UKIRT refereed publication list for 2004 – First Author
No. of Articles: 45 (last updated 26 May 2015)
- Alvarez, C., Hoare, M., Glindemann, A. & Richichi, A.
“Near-IR speckle imaging of massive young stellar objects“
A&A, 427, 505 [IRCAM] - Andrews, Sean M., Rothberg, Barry & Simon, Theodore
“Mid-Infrared and Submillimeter Observations of the Illuminating Source of MCNeil’s Variable Nebula“
ApJ, 610, 45 (34 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [MICHELLE] - Banerjee, Dipankar P. K., Ashok, Nagarhalli M., Launila, Olli, Davis, Christopher J. & Varricatt, Watson P.
“A Search for Radioactive 26Al in the Nova-like Variable V4332 Sagittarii“
ApJ, 610, 29 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UIST] - Banerjee, Dipankar P. K., Varricatt, Watson P. & Ashok, Nagarhalli M.
“L and M Band Infrared Studies of V4332 Sagittarii: Detection of the Water Ice Absorption Band at 3.05 mum and the CO Fundamental Band in Emission“
ApJ, 615, 53 (14 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [UIST ] - Bendo, George J. & Joseph, Robert D.
“Nuclear Stellar Populations in the Infrared Space Observatory Atlas of Bright Spiral Galaxies“
AJ, 127, 3338 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [CGS4] - Biggs, A. D., Browne, I. W. A., Jackson, N. J., York, T., Norbury, M. A., McKean, J. P. & Phillips, P. M.
“Radio, optical and infrared observations of CLASS B0128+437“
MNRAS, 350, 949 (46 refereed citations) (55 total citations) [UFTI] - Bowey, J. E., Rawlings, M. G. & Adamson, A. J.
“10-mum absorption spectra of silicates for two new diffuse interstellar medium sightlines“
MNRAS, 348, 13 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [MICHELLE] - Burton, M. G., Lazendic, J. S., Yusef-Zadeh, F. & Wardle, M.
“The Eye of the Tornado – an isolated, high-mass young stellar object near the Galactic Centre“
MNRAS, 348, 638 (7 refereed citations) (7 total citations) [CGS4] - Clements, Dave & 12 authors
“The Canada-UK Deep Submillimetre Survey – VIII. Source identifications in the 3-hour field“
MNRAS, 351, 447 (27 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [UFTI ] - Dahn, Conard C., Bergeron, P., Liebert, James, Harris, Hugh C., Canzian, Blaise, Leggett, S. K. & Boudreault, S.
“Analysis of a Very Massive DA White Dwarf via the Trigonometric Parallax and Spectroscopic Methods“
ApJ, 605, 400 (22 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [IRCAM] - Davis, C. J., Varricatt, W. P., Todd, S. P. & Ramsay Howat, S. K.
“Collimated molecular jets from high-mass young stars: IRAS 18151-1208.“
A&A, 425, 981 [CGS4,UFTI,UIST(IFU)] - Ellis, S. C. & Jones, L. R.
“The K-band galaxy luminosity functions of three massive high-redshift clusters of galaxies“
MNRAS, 348, 165 (37 refereed citations) (38 total citations) [UFTI] - Eyres, S. P. S., Geballe, T. R., Tyne, V. H., Evans, A., Smalley, B. & Worters, H. L.
“Warm high-velocity CO in the wind of Sakurai’s Object (= V4334 Sgr)“
MNRAS, 350, 9 (8 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [UIST] - Gandhi, P., Crawford, C. S., Fabian, A. C. & Johnstone, R. M.
“Powerful, obscured active galactic nuclei among X-ray hard, optically dim serendipitous Chandra sources“
MNRAS, 348, 529 (46 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [UFTI,IRCAM,TUFTI] - Geballe, T. R., Rigaut, F., Roy, J.-R. & Draine, B. T.
“A Bow Shock of Heated Dust Surrounding Galactic Center Source IRS 8“
ApJ, 602, 770 (13 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [CGS4] - Golimowski, D. A. & 18 authors
“L’ and M’ Photometry of Ultracool Dwarfs“
AJ, 127, 3516 (372 refereed citations) (409 total citations) [IRCAM,UIST] - Green, P. J., Aldcroft, Thomas L., Brown, Warren R., Kuhn, Olga & Saha, Abhijit
“HS 1216+5032: a physical quasar pair with one radio-loud broad absorption line quasar“
MNRAS, 349, 1261 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations) [CGS4] - Jensen, Eric L. N., Mathieu, Robert D., Donar, Arianne X. & Dullighan, Allyn
“Testing Protoplanetary Disk Alignment in Young Binaries“
ApJ, 600, 789 (60 refereed citations) (69 total citations) [IRCAM+POL] - Kendall, T. R., Delfosse, X., Martín, E. L. & Forveille, T.
“Discovery of very nearby ultracool dwarfs from DENIS“
A&A, 416, 17 [CGS4] - Khanzadyan, T., Smith, M. D., Davis, C. J. & Stanke, T.
“An excitation study of bow shocks driven from protostars in S233IR“
A&A, 418, 163 [IRCAM,UFTI] - Klose, S. & 40 authors
“Probing a Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitor at a Redshift of z = 2: A Comprehensive Observing Campaign of the Afterglow of GRB 030226“
AJ, 128, 1942 (69 refereed citations) (75 total citations) [UFTI] - Knapp, G. R. & 28 authors
“Near-Infrared Photometry and Spectroscopy of L and T Dwarfs: The Effects of Temperature, Clouds, and Gravity“
AJ, 127, 3553 (374 refereed citations) (424 total citations) [CGS4,IRCAM,UFTI,UIST] - Kotak, R., Meikle, W. P. S., Adamson, A. & Leggett, S. K.
“On the nature of the circumstellar medium of the remarkable Type Ia/IIn supernova SN 2002ic“
MNRAS, 354, 13 (55 refereed citations) (65 total citations) [UIST,UFTI] - Kuhn, Olga P.
“Rest-frame optical continua of L~L*, z > 3 quasars: probing the faint end of the high-z quasar luminosity function“
MNRAS, 348, 647 (5 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UFTI,IRCAM] - Kumar, M. S. Nanda, Kamath, U. S. & Davis, C. J.
“Embedded star clusters in the W51 giant molecular cloud“
MNRAS, 353, 1025 (44 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [UFTI] - Lenorzer, A. & 7 authors
“The peculiar circumstellar environment of NGC 2024 IRS2“
A&A, 414, 245 [CGS4] - Lucas, P. W. & 12 authors
“High-resolution imaging polarimetry of HL Tau and magnetic field structure“
MNRAS, 352, 1347 (47 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [IRCAM+POL] - Mason, R. E., Wright, G., Pendleton, Y. & Adamson, A.
“Hydrocarbon Dust Absorption in Seyfert Galaxies and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies“
ApJ, 613, 770 (29 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [CGS4,UIST] - Mundell, Carole G., James, Phil A., Loiseau, Nora, Schinnerer, Eva & Forbes, Duncan A.
“The Unusual Tidal Dwarf Candidate in the Merger System NGC 3227/3226: Star Formation in a Tidal Shock?“
ApJ, 614, 648 (22 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UIST] - Müller, T. G. & Blommaert, J. A. D. L.
“65 Cybele in the thermal infrared: Multiple observations and thermophysical analysis“
A&A, 418, 347 [MAX] - O’Connell, B., Smith, M. D., Davis, C. J., Hodapp, K. W., Khanzadyan, T. & Ray, T.
“A near-infrared study of the bow shocks within the L1634 protostellar outflow“
A&A, 419, 975 [UFTI] - Oka, Takeshi & Epp, Erik
“The Nonthermal Rotational Distribution of H+3“
ApJ, 613, 349 (54 refereed citations) (58 total citations) [CGS4] - Oliveira, J. M., Jeffries, R. D. & van Loon, J. Th.
“An L’-band survey for circumstellar discs around low-mass stars in the young sigma Orionis cluster“
MNRAS, 347, 1327 (36 refereed citations) (38 total citations) [UIST] - Pavlenko, Ya. V., Geballe, T. R., Evans, A., Smalley, B., Eyres, S. P. S., Tyne, V. H. & Yakovina, L. A.
“CO bands in V4334 Sgr (Sakurai’s Object): The 12C/13C ratio“
A&A, 417, 39 [CGS4] - Pozzo, M., Meikle, W. P. S., Fassia, A., Geballe, T., Lundqvist, P., Chugai, N. N. & Sollerman, J.
“On the source of the late-time infrared luminosity of SN 1998S and other Type II supernovae“
MNRAS, 352, 457 (99 refereed citations) (110 total citations) [TUFTI,UFTI] - Rau, A. & 26 authors
“Discovery of the near-IR afterglow and of the host of GRB 030528“
A&A, 427, 815 [UFTI] - Ridgway, Susan E., Stockton, Alan & Lacy, Mark
“The Aligned z~1 Radio Galaxy 3C 280“
ApJ, 600, 70 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [CGS4] - Smail, Ian, Chapman, S. C., Blain, A. W. & Ivison, R. J.
“The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of SCUBA Galaxies“
ApJ, 616, 71 (146 refereed citations) (162 total citations) [UFTI] - Stevens, J. A., Page, M. J., Ivison, R. J., Smail, Ian & Carrera, F. J.
“A Filamentary Structure of Massive Star-forming Galaxies Associated with an X-Ray-absorbed QSO at z=1.8“
ApJ, 604, 17 (28 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [UFTI] - Swinbank, A. M., Smail, Ian, Chapman, S. C., Blain, A. W., Ivison, R. J. & Keel, W. C.
“The Rest-Frame Optical Spectra of SCUBA Galaxies“
ApJ, 617, 64 (189 refereed citations) (228 total citations) [UFTI] - Tamura, Naoyuki & Ohta, Kouji
“Radial variation of optical and near-infrared colours in luminous early-type galaxies in A2199“
MNRAS, 355, 617 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UFTI] - Varricatt, Watson P., Williams, P. M. & Ashok, N. M.
“Near-infrared spectroscopic monitoring of WR 140 during the 2001 periastron passage“
MNRAS, 351, 1307 (14 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [CGS4,UIST] - Vreeswijk, P. M. & 31 authors
“The host of GRB 030323 at z=3.372: A very high column density DLA system with a low metallicity“
A&A, 419, 927 [UFTI] - Whelan, E. T., Ray, T. P. & Davis, C. J.
“Paschen beta emission as a tracer of outflow activity from T-Tauri stars, as compared to optical forbidden emission“
A&A, 417, 247 [CGS4] - Yamauchi, Chisato & Goto, Tomotsugu
“Are passive spiral galaxies truly `passive’ and `spiral’? A near-infrared perspective“
MNRAS, 352, 815 (21 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UFTI]
Total number of refereed citations: 1972
Total number of citations: 2212