UKIRT refereed publication list for 2011 – First Author

UKIRT refereed publication list for 2011 – First Author

No. of Articles: 139 (last updated 27 May 2015)

  1. Aberasturi, M., Solano, E. & Martín, E. L.
    WISE/2MASS-SDSS brown dwarfs candidates using Virtual Observatory tools
    A&A, 534, 7 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  2. Afonso, J. & 28 authors
    Ultra Steep Spectrum Radio Sources in the Lockman Hole: SERVS Identifications and Redshift Distribution at the Faintest Radio Fluxes
    ApJ, 743, 122 (20 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  3. An, Deokkeun & 9 authors
    Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Galactic Center. I. Spectroscopic Identification from Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Observations
    ApJ, 736, 133 (29 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  4. Armond, T., Reipurth, B., Bally, J. & Aspin, C.
    Star formation in the “Gulf of Mexico”
    A&A, 528, 125 [UFTI ]
  5. Aspin, Colin
    V2492 Cygni: The Early Evolution of the 2010 Outburst
    AJ, 141, 196 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  6. Aspin, Colin & 11 authors
    CSO Bolocam 1.1 mm Continuum Mapping of the Braid Nebula Star Formation Region in Cygnus OB7
    AJ, 141, 139 (5 refereed citations) (5 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  7. Baes, Maarten & 7 authors
    Efficient Three-dimensional NLTE Dust Radiative Transfer with SKIRT
    ApJS, 196, 22 (125 refereed citations) (146 total citations) [ UKIDSS , WFCAM ]
  8. Barthelemy, M., Lystrup, M. B., Menager, H., Miller, S. & Lilensten, J.
    Is the Jovian auroral H3+ emission polarised?
    A&A, 530, 139 [UIST , IRPOL ]
  9. Beifiori, Alessandra
    Dynamics Induced by the Central Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies
    PASP, 123, 514 (1 refereed citations) (1 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  10. Bezanson, Rachel & 11 authors
    Redshift Evolution of the Galaxy Velocity Dispersion Function
    ApJ, 737, 31 (62 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  11. Biller, Beth, Allers, Katelyn, Liu, Michael, Close, Laird M. & Dupuy, Trent
    A Keck LGS AO Search for Brown Dwarf and Planetary Mass Companions to Upper Scorpius Brown Dwarfs
    ApJ, 730, 39 (27 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  12. Bouy, H., Girard, J. H. V., Martín, E. L., Huélamo, N. & Lucas, P. W.
    Adaptive optics observations of the T10 ultracool dwarf UGPS J072227.51-054031.2
    A&A, 526, 55 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  13. Bradshaw, E. J. & 8 authors
    Environments of active galactic nuclei at z < 1.5 in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey
    MNRAS, 415, 2626 (23 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  14. Brough, S. & 32 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxies at the faint end of the Halpha luminosity function
    MNRAS, 413, 1236 (26 refereed citations) (28 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  15. Budzynski, J. M. & Hewett, P. C.
    Dusty Mg II absorbers: population statistics, extinction curves and gamma-ray burst sightlines
    MNRAS, 416, 1871 (16 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  16. Burgasser, Adam J. & 14 authors
    Fire Spectroscopy of Five Late-type T Dwarfs Discovered with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
    ApJ, 735, 116 (30 refereed citations) (31 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  17. Burningham, Ben & 14 authors
    The properties of the T8.5p dwarf Ross 458C
    MNRAS, 414, 3590 (59 refereed citations) (64 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  18. Burningham, Ben & 17 authors
    The discovery of the T8.5 dwarf UGPS J0521+3640
    MNRAS, 414, 90 (13 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [ UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  19. Burrows, D. N. & 57 authors
    Relativistic jet activity from the tidal disruption of a star by a massive black hole
    Natur, 476, 421 (287 refereed citations) (338 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  20. Béjar, V. J. S. & 7 authors
    The Substellar Population of sigma Orionis: A Deep Wide Survey
    ApJ, 743, 64 (28 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  21. Cambrésy, L., Rho, J., Marshall, D. J. & Reach, W. T.
    Variation of the extinction law in the Trifid nebula
    A&A, 527, 141 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  22. Capak, P. & 24 authors
    Spectroscopy of Luminous z > 7 Galaxy Candidates and Sources of Contamination in z > 7 Galaxy Searches
    ApJ, 730, 68 (45 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  23. Capak, Peter L. & 16 authors
    A massive protocluster of galaxies at a redshift of z~5.3
    Natur, 470, 233 (175 refereed citations) (189 total citations) [UIST ,WFCAM ]
  24. Caputi, K. I., Cirasuolo, M., Dunlop, J. S., McLure, R. J., Farrah, D. & Almaini, O.
    The stellar mass function of the most-massive galaxies at 3 <=z < 5 in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey
    MNRAS, 413, 162 (82 refereed citations) (88 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  25. Caratti o Garatti, A. & 8 authors
    The outburst of an embedded low-mass YSO in L1641
    A&A, 526, 1 [UIST ]
  26. Carrera, F. J., Page, M. J., Stevens, J. A., Ivison, R. J., Dwelly, T., Ebrero, J. & Falocco, S.
    A strongly star-forming group: three massive galaxies associated with a quasi-stellar object
    MNRAS, 413, 2791 (10 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UFTI ]
  27. Casewell, S. L., Jameson, R. F., Burleigh, M. R., Dobbie, P. D., Roy, M., Hodgkin, S. T. & Moraux, E.
    Methane band and Spitzer mid-IR imaging of L and T dwarf candidates in the Pleiades
    MNRAS, 412, 2071 (13 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  28. Chuter, R. W. & 9 authors
    Galaxy environments in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey
    MNRAS, 413, 1678 (33 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  29. Crabtree, Kyle N., Indriolo, Nick, Kreckel, Holger, Tom, Brian A. & McCall, Benjamin J.
    On the Ortho:Para Ratio of H+ 3 in Diffuse Molecular Clouds
    ApJ, 729, 15 (55 refereed citations) (55 total citations) [CGS4 ]
  30. Cucchiara, A. & 35 authors
    A Photometric Redshift of z ~ 9.4 for GRB 090429B
    ApJ, 736, 7 (220 refereed citations) (277 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  31. Dariush, A. & 43 authors
    The environment and characteristics of low-redshift galaxies detected by the Herschel-ATLAS
    MNRAS, 418, 64 (20 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  32. Davies, Ben, Bastian, Nate, Gieles, Mark, Seth, Anil C., Mengel, Sabine & Konstantopoulos, Iraklis S.
    GLIMPSE-CO1: the most massive intermediate-age stellar cluster in the Galaxy
    MNRAS, 411, 1386 (33 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  33. Dawson, P., Scholz, A. & Ray, T. P.
    New brown dwarfs in the south part of the Upper Scorpius Association
    MNRAS, 418, 1231 (19 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  34. Day-Jones, A. C. & 13 authors
    Discovery of a T dwarf + white dwarf binary system
    MNRAS, 410, 705 (32 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [UKIDSS , UFTI ,WFCAM ]
  35. DePew, K. & 7 authors
    Newly discovered Wolf-Rayet and weak emission-line central stars of planetary nebulae
    MNRAS, 414, 2812 (29 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  36. Deacon, Niall R. & 16 authors
    Four New T Dwarfs Identified in Pan-STARRS 1 Commissioning Data
    AJ, 142, 77 (24 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  37. Debes, John H., Hoard, D. W., Wachter, Stefanie, Leisawitz, David T. & Cohen, Martin
    The WIRED Survey. II. Infrared Excesses in the SDSS DR7 White Dwarf Catalog
    ApJS, 197, 38 (72 refereed citations) (85 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  38. Domínguez, A. & 17 authors
    Extragalactic background light inferred from AEGIS galaxy-SED-type fractions
    MNRAS, 410, 2556 (314 refereed citations) (416 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  39. Driver, S. P. & 54 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release
    MNRAS, 413, 971 (532 refereed citations) (603 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  40. Dunne, L. & 40 authors
    Herschel-ATLAS: rapid evolution of dust in galaxies over the last 5 billion years
    MNRAS, 417, 1510 (163 refereed citations) (171 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  41. Désert, Jean-Michel & 41 authors
    The Hot-Jupiter Kepler-17b: Discovery, Obliquity from Stroboscopic Starspots, and Atmospheric Characterization
    ApJS, 197, 14 (113 refereed citations) (124 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  42. Eisenstein, Daniel J. & 243 authors
    SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems
    AJ, 142, 72 (1239 refereed citations) (1362 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  43. Endl, Michael & 32 authors
    Kepler-15b: A Hot Jupiter Enriched in Heavy Elements and the First Kepler Mission Planet Confirmed with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
    ApJS, 197, 13 (22 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  44. Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Zanichelli, A., Dallacasa, D. & Stanghellini, C.
    The B3-VLA CSS sample. VIII. New optical identifications from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey The ultraviolet-optical spectral energy distribution of the young radio sources
    A&A, 528, 110 [UFTI ]
  45. Froebrich, D. & 32 authors
    UWISH2 – the UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for H2
    MNRAS, 413, 480 (52 refereed citations) (61 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  46. Froebrich, D. & Ioannidis, G.
    About the nature of Mercer 14
    MNRAS, 418, 1375 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  47. Fu, Hai & 8 authors
    A Kiloparsec-scale Binary Active Galactic Nucleus Confirmed by the Expanded Very Large Array
    ApJ, 740, 44 (67 refereed citations) (73 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  48. Furusawa, Junko, Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro, Takata, Tadafumi, Furusawa, Hisanori, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro, Simpson, Chris & Akiyama, Masayuki
    The Mass-dependent Clustering History of K-selected Galaxies at z < 4 in the SXDS/UDS Field
    ApJ, 727, 111 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKIDSS , WFCAM ]
  49. Girven, J., Gänsicke, B. T., Steeghs, D. & Koester, D.
    DA white dwarfs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 and a search for infrared excess emission
    MNRAS, 417, 1210 (88 refereed citations) (98 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  50. González-Solares, E. A. & 12 authors
    Wide-field optical imaging on ELAIS N1, ELAIS N2, First Look Survey and Lockman Hole: observations and source catalogues
    MNRAS, 416, 927 (25 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  51. Graur, O. & 11 authors
    Supernovae in the Subaru Deep Field: the rate and delay-time distribution of Type Ia supernovae out to redshift 2
    MNRAS, 417, 916 (90 refereed citations) (94 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  52. Green, Joel D. & 18 authors
    Disentangling the Environment of the FU Orionis Candidate HBC 722 with Herschel
    ApJ, 731, 25 (20 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  53. Green, Paul J. & 7 authors
    A Multiwavelength Study of Binary Quasars and Their Environments
    ApJ, 743, 81 (12 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  54. Grogin, Norman A. & 106 authors
    CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
    ApJS, 197, 35 (1037 refereed citations) (1126 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  55. Gupta, Ravi R. & 13 authors
    Improved Constraints on Type Ia Supernova Host Galaxy Properties Using Multi-wavelength Photometry and Their Correlations with Supernova Properties
    ApJ, 740, 92 (64 refereed citations) (69 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  56. Haines, C. P., Busarello, G., Merluzzi, P., Smith, R. J., Raychaudhury, S., Mercurio, A. & Smith, G. P.
    ACCESS – II. A complete census of star formation in the Shapley supercluster – UV and IR luminosity functions
    MNRAS, 412, 127 (26 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  57. Haines, C. P., Busarello, G., Merluzzi, P., Smith, R. J., Raychaudhury, S., Mercurio, A. & Smith, G. P.
    ACCESS – III. The nature of star formation in the Shapley supercluster
    MNRAS, 412, 145 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  58. Hao, Heng, Elvis, Martin, Civano, Francesca & Lawrence, Andy
    Hot-dust-poor Quasars in Mid-infrared and Optically Selected Samples
    ApJ, 733, 108 (39 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  59. Hatch, N. A. & 12 authors
    Galaxy protocluster candidates around z~ 2.4 radio galaxies
    MNRAS, 410, 1537 (58 refereed citations) (61 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  60. Hatch, N. A., Kurk, J. D., Pentericci, L., Venemans, B. P., Kuiper, E., Miley, G. K. & Röttgering, H. J. A.
    Halpha emitters in z~ 2 protoclusters: evidence for faster evolution in dense environments
    MNRAS, 415, 2993 (62 refereed citations) (64 total citations) [UKIDSS , WFCAM ]
  61. Hayashi, Masao, Kodama, Tadayuki, Koyama, Yusei, Tadaki, Ken-Ichi & Tanaka, Ichi
    Properties of star-forming galaxies in a cluster and its surrounding structure at z=1.46
    MNRAS, 415, 2670 (44 refereed citations) (45 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  62. Henrion, Marc, Mortlock, Daniel J., Hand, David J. & Gandy, Axel
    A Bayesian approach to star-galaxy classification
    MNRAS, 412, 2286 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  63. Henriques, Bruno, Maraston, Claudia, Monaco, Pierluigi, Fontanot, Fabio, Menci, Nicola, De Lucia, Gabriella & Tonini, Chiara
    The effect of thermally pulsating asymptotic giant branch stars on the evolution of the rest-frame near-infrared galaxy luminosity function
    MNRAS, 415, 3571 (42 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  64. Hibon, P., Malhotra, S., Rhoads, J. & Willott, C.
    Search for z ~ 6.96 Lyalpha Emitters with Magellan/IMACS in the COSMOS Field
    ApJ, 741, 101 (18 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  65. Hill, David T. & 35 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly: FUV, NUV, ugrizYJHK Petrosian, Kron and Sérsic photometry
    MNRAS, 412, 765 (109 refereed citations) (112 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  66. Ikarashi, S. & 42 authors
    Detection of an ultrabright submillimetre galaxy in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC/ASTE
    MNRAS, 415, 3081 (36 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  67. Ireland, M. J., Kraus, A., Martinache, F., Law, N. & Hillenbrand, L. A.
    Two Wide Planetary-mass Companions to Solar-type Stars in Upper Scorpius
    ApJ, 726, 113 (108 refereed citations) (116 total citations) [UKIDSS , WFCAM ]
  68. Irwin, P. G. J., Teanby, N. A., Davis, G. R., Fletcher, L. N., Orton, G. S., Tice, D. & Kyffin, A.
    Uranus’ cloud structure and seasonal variability from Gemini-North and UKIRT observations
    Icar, 212, 339 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UIST ]
  69. Javadi, Atefeh, van Loon, Jacco Th. & Mirtorabi, Mohammad Taghi
    The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project – I. Variable red giant stars in the central square kiloparsec
    MNRAS, 411, 263 (12 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UIST ,UFTI ,WFCAM ]
  70. Javadi, Atefeh, van Loon, Jacco Th. & Mirtorabi, Mohammad Taghi
    The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project – II. The star formation history in the central square kiloparsec
    MNRAS, 414, 3394 (14 refereed citations) (31 total citations) [UIST ,UFTI ]
  71. Kainulainen, J., Alves, J., Beuther, H., Henning, T. & Schuller, F.
    Mass reservoirs surrounding massive infrared dark clouds. A view by near-infrared dust extinction
    A&A, 536, 48 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  72. Kim, J.-W., Edge, A. C., Wake, D. A. & Stott, J. P.
    Clustering properties of high-redshift red galaxies in SA22 from the UKIDSS Deep eXtragalactic Survey
    MNRAS, 410, 241 (25 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  73. Kirkpatrick, J. Davy & 40 authors
    The First Hundred Brown Dwarfs Discovered by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
    ApJS, 197, 19 (243 refereed citations) (268 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  74. Kishimoto, M. & 7 authors
    The innermost dusty structure in active galactic nuclei as probed by the Keck interferometer
    A&A, 527, 121 [WFCAM ]
  75. Kishimoto, M., Hönig, S. F., Antonucci, R., Millour, F., Tristram, K. R. W. & Weigelt, G.
    Mapping the radial structure of AGN tori
    A&A, 536, 78 [WFCAM ]
  76. Koekemoer, Anton M. & 123 authors
    CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey—The Hubble Space Telescope Observations, Imaging Data Products, and Mosaics
    ApJS, 197, 36 (1037 refereed citations) (1110 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  77. Kriwattanawong, W., Moss, C., James, P. A. & Carter, D.
    The galaxy population of Abell 1367: photometric and spectroscopic data
    A&A, 527, 101 [WFCAM ]
  78. Kóspál, Á. & 10 authors
    The outburst and nature of two young eruptive stars in the North America/Pelican Nebula Complex
    A&A, 527, 133 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  79. La Barbera, F., Ferreras, I., de Carvalho, R. R., Lopes, P. A. A., Pasquali, A., de la Rosa, I. G. & De Lucia, G.
    On the Radial Stellar Content of Early-type Galaxies as a Function of Mass and Environment
    ApJ, 740, 41 (21 refereed citations) (23 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM ]
  80. Lacy, M., Petric, A. O., Martínez-Sansigre, A., Ridgway, S. E., Sajina, A., Urrutia, T. & Farrah, D.
    The Stellar, Molecular Gas, and Dust Content of the Host Galaxies of Two z ~ 2.8 Dust-obscured Quasars
    AJ, 142, 196 (10 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  81. Leggett, S. K., Lodieu, N., Tremblay, P.-E., Bergeron, P. & Nitta, A.
    Cool White Dwarfs Found in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey
    ApJ, 735, 62 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  82. Levan, A. J. & 62 authors
    An Extremely Luminous Panchromatic Outburst from the Nucleus of a Distant Galaxy
    Sci, 333, 199 (206 refereed citations) (247 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  83. Liu, Michael C. & 8 authors
    CFBDSIR J1458+1013B: A Very Cold (>T10) Brown Dwarf in a Binary System
    ApJ, 740, 108 (67 refereed citations) (78 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  84. Lodieu, N., Dobbie, P. D. & Hambly, N. C.
    Multi-fibre optical spectroscopy of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius
    A&A, 527, 24 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  85. Lodieu, N., Hambly, N. C., Dobbie, P. D., Cross, N. J. G., Christensen, L., Martin, E. L. & Valdivielso, L.
    Testing the fragmentation limit in the Upper Sco association
    MNRAS, 418, 2604 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  86. Lodieu, N., de Wit, W.-J., Carraro, G., Moraux, E., Bouvier, J. & Hambly, N. C.
    The mass function of IC 4665 revisited by the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey
    A&A, 532, 103 [UKIDSS ]
  87. Longmore, A. J. & 8 authors
    Mercer 5: a probable new globular cluster in the Galactic bulge
    MNRAS, 416, 465 (12 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  88. Lusso, E. & 17 authors
    The bolometric output and host-galaxy properties of obscured AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey
    A&A, 534, 110 [WFCAM]
  89. Ly, Chun & 7 authors
    A Census of Star-forming Galaxies at z = 1-3 in the Subaru Deep Field
    ApJ, 735, 91 (34 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  90. Matsuda, Y. & 17 authors
    An Halpha search for overdense regions at z = 2.23
    MNRAS, 416, 2041 (34 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  91. Matsuoka, Y. & 10 authors
    1 mum Excess Sources in the UKIDSS. I. Three T Dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Southern Equatorial Stripe
    AJ, 142, 64 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  92. Matsuoka, Y., Masaki, S., Kawara, K. & Sugiyama, N.
    Halo occupation distribution of massive galaxies since z= 1
    MNRAS, 410, 548 (14 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  93. McAlpine, Kim & Jarvis, Matt J.
    The evolution of radio sources in the UKIDSS-DXS-XMM-LSS field
    MNRAS, 413, 1054 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  94. McDonald, Michael, Courteau, Stéphane, Tully, R. Brent & Roediger, Joel
    A survey of 286 Virgo cluster galaxies at optical griz and near-IR H band: surface brightness profiles and bulge-disc decompositions
    MNRAS, 414, 2055 (38 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [ WFCAM ]
  95. Melin, H., Stallard, T., Miller, S., Trafton, L. M., Encrenaz, Th. & Geballe, T. R.
    Seasonal Variability in the Ionosphere of Uranus
    ApJ, 729, 134 (9 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [CGS4 ]
  96. Messineo, Maria & 7 authors
    Massive Stars in the Cl 1813-178 Cluster: An Episode Of Massive Star Formation in the W33 Complex
    ApJ, 733, 41 (19 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [ UIST ]
  97. Minniti, D., Saito, R. K., Alonso-García, J., Lucas, P. W. & Hempel, M.
    The Edge of the Milky Way Stellar Disk Revealed Using Clump Giant Stars as Distance Indicators
    ApJ, 733, 43 (41 refereed citations) (52 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  98. Morales-Calderón, M. & 35 authors
    Ysovar: The First Sensitive, Wide-area, Mid-infrared Photometric Monitoring of the Orion Nebula Cluster
    ApJ, 733, 50 (136 refereed citations) (148 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  99. Mortlock, Daniel J. & 16 authors
    A luminous quasar at a redshift of z = 7.085
    Natur, 474, 616 (815 refereed citations) (943 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  100. Mouhcine, M., Kriwattanawong, W. & James, P. A.
    The galaxy population of Abell 1367: the stellar mass-metallicity relation
    MNRAS, 412, 1295 (4 refereed citations) (4 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  101. Murray, D. N. & 15 authors
    Blue not brown: UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey T dwarfs with suppressed K-band flux
    MNRAS, 414, 575 (31 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [ UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  102. Nebot Gómez-Morán, A. & 20 authors
    Post common envelope binaries from SDSS. XII. The orbital period distribution
    A&A, 536, 43 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  103. Negueruela, I., González-Fernández, C., Marco, A. & Clark, J. S.
    A massive association around the obscured open cluster RSGC3
    A&A, 528, 59 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  104. Nilsson, K. K., Östlin, G., Møller, P., Möller-Nilsson, O., Tapken, C., Freudling, W. & Fynbo, J. P. U.
    The nature of z ~ 2.3 Lyman-alpha emitters
    A&A, 529, 9 [WFCAM ]
  105. Oreiro, R., Rodríguez-López, C., Solano, E., Ulla, A., Østensen, R. & García-Torres, M.
    A search for new hot subdwarf stars by means of Virtual Observatory tools
    A&A, 530, 2 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  106. Paladini, C., van Belle, G. T., Aringer, B., Hron, J., Reegen, P., Davis, C. J. & Lebzelter, T.
    Determination of the stellar parameters of C-rich hydrostatic stars from spectro-interferometric observations
    A&A, 533, 27 [ UIST ]
  107. Perley, D. A. & 21 authors
    Monster in the Dark: The Ultraluminous GRB 080607 and Its Dusty Environment
    AJ, 141, 36 (54 refereed citations) (60 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  108. Peth, Michael A., Ross, Nicholas P. & Schneider, Donald P.
    Near-infrared Photometric Properties of 130,000 Quasars: An SDSS-UKIDSS-matched Catalog
    AJ, 141, 105 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  109. Peña Ramírez, K., Zapatero Osorio, M. R., Béjar, V. J. S., Rebolo, R. & Bihain, G.
    Search and characterization of T-type planetary mass candidates in the sigma Orionis cluster
    A&A, 532, 42 [UKIDSS ]
  110. Prescott, Matthew & 33 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the red fraction and radial distribution of satellite galaxies
    MNRAS, 417, 1374 (37 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  111. Roediger, Joel C., Courteau, Stéphane, McDonald, Michael & MacArthur, Lauren A.
    The formation and evolution of Virgo cluster galaxies – I. Broad-band optical and infrared colours
    MNRAS, 416, 1983 (21 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [WFCAM ]
  112. Rovilos, E., Fotopoulou, S., Salvato, M., Burwitz, V., Egami, E., Hasinger, G. & Szokoly, G.
    Optical and infrared properties of active galactic nuclei in the Lockman Hole
    A&A, 529, 135 [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  113. Seeliger, M., Neuhäuser, R. & Eisenbeiss, T.
    Spectral classification of Pleiades brown dwarf candidates
    AN, 332, 821 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  114. Shang, Zhaohui & 16 authors
    The Next Generation Atlas of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions from Radio to X-Rays
    ApJS, 196, 2 (114 refereed citations) (122 total citations) [ UIST ]
  115. Shirasaki, Yuji, Tanaka, Masahiro, Ohishi, Masatoshi, Mizumoto, Yoshihiko, Yasuda, Naoki & Takata, Tadafumi
    Early Science Result from the Japanese Virtual Observatory: AGN and Galaxy Clustering at z = 0.3 to 3.0
    PASJ, 63, 469 (10 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UKIDSS , WFCAM ]
  116. Smith, D. J. B. & 47 authors
    Herschel-ATLAS: counterparts from the ultraviolet-near-infrared in the science demonstration phase catalogue
    MNRAS, 416, 857 (106 refereed citations) (117 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  117. Smolcic, V. & 38 authors
    The Redshift and Nature of AzTEC/COSMOS 1: A Starburst Galaxy at z = 4.6
    ApJ, 731, 27 (29 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [CGS4 ,UIST ,WFCAM ]
  118. Sobral, David, Best, Philip N., Smail, Ian, Geach, James E., Cirasuolo, Michele, Garn, Timothy & Dalton, Gavin B.
    The dependence of star formation activity on environment and stellar mass at z~ 1 from the HiZELS-Halpha survey
    MNRAS, 411, 675 (117 refereed citations) (131 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  119. Stead, J. J. & Hoare, M. G.
    Determining the age of young embedded clusters
    MNRAS, 418, 2219 (12 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  120. Steele, P. R., Burleigh, M. R., Dobbie, P. D., Jameson, R. F., Barstow, M. A. & Satterthwaite, R. P.
    White dwarfs in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Large Area Survey: the substellar companion fraction
    MNRAS, 416, 2768 (39 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  121. Swindle, R., Gal, R. R., La Barbera, F. & de Carvalho, R. R.
    SPIDER. V. Measuring Systematic Effects in Early-type Galaxy Stellar Masses from Photometric Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting
    AJ, 142, 118 (22 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  122. Takahashi, Jun, Itoh, Yoichi & Takahashi, Shigeru
    Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of 11 Main-Belt Asteroids
    PASJ, 63, 499 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [MICHELLE ]
  123. Targett, Thomas A., Dunlop, James S., McLure, Ross J., Best, Philip N., Cirasuolo, Michele & Almaini, Omar
    A near-infrared morphological comparison of high-redshift submillimetre and radio galaxies: massive star-forming discs versus relaxed spheroids
    MNRAS, 412, 295 (45 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [UFTI ]
  124. Taylor, Edward N. & 34 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass estimates
    MNRAS, 418, 1587 (324 refereed citations) (348 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
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  126. Trakhtenbrot, Benny, Netzer, Hagai, Lira, Paulina & Shemmer, Ohad
    Black Hole Mass and Growth Rate at z ~= 4.8: A Short Episode of Fast Growth Followed by Short Duty Cycle Activity
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  127. Urbaneja, M. A., Herrero, A., Lennon, D. J., Corral, L. J. & Meynet, G.
    Blue Luminous Stars in Nearby Galaxies—UIT 005: A Possible Link to the Luminous Blue Variable Stage
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    The substellar mass function in the central region of the open cluster Praesepe from deep LBT observations
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    The Galactic plane at faint X-ray fluxes – I. Properties and characteristics of the X-ray source population
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    GAMA/H-ATLAS: the ultraviolet spectral slope and obscuration in galaxies
    MNRAS, 415, 1002 (31 refereed citations) (32 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  132. Wild, Vivienne, Charlot, Stéphane, Brinchmann, Jarle, Heckman, Timothy, Vince, Oliver, Pacifici, Camilla & Chevallard, Jacopo
    Empirical determination of the shape of dust attenuation curves in star-forming galaxies
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  133. Williams, Rik J., Quadri, Ryan F. & Franx, Marijn
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    A 3D photoionization model of the extreme planetary nebula NGC 6302
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  135. Wu, Xue-Bing, Wang, Ran, Schmidt, Kasper B., Bian, Fuyan, Jiang, Linhua & Fan, Xiaohui
    Discovering the Missing 2.2 < z < 3 Quasars by Combining Optical Variability and Optical/near-infrared Colors
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  136. Zhu, Ming, Davis, C. J., Wu, Yufang, Whitney, B. A., Robitaille, T. & Peng, R.
    A Massive Protostar Embedded in the SCUBA Core JCMT 18354-0649S
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  137. Zibetti, Stefano & Groves, Brent
    Resolved optical-infrared spectral energy distributions of galaxies: universal relations and their break-down on local scales
    MNRAS, 417, 812 (11 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  138. Zolotukhin, I. Yu. & Chilingarian, I. V.
    Virtual Observatory based identification of AX J194939+2631 as a new cataclysmic variable
    A&A, 526, 84 [ UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]
  139. Zolotukhin, Ivan Yu. & Revnivtsev, Mikhail G.
    Sample of LMXBs in the Galactic bulge – I. Optical and near-infrared constraints from the Virtual Observatory
    MNRAS, 411, 620 (6 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [UKIDSS ,WFCAM ]

Total number of refereed citations: 10242

Total number of citations: 11431