetic field structure of the DR21 region
    MNRAS, 304, 406 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 66

Total number of citations: 84

MICS (1 article)

  1. Miyata, Takashi & 7 authors
    MICS: A New Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer for Ground-based Astronomy
    PASP, 111, 750 (6 refereed citations) (8 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 6

Total number of citations: 8

MIRAC2 (1 article)

  1. Meixner, Margaret & 8 authors
    A Mid-infrared Imaging Survey of Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates
    ApJS, 122, 221 (110 refereed citations) (132 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 110

Total number of citations: 132

SMIRFS (1 article)

  1. Haynes, Roger & 12 authors
    Multiple-Object and Integral Field Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Using Fibers
    PASP, 111, 1451 (10 refereed citations) (15 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 10

Total number of citations: 15

UFTI (2 articles)

  1. Frayer, D. T., Ivison, R. J., Smail, I., Yun, M. S. & Armus, L.
    Submillimeter Imaging of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy Pair VV 114
    AJ, 118, 139 (30 refereed citations) (32 total citations)
  2. Smail, Ian & 7 authors
    The discovery of ERO counterparts to faint submillimetre galaxies
    MNRAS, 308, 1061 (143 refereed citations) (183 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 173

Total number of citations: 215

UKT8 (2 articles)

  1. Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Kwok, Sun
    Discovery of Two New, Carbon-rich Proto-Planetary Nebulae:IRAS Z02229+6208 and IRAS 07430+1115
    ApJ, 513, 869 (32 refereed citations) (34 total citations)
  2. Hrivnak, Bruce J., Kwok, Sun & Su, Kate Y. L.
    The Discovery of Two New Bipolar Proto-Planetary Nebulae: IRAS 16594-4656 and IRAS 17245-3951
    ApJ, 524, 849 (28 refereed citations) (41 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 60

Total number of citations: 75

UKT9 (1 article)

  1. Bloom, Steven D. & 7 authors
    Multiwaveband Observations of Quasars with Flat Radio Spectra and Strong Millimeter-Wave Emission
    ApJS, 122, 1 (23 refereed citations) (25 total citations)

Total number of refereed citations: 23

Total number of citations: 25