UKIRT refereed publication list for 2003 – Instrument

UKIRT refereed publication list for 2003 – Instrument

No. of Articles: 63 (last updated 26 May 2015)

Unknown Instrument (1 article)

  1. Griffith, Caitlin A., Owen, Tobias, Geballe, Thomas R., Rayner, John & Rannou, Pascal
    Evidence for the Exposure of Water Ice on Titan’s Surface
    Sci, 300, 628 (93 refereed citations) (99 total citations) [Solar system and extrasolar planets]

Total number of refereed citations: 93

Total number of citations: 99

cgs3 (1 article)

  1. Hrivnak, Bruce J. & Reddy, Bacham E.
    An Abundance Analysis of the New Carbon-rich Proto-Planetary Nebula IRAS 06530-0213
    ApJ, 590, 1049 (16 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]

Total number of refereed citations: 16

Total number of citations: 17

cgs4 (20 articles)

  1. Aspin, Colin
    The Evolutionary State of Stars in the NGC 1333S Star Formation Region
    AJ, 125, 1480 (28 refereed citations) (30 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Bandyopadhyay, R. M., Shahbaz, T. & Charles, P. A.
    Spectroscopic identification of the infrared counterpart to GX5-1
    MNRAS, 340, 13 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  3. Clayton, Geoffrey C., Geballe, T. R. & Bianchi, Luciana
    Winds in R Coronae Borealis Stars
    ApJ, 595, 412 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  4. Dartois, E., Thi, W.-F., Geballe, T. R., Deboffle, D., d’Hendecourt, L. & van Dishoeck, E.
    Revisiting the solid HDO/H2O abundances
    A&A, 399, 1009 [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  5. Davis, C. J., Whelan, E., Ray, T. P. & Chrysostomou, A.
    Near-IR echelle spectroscopy of Class I protostars: Mapping Forbidden Emission-Line (FEL) regions in [FeII]
    A&A, 397, 693 [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  6. Davis, Christopher J., Smith, Michael D., Stern, Luke, Kerr, Thomas H. & Chiar, Jean E.
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of (proto)-planetary nebulae: molecular hydrogen excitation as an evolutionary tracer
    MNRAS, 344, 262 (45 refereed citations) (45 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  7. Evans, A. & 15 authors
    Infrared Space Observatory and Ground-Based Infrared Observations of the Classical Nova V723 Cassiopeiae
    AJ, 126, 1981 (27 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  8. Evans, A., Geballe, T. R., Rushton, M. T., Smalley, B., van Loon, J. Th., Eyres, S. P. S. & Tyne, V. H.
    V838 Mon: an L supergiant?
    MNRAS, 343, 1054 (46 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  9. Harrison, Thomas E., Howell, Steve B., Huber, Mark E., Osborne, Heather L., Holtzman, Jon A., Cash, Jennifer L. & Gelino, Dawn M.
    Modeling the Remarkable Multiwavelength Light Curves of EF Eridanus: The Detection of Its Irradiated Brown Dwarf-like Secondary Star
    AJ, 125, 2609 (28 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  10. Hirst, Paul, Jackson, Neal & Rawlings, Steve
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of powerful compact steep-spectrum radio sources
    MNRAS, 346, 1009 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [High-z universe]
  11. Lee, Sungho, Pak, Soojong, Davis, Christopher J., Herrnstein, Robeson M., Geballe, T. R., Ho, Paul T. P. & Wheeler, J. Craig
    Interaction between the north-eastern boundary of Sgr A East and giant molecular clouds
    MNRAS, 341, 509 (11 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  12. McCall, B. J. & 15 authors
    An enhanced cosmic-ray flux towards zeta Persei inferred from a laboratory study of the H3+-e- recombination rate
    Natur, 422, 500 (229 refereed citations) (266 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  13. Pavlenko, Yakiv V., Jones, Hugh R. A. & Longmore, Andrew J.
    Carbon abundances and 12C/13C from globular cluster giants
    MNRAS, 345, 311 (22 refereed citations) (25 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  14. Poole, T., Mason, K. O., Ramsay, G., Drew, J. E. & Smith, R. C.
    The component star masses in RW Tri
    MNRAS, 340, 499 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  15. Rawlings, M. G., Adamson, A. J. & Whittet, D. C. B.
    Infrared and visual interstellar absorption features towards heavily reddened field stars
    MNRAS, 341, 1121 (24 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  16. Rokaki, E., Lawrence, A., Economou, F. & Mastichiadis, A.
    Is there a disc in the superluminal quasars?
    MNRAS, 340, 1298 (27 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [High-z universe]
  17. Seigar, Marc S., Lynam, Paul D. & Chorney, Nicole E.
    A triple nucleus in the brightest cluster galaxy in Abell 193
    MNRAS, 344, 110 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  18. Shenoy, S. S., Whittet, D. C. B., Chiar, J. E., Adamson, A. J., Roberge, W. G. & Hassel, G. E.
    A Test Case for the Organic Refractory Model of Interstellar Dust
    ApJ, 591, 962 (6 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  19. Song, In-Ok, Kerr, T. H., McCombie, J. & Sarre, P. J.
    Evolution of the 3.3-mum emission feature in the Red Rectangle
    MNRAS, 346, 1 (13 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  20. Yuan, Michael Juntao & Wills, Beverley J.
    Eddington Accretion and QSO Emission Lines at z~2
    ApJ, 593, 11 (44 refereed citations) (47 total citations) [High-z universe]

Total number of refereed citations: 612

Total number of citations: 708

ircam (6 articles)

  1. Chaty, S., Haswell, C. A., Malzac, J., Hynes, R. I., Shrader, C. R. & Cui, W.
    Multiwavelength observations revealing the evolution of the outburst of the black hole XTE J1118+480
    MNRAS, 346, 689 (85 refereed citations) (104 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Elliot, J. L. & 28 authors
    The recent expansion of Pluto’s atmosphere
    Natur, 424, 165 (77 refereed citations) (84 total citations) [Solar system and extrasolar planets]
  3. Hoyle, Fiona, Shanks, Tom & Tanvir, N. R.
    Distances to Cepheid open clusters via optical and K-band imaging
    MNRAS, 345, 269 (30 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  4. Kumar, M. S. Nanda, Ojha, D. K. & Davis, C. J.
    A Ring-shaped Embedded Young Stellar (Proto)Cluster
    ApJ, 598, 1107 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  5. Leggett, S. K. & 9 authors
    L’ and M’ standard stars for the Mauna Kea Observatories Near-Infrared system
    MNRAS, 345, 144 (62 refereed citations) (65 total citations) [Instrumentation, Photometric calibration, Survey data release]
  6. Liu, Michael C., Najita, Joan & Tokunaga, Alan T.
    A Survey for Circumstellar Disks around Young Substellar Objects
    ApJ, 585, 372 (87 refereed citations) (101 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]

Total number of refereed citations: 350

Total number of citations: 400

ircam3 (5 articles)

  1. Brown, Richard J. N. & 8 authors
    Near-infrared imaging of ellipticals: surface brightness profiles and photometry
    MNRAS, 341, 747 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  2. Hunt, Leslie K., Thuan, Trinh X. & Izotov, Yuri I.
    New Light on the Stellar Populations in I Zw 18: Deep Near-Infrared Imaging
    ApJ, 588, 281 (36 refereed citations) (43 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  3. Smith, Michael D., Khanzadyan, Tigran & Davis, Christopher J.
    Anatomy of the Herbig-Haro object HH7 bow shock
    MNRAS, 339, 524 (37 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  4. Sugai, H., Davies, R. I. & Ward, M. J.
    The Collimated Wind in NGC 253
    ApJ, 584, 9 (24 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  5. Willott, Chris J., Rawlings, Steve, Jarvis, Matt J. & Blundell, Katherine M.
    Near-infrared imaging and the K-z relation for radio galaxies in the 7C Redshift Survey
    MNRAS, 339, 173 (164 refereed citations) (170 total citations) [High-z universe]

Total number of refereed citations: 275

Total number of citations: 295

ircam3(pol) (2 articles)

  1. Bains, I., Gledhill, T. M., Yates, J. A. & Richards, A. M. S.
    MERLIN polarimetry of the OH masers in OH17.7-2.0
    MNRAS, 338, 287 (41 refereed citations) (59 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  2. Ruiz, M., Young, S., Packham, C., Alexander, D. M. & Hough, J. H.
    Near-infrared imaging polarimetry and modelling of NGC 4151
    MNRAS, 340, 733 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [Low-z universe]

Total number of refereed citations: 50

Total number of citations: 70

max (1 article)

  1. Krause, O., Lemke, D., Tóth, L. V., Klaas, U., Haas, M., Stickel, M. & Vavrek, R.
    A very young star forming region detected by the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey
    A&A, 398, 1007 [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]

michelle (3 articles)

  1. Fernández, Yanga R., Sheppard, Scott S. & Jewitt, David C.
    The Albedo Distribution of Jovian Trojan Asteroids
    AJ, 126, 1563 (87 refereed citations) (98 total citations) [Solar system and extrasolar planets]
  2. Reipurth, Bo, Armond, Tina, Raga, Alex & Bally, John
    Blowout from IC 1396N: The Emergence of Herbig-Haro Flows from a Cloud Core
    ApJ, 593, 47 (16 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  3. Sheret, I., Ramsay Howat, S. K. & Dent, W. R. F.
    A search for H2 around pre-main-sequence stars
    MNRAS, 343, 65 (24 refereed citations) (31 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]

Total number of refereed citations: 127

Total number of citations: 147

trispec (1 article)

  1. Watanabe, Makoto, Nagata, Tetsuya, Sato, Shuji, Nakaya, Hidehiko & Hough, J. H.
    Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Spectropolarimetry of Type 2 Seyfert Galaxies
    ApJ, 591, 714 (16 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [Low-z universe]

Total number of refereed citations: 16

Total number of citations: 21

tufti (1 article)

  1. Liu, Michael C., Najita, Joan & Tokunaga, Alan T.
    A Survey for Circumstellar Disks around Young Substellar Objects
    ApJ, 585, 372 (87 refereed citations) (101 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]

Total number of refereed citations: 87

Total number of citations: 101

ufti (26 articles)

  1. Bandyopadhyay, R. M., Shahbaz, T. & Charles, P. A.
    Spectroscopic identification of the infrared counterpart to GX5-1
    MNRAS, 340, 13 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Banerjee, Dipankar P. K., Varricatt, Watson P., Ashok, Nagarhalli M. & Launila, Olli
    Remarkable Changes in the Near-Infrared Spectrum of the Nova-like Variable V4332 Sagittarii
    ApJ, 598, 31 (31 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  3. Best, P. N., Peacock, J. A., Brookes, M. H., Dowsett, R. E., Röttgering, H. J. A., Dunlop, J. S. & Lehnert, M. D.
    The final two redshifts for radio sources from the equatorial BRL sample
    MNRAS, 346, 1021 (19 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [High-z universe]
  4. Biggs, A. D. & 15 authors
    B0850+054: a new gravitational lens system from CLASS
    MNRAS, 338, 1084 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [High-z universe]
  5. Blundell, Katherine M., Beasley, Anthony J. & Bicknell, Geoffrey V.
    A Relativistic Jet in the Radio-quiet Quasar PG 1407+263
    ApJ, 591, 103 (49 refereed citations) (51 total citations) [High-z universe]
  6. Chapman, S. C. & 11 authors
    The Properties of Microjansky Radio Sources in the Hubble Deep Field-North, SSA 13, and SSA 22 Fields
    ApJ, 585, 57 (82 refereed citations) (90 total citations) [High-z universe]
  7. Chaty, S., Charles, P. A., Martí, J., Mirabel, I. F., Rodríguez, L. F. & Shahbaz, T.
    Optical and near-infrared observations of the microquasar V4641 Sgr during the 1999 September outburst
    MNRAS, 343, 169 (19 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  8. Chaty, S., Haswell, C. A., Malzac, J., Hynes, R. I., Shrader, C. R. & Cui, W.
    Multiwavelength observations revealing the evolution of the outburst of the black hole XTE J1118+480
    MNRAS, 346, 689 (85 refereed citations) (104 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  9. Farnham, Tony L. & Davies, John K.
    The rotational and physical properties of the Centaur (32532) 2001 PT 13
    Icar, 164, 418 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [Solar system and extrasolar planets]
  10. Greve, Thomas R., Ivison, Rob J. & Papadopoulos, Padeli P.
    Gas and Dust in the Extremely Red Object ERO J164502+4626.4
    ApJ, 599, 839 (41 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [High-z universe]
  11. Hynes, R. I. & 8 authors
    The remarkable rapid X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and infrared variability in the black hole XTE J1118+480
    MNRAS, 345, 292 (85 refereed citations) (100 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  12. Inskip, K. J., Best, P. N., Longair, M. S., Rawlings, S., Röttgering, H. J. A. & Eales, S.
    HST and UKIRT imaging observations of z~ 1 6C radio galaxies – I. The data
    MNRAS, 345, 1365 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [High-z universe]
  13. Jonker, P. G. & 16 authors
    A search for the optical and near-infrared counterpart of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar XTE J1751-305
    MNRAS, 344, 201 (7 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  14. Khanzadyan, Tigran, Smith, Michael D., Davis, Christopher J., Gredel, Roland, Stanke, Thomas & Chrysostomou, Antonio
    A multi-epoch near-infrared study of the HH 7-11 protostellar outflow
    MNRAS, 338, 57 (18 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  15. Klose, S. & 13 authors
    The Very Faint K-Band Afterglow of GRB 020819 and the Dust Extinction Hypothesis of the Dark Bursts
    ApJ, 592, 1025 (33 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [High-z universe]
  16. Kumar, M. S. Nanda, Ojha, D. K. & Davis, C. J.
    A Ring-shaped Embedded Young Stellar (Proto)Cluster
    ApJ, 598, 1107 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  17. McBride, Neil, Green, Simon F., Davies, John K., Tholen, David J., Sheppard, Scott S., Whiteley, Robert J. & Hillier, Jon K.
    Visible and infrared photometry of Kuiper Belt objects: searching for evidence of trends
    Icar, 161, 501 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [Solar system and extrasolar planets]
  18. Pinfield, D. J., Dobbie, P. D., Jameson, R. F., Steele, I. A., Jones, H. R. A. & Katsiyannis, A. C.
    Brown dwarfs and low-mass stars in the Pleiades and Praesepe: membership and binarity
    MNRAS, 342, 1241 (75 refereed citations) (81 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]
  19. Reipurth, Bo, Armond, Tina, Raga, Alex & Bally, John
    Blowout from IC 1396N: The Emergence of Herbig-Haro Flows from a Cloud Core
    ApJ, 593, 47 (16 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  20. Sajina, A. & 7 authors
    Submillimetre and near-infrared observations of galaxies selected at 170 mum
    MNRAS, 343, 1365 (13 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [High-z universe]
  21. Seigar, Marc S., Chorney, Nicole E. & James, Phil A.
    Near-infrared constraints on the driving mechanisms for spiral structure
    MNRAS, 342, 1 (18 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  22. Seigar, Marc S., Lynam, Paul D. & Chorney, Nicole E.
    A triple nucleus in the brightest cluster galaxy in Abell 193
    MNRAS, 344, 110 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [Low-z universe]
  23. Smith, Michael D., Khanzadyan, Tigran & Davis, Christopher J.
    Anatomy of the Herbig-Haro object HH7 bow shock
    MNRAS, 339, 524 (37 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  24. Stevens, J. A., Page, M. J., Ivison, R. J., Smail, Ian, Lehmann, I., Hasinger, G. & Szokoly, G.
    The nature of X-ray selected extremely red objects
    MNRAS, 342, 249 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [High-z universe]
  25. Tonry, John L. & 24 authors
    Cosmological Results from High-z Supernovae
    ApJ, 594, 1 (1301 refereed citations) (1580 total citations) [High-z universe]
  26. Wilson, Colleen. A. & 7 authors
    Chandra Observations of the Faintest Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
    ApJ, 596, 1220 (23 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]

Total number of refereed citations: 2050

Total number of citations: 2426

ufti(fp?) (1 article)

  1. Shahbaz, T., Zurita, C., Casares, J., Dubus, G., Charles, P. A., Wagner, R. Mark & Ryan, E.
    The Optical Light Curves of XTE J2123-058. III. The Mass of the Binary Components and the Structure of the Quiescent Accretion Disk
    ApJ, 585, 443 (27 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic)]

Total number of refereed citations: 27

Total number of citations: 29

uist (3 articles)

  1. Aspin, Colin & Reipurth, Bo
    Two Embedded Young Stellar Objects in NGC 2264 with FU Orionis Characteristics
    AJ, 126, 2936 (26 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  2. Banerjee, Dipankar P. K., Varricatt, Watson P., Ashok, Nagarhalli M. & Launila, Olli
    Remarkable Changes in the Near-Infrared Spectrum of the Nova-like Variable V4332 Sagittarii
    ApJ, 598, 31 (31 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation]
  3. Willott, Chris J., McLure, Ross J. & Jarvis, Matt J.
    A 3×109 Msolar Black Hole in the Quasar SDSS J1148+5251 at z=6.41
    ApJ, 587, 15 (216 refereed citations) (259 total citations) [High-z universe]

Total number of refereed citations: 273

Total number of citations: 324