UKIRT refereed publication list for 2014 – Science Category

UKIRT refereed publication list for 2014 – Science Category

No. of Articles: 180 (last updated 26 May 2015)

High-z universe (79 articles)

  1. Alberts, Stacey & 16 authors
    The evolution of dust-obscured star formation activity in galaxy clusters relative to the field over the last 9 billion years
    MNRAS, 437, 437 (57 refereed citations) (60 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  2. Ascaso, B., Lemaux, B. C., Lubin, L. M., Gal, R. R., Kocevski, D. D., Rumbaugh, N. & Squires, G.
    The violent youth of bright and massive cluster galaxies and their maturation over 7 billion years
    MNRAS, 442, 589 (27 refereed citations) (30 total citations) [WFCAM]
  3. Baldi, Ranieri D., Capetti, Alessandro, Chiaberge, Marco & Celotti, Annalisa
    The radio-loud AGN population at z ≳ 1 in the COSMOS field. I. selection and spectral energy distributions
    A&A, 567, 76 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  4. Baldry, I. K. & 19 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): AUTOZ spectral redshift measurements, confidence and errors
    MNRAS, 441, 2440 (71 refereed citations) (75 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  5. Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M. & van Langevelde, H. J.
    European VLBI Network observations of 6.7 GHz methanol masers in clusters of massive young stellar objects
    A&A, 564, 110 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  6. Bañados, E. & 26 authors
    Discovery of Eight z ~ 6 Quasars from Pan-STARRS1
    AJ, 148, 14 (89 refereed citations) (97 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  7. Bowler, R. A. A. & 11 authors
    The bright end of the galaxy luminosity function at z~=7: before the onset of mass quenching?
    MNRAS, 440, 2810 (119 refereed citations) (122 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  8. Bruce, V. A. & 17 authors
    The bulge-disc decomposed evolution of massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in CANDELS
    MNRAS, 444, 1001 (51 refereed citations) (51 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  9. Bruce, V. A. & 17 authors
    The decomposed bulge and disc size-mass relations of massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in CANDELS
    MNRAS, 444, 1660 (37 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  10. Calanog, J. A. & 41 authors
    Lens Models of Herschel-selected Galaxies from High-resolution Near-IR Observations
    ApJ, 797, 138 (35 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  11. Calura, F., Gilli, R., Vignali, C., Pozzi, F., Pipino, A. & Matteucci, F.
    The dust content of QSO hosts at high redshift
    MNRAS, 438, 2765 (40 refereed citations) (43 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  12. Cluver, M. E. & 24 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Mid-infrared Properties and Empirical Relations from WISE
    ApJ, 782, 90 (108 refereed citations) (113 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  13. Conselice, Christopher J., Bluck, Asa F. L., Mortlock, Alice, Palamara, David & Benson, Andrew J.
    Galaxy formation as a cosmological tool – I. The galaxy merger history as a measure of cosmological parameters
    MNRAS, 444, 1125 (19 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  14. Darvish, B., Sobral, D., Mobasher, B., Scoville, N. Z., Best, P., Sales, L. V. & Smail, I.
    Cosmic Web and Star Formation Activity in Galaxies at z ~ 1
    ApJ, 796, 51 (60 refereed citations) (69 total citations) [WFCAM]
  15. Davari, Roozbeh, Ho, Luis C., Peng, Chien Y. & Huang, Song
    How Robust are the Size Measurements of High-redshift Compact Galaxies?
    ApJ, 787, 69 (18 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  16. De Rosa, Gisella & 12 authors
    Black Hole Mass Estimates and Emission-line Properties of a Sample of Redshift z > 6.5 Quasars
    ApJ, 790, 145 (95 refereed citations) (113 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  17. Erfanianfar, G. & 32 authors
    The evolution of star formation activity in galaxy groups
    MNRAS, 445, 2725 (15 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  18. Fong, W. & 15 authors
    Short GRB 130603B: Discovery of a Jet Break in the Optical and Radio Afterglows, and a Mysterious Late-time X-Ray Excess
    ApJ, 780, 118 (116 refereed citations) (126 total citations) [WFCAM]
  19. Fontana, A. & 42 authors
    The Hawk-I UDS and GOODS Survey (HUGS): Survey design and deep K-band number counts
    A&A, 570, 11 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  20. González-Nuevo, J. & 27 authors
    Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: SDSS cross-correlation induced by weak lensing
    MNRAS, 442, 2680 (12 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  21. Greene, Jenny E. & 12 authors
    Near-infrared Spectra and Intrinsic Luminosities of Candidate Type II Quasars at 2 < z < 3.4
    ApJ, 788, 91 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  22. Hagen, Alex & 17 authors
    Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting of HETDEX Pilot Survey Lyalpha Emitters in COSMOS and GOODS-N
    ApJ, 786, 59 (31 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  23. Hainline, Kevin N., Hickox, Ryan C., Carroll, Christopher M., Myers, Adam D., DiPompeo, Michael A. & Trouille, Laura
    A Spectroscopic Survey of WISE-selected Obscured Quasars with the Southern African Large Telescope
    ApJ, 795, 124 (22 refereed citations) (23 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  24. Harikane, Yuichi, Ouchi, Masami, Yuma, Suraphong, Rauch, Michael, Nakajima, Kimihiko & Ono, Yoshiaki
    MOSFIRE and LDSS3 Spectroscopy for an [O II] Blob at z = 1.18: Gas Outflow and Energy Source
    ApJ, 794, 129 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  25. Hatch, N. A. & 11 authors
    Why z > 1 radio-loud galaxies are commonly located in protoclusters
    MNRAS, 445, 280 (45 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  26. Hayashi, Masao & 9 authors
    Mapping the large-scale structure around a z = 1.46 galaxy cluster in 3D using two adjacent narrow-band filters
    MNRAS, 439, 2571 (18 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [WFCAM]
  27. Hsu, Li-Yen, Stockton, Alan & Shih, Hsin-Yi
    Compact Quiescent Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts
    ApJ, 796, 92 (11 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  28. Huff, Eric M., Hirata, Christopher M., Mandelbaum, Rachel, Schlegel, David, Seljak, Uros & Lupton, Robert H.
    Seeing in the dark – I. Multi-epoch alchemy
    MNRAS, 440, 1296 (19 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  29. Johnson, Sean D., Chen, Hsiao-Wen, Mulchaey, John S., Tripp, Todd M., Prochaska, J. Xavier & Werk, Jessica K.
    Discovery of a transparent sightline at rho ≲ 20 kpc from an interacting pair of galaxies
    MNRAS, 438, 3039 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  30. Juneau, Stéphanie & 15 authors
    Active Galactic Nuclei Emission Line Diagnostics and the Mass-Metallicity Relation up to Redshift z ~ 2: The Impact of Selection Effects and Evolution
    ApJ, 788, 88 (89 refereed citations) (93 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  31. Kalfountzou, E., Civano, F., Elvis, M., Trichas, M. & Green, P.
    The largest X-ray-selected sample of z>3 AGNs: C-COSMOS and ChaMP
    MNRAS, 445, 1430 (25 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  32. Karman, Wouter, Caputi, Karina I., Trager, Scott C., Almaini, Omar & Cirasuolo, Michele
    Rest-frame ultraviolet spectra of massive galaxies at z ~ 3: evidence of high-velocity outflows
    A&A, 565, 5 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  33. Karouzos, Marios & 18 authors
    The Infrared Medium-Deep Survey. II. How to Trigger Radio AGNs? Hints from their Environments
    ApJ, 797, 26 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  34. Keenan, R. C. & 8 authors
    Evolution of the Major Merger Galaxy Pair Fraction at z < 1
    ApJ, 795, 157 (19 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  35. Kim, Jae-Woo & 13 authors
    Clustering of extremely red objects in Elais-N1 from the UKIDSS DXS with optical photometry from Pan-STARRS 1 and Subaru
    MNRAS, 438, 825 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  36. Koyama, Yusei, Kodama, Tadayuki, Tadaki, Ken-ichi, Hayashi, Masao, Tanaka, Ichi & Shimakawa, Rhythm
    The Environmental Impacts on the Star Formation Main Sequence: An Halpha Study of the Newly Discovered Rich Cluster at z = 1.52
    ApJ, 789, 18 (30 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  37. Kügler, S. D., Nilsson, K., Heidt, J., Esser, J. & Schultz, T.
    Properties of optically selected BL Lacertae candidates from the SDSS
    A&A, 569, 95 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  38. Lansbury, G. B. & 25 authors
    NuSTAR Observations of Heavily Obscured Quasars at z ~ 0.5
    ApJ, 785, 17 (45 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  39. Laskar, Tanmoy & 10 authors
    GRB 120521C at z ~ 6 and the Properties of High-redshift gamma-Ray Bursts
    ApJ, 781, 1 (38 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [WFCAM]
  40. Leipski, C. & 9 authors
    Spectral Energy Distributions of QSOs at z > 5: Common Active Galactic Nucleus-heated Dust and Occasionally Strong Star-formation
    ApJ, 785, 154 (70 refereed citations) (74 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  41. Lindsay, S. N. & 10 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly: the evolution of bias in the radio source population to z~1.5
    MNRAS, 440, 1527 (29 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  42. Lusso, E. & 7 authors
    The nature of massive black hole binary candidates – II. Spectral energy distribution atlas
    MNRAS, 441, 316 (6 refereed citations) (7 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  43. Ly, Chun, Malkan, Matthew A., Nagao, Tohru, Kashikawa, Nobunari, Shimasaku, Kazuhiro & Hayashi, Masao
    “Direct” Gas-phase Metallicities, Stellar Properties, and Local Environments of Emission-line Galaxies at Redshifts below 0.90
    ApJ, 780, 122 (51 refereed citations) (54 total citations) [WFCAM]
  44. Maseda, Michael V. & 23 authors
    The Nature of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies at z = 1-2: Kinematics and Metallicities from Near-infrared Spectroscopy
    ApJ, 791, 17 (61 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  45. Matthee, Jorryt J. A. & 8 authors
    A 10 deg2 Lyman alpha survey at z=8.8 with spectroscopic follow-up: strong constraints on the luminosity function and implications for other surveys
    MNRAS, 440, 2375 (32 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  46. McGreer, Ian D. & 7 authors
    Close Companions to Two High-redshift Quasars
    AJ, 148, 73 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  47. McLinden, E. M., Rhoads, J. E., Malhotra, S., Finkelstein, S. L., Richardson, M. L. A., Smith, B. & Tilvi, V. S.
    Galactic winds and stellar populations in Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at z ~ 3.1
    MNRAS, 439, 446 (18 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [WFCAM]
  48. Melnick, Jorge & De Propris, Roberto
    AGB populations in post-starburst galaxies
    A&A, 572, 5 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  49. Miller, Sarah H., Ellis, Richard S., Newman, Andrew B. & Benson, Andrew
    The Dwarfs beyond: The Stellar-to-halo Mass Relation for a New Sample of Intermediate Redshift Low-mass Galaxies
    ApJ, 782, 115 (31 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  50. Momose, Rieko & 8 authors
    Diffuse Lyalpha haloes around galaxies at z = 2.2-6.6: implications for galaxy formation and cosmic reionization
    MNRAS, 442, 110 (85 refereed citations) (93 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  51. Muñoz, Roberto P. & 37 authors
    The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey-Infrared (NGVS-IR). I. A New Near-Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-Infrared Globular Cluster Selection Tool
    ApJS, 210, 4 (46 refereed citations) (49 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  52. Ono, Yoshiaki, Ouchi, Masami, Kurono, Yasutaka & Momose, Rieko
    Faint Submillimeter Galaxies Revealed by Multifield Deep ALMA Observations: Number Counts, Spatial Clustering, and a Dark Submillimeter Line Emitter
    ApJ, 795, 5 (51 refereed citations) (60 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  53. Ownsworth, Jamie R., Conselice, Christopher J., Mortlock, Alice, Hartley, William G., Almaini, Omar, Duncan, Ken & Mundy, Carl J.
    Minor versus major mergers: the stellar mass growth of massive galaxies from z = 3 using number density selection techniques
    MNRAS, 445, 2198 (37 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  54. Parijskij, Yu. N. & 8 authors
    Observations of the z = 4.514 radio galaxy RC J0311+0507
    MNRAS, 439, 2314 (14 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [WFCAM]
  55. Perley, D. A. & 33 authors
    The Afterglow of GRB 130427A from 1 to 1016 GHz
    ApJ, 781, 37 (108 refereed citations) (115 total citations) [WFCAM]
  56. Pâris, Isabelle & 49 authors
    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar catalog: tenth data release
    A&A, 563, 54 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  57. Robotham, A. S. G. & 30 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxy close pairs, mergers and the future fate of stellar mass
    MNRAS, 444, 3986 (70 refereed citations) (74 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  58. Rogers, A. B. & 13 authors
    The colour distribution of galaxies at redshift five
    MNRAS, 440, 3714 (45 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  59. Rowlands, K. & 18 authors
    Herschel-ATLAS: properties of dusty massive galaxies at low and high redshifts
    MNRAS, 441, 1017 (40 refereed citations) (42 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  60. Santos, J. S. & 9 authors
    Star formation in the cluster CLG0218.3-0510 at z = 1.62 and its large-scale environment: the infrared perspective
    MNRAS, 438, 2565 (30 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  61. Sato, Taro, Sawicki, Marcin & Arcila-Osejo, Liz
    Angular clustering of z ~ 2 star-forming and passive galaxies in 2.5 square degrees of deep CFHT imaging
    MNRAS, 443, 2661 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [WFCAM]
  62. Scott, A. E. & Stewart, G. C.
    Do the spectral energy distributions of type 1 active galactic nuclei show diversity?
    MNRAS, 438, 2253 (17 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  63. Shibuya, Takatoshi & 10 authors
    What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lyalpha Emission? II. Gas Kinematics and Distribution of Lyalpha Emitters
    ApJ, 788, 74 (78 refereed citations) (86 total citations) [WFCAM]
  64. Singh, V. & 11 authors
    Multiwavelength characterization of faint ultra steep spectrum radio sources: A search for high-redshift radio galaxies
    A&A, 569, 52 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  65. Skelton, Rosalind E. & 26 authors
    3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses
    ApJS, 214, 24 (423 refereed citations) (442 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  66. Smail, Ian & 25 authors
    The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Ultraluminous Star-forming Galaxies in a z = 1.6 Cluster
    ApJ, 782, 19 (37 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  67. Smith, D. J. B. & 14 authors
    The temperature dependence of the far-infrared-radio correlation in the Herschel-ATLAS
    MNRAS, 445, 2232 (22 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  68. Sobral, David, Best, Philip N., Smail, Ian, Mobasher, Bahram, Stott, John & Nisbet, David
    The stellar mass function of star-forming galaxies and the mass-dependent SFR function since z = 2.23 from HiZELS
    MNRAS, 437, 3516 (101 refereed citations) (108 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  69. Stockton, Alan, Shih, Hsin-Yi, Larson, Kirsten & Mann, Andrew W.
    A Search for Moderate-redshift Survivors from the Population of Luminous Compact Passive Galaxies at High Redshift
    ApJ, 780, 134 (15 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  70. Stott, John P. & 8 authors
    A relationship between specific star formation rate and metallicity gradient within z ~ 1 galaxies from KMOS-HiZELS
    MNRAS, 443, 2695 (62 refereed citations) (72 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  71. Tonegawa, Motonari & 11 authors
    A study of selection methods for Halpha-emitting galaxies at z ~ 1.3 for the Subaru/FMOS galaxy redshift survey for cosmology (FastSound)
    PASJ, 66, 43 (5 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  72. Tortora, C., Napolitano, N. R., Saglia, R. P., Romanowsky, A. J., Covone, G. & Capaccioli, M.
    Evolution of central dark matter of early-type galaxies up to z ~ 0.8
    MNRAS, 445, 162 (18 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  73. Umehata, H. & 24 authors
    AzTEC/ASTE 1.1-mm survey of SSA22: Counterpart identification and photometric redshift survey of submillimetre galaxies
    MNRAS, 440, 3462 (25 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  74. Whitaker, Katherine E. & 11 authors
    Constraining the Low-mass Slope of the Star Formation Sequence at 0.5 < z < 2.5
    ApJ, 795, 104 (367 refereed citations) (392 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  75. Wild, Vivienne & 9 authors
    A new method for classifying galaxy SEDs from multiwavelength photometry
    MNRAS, 440, 1880 (33 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  76. Wu, Po-Feng, Gal, Roy R., Lemaux, Brian C., Kocevski, Dale D., Lubin, Lori M., Rumbaugh, Nicholas & Squires, Gordon K.
    Star Formation Quenching in High-redshift Large-scale Structure: Post-starburst Galaxies in the Cl 1604 Supercluster at z ~ 0.9
    ApJ, 792, 16 (25 refereed citations) (25 total citations) [WFCAM]
  77. Yabe, Kiyoto & 18 authors
    The mass-metallicity relation at z ~ 1.4 revealed with Subaru/FMOS
    MNRAS, 437, 3647 (58 refereed citations) (59 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  78. Yan, Haojing & 15 authors
    Optical-faint, Far-infrared-bright Herschel Sources in the CANDELS Fields: Ultra-luminous Infrared Galaxies at z > 1 and the Effect of Source Blending
    ApJS, 213, 2 (11 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  79. de Ugarte Postigo, A. & 42 authors
    Spectroscopy of the short-hard GRB 130603B. The host galaxy and environment of a compact object merger
    A&A, 563, 62 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 3559

Total number of citations: 3809

ISM, CSM, PNe, including star formation (29 articles)

  1. Bouy, H., Alves, J., Bertin, E., Sarro, L. M. & Barrado, D.
    Orion revisited. II. The foreground population to Orion A
    A&A, 564, 29 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  2. Butler, Michael J., Tan, Jonathan C. & Kainulainen, Jouni
    The Darkest Shadows: Deep Mid-infrared Extinction Mapping of a Massive Protocluster
    ApJ, 782, 30 (31 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  3. Foster, Jonathan B. & 11 authors
    Distributed Low-mass Star Formation in the IRDC G34.43+00.24
    ApJ, 791, 108 (26 refereed citations) (26 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  4. Frew, David J. & 8 authors
    The planetary nebula Abell 48 and its [WN] nucleus
    MNRAS, 440, 1345 (22 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  5. González-Fernández, C., Asensio Ramos, A., Garzón, F., Cabrera-Lavers, A. & Hammersley, P. L.
    Infrared Extinction in the Inner Milky Way through Red Clump Giants
    ApJ, 782, 86 (8 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  6. Guarcello, M. G., Drake, J. J., Wright, N. J., García-Alvarez, D. & Kraemer, K. E.
    Accretion and Outflow in the Proplyd-like Objects Near Cygnus OB2
    ApJ, 793, 56 (5 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  7. Günther, H. M. & 16 authors
    YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability in the Star-forming Region Lynds 1688
    AJ, 148, 122 (27 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  8. Hanson, R. J. & Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.
    3D Galactic dust extinction mapping with multiband photometry
    MNRAS, 438, 2938 (15 refereed citations) (21 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  9. Hernández, Jesús & 9 authors
    A Spectroscopic Census in Young Stellar Regions: The sigma Orionis Cluster
    ApJ, 794, 36 (21 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  10. Kryukova, E. & 9 authors
    The Dependence of Protostellar Luminosity on Environment in the Cygnus-X Star-forming Complex
    AJ, 148, 11 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  11. Nikoghosyan, E. H. & Azatyan, N.
    Young Stellar Cluster in the Vicinity of the IRAS 05137+3919 Source
    Ap, 57, 330 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  12. Paron, S., Ortega, M. E., Petriella, A. & Rubio, M.
    Discovering a misaligned CO outflow related to the red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292
    A&A, 567, 99 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  13. Paron, Sergio, Ortega, Martín, Astort, Ana, Rubio, Mónica & Fariña, Cecilia
    Studying the molecular ambient towards the young stellar object EGO G35.04-0.47
    PASJ, 66, 18 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  14. Phan-Bao, N., Lee, C.-F., Ho, P. T. P. & Martín, E. L.
    Submillimeter Array observations of the proto brown dwarf candidate SSTB213 J041757
    A&A, 564, 32 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  15. Ragan, S. E., Henning, Th., Tackenberg, J., Beuther, H., Johnston, K. G., Kainulainen, J. & Linz, H.
    Giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way
    A&A, 568, 73 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  16. Rawlings, M. G., Adamson, A. J. & Kerr, T. H.
    A High-resolution Study of Near-infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands
    ApJ, 796, 58 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [CGS4]
  17. Rebull, L. M. & 34 authors
    Young Stellar Object VARiability (YSOVAR): Long Timescale Variations in the Mid-infrared
    AJ, 148, 92 (47 refereed citations) (51 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  18. Ribas, Álvaro, Merín, Bruno, Bouy, Hervé & Maud, Luke T.
    Disk evolution in the solar neighborhood. I. Disk frequencies from 1 to 100 Myr
    A&A, 561, 54 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  19. Rivilla, V. M., Jiménez-Serra, I., Martín-Pintado, J. & Sanz-Forcada, J.
    The role of low-mass star clusters in forming the massive stars in DR 21
    MNRAS, 437, 1561 (10 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  20. Rosero, V. & 11 authors
    Weak and Compact Radio Emission in Early Massive Star Formation Regions: An Ionized Jet toward G11.11-0.12P1
    ApJ, 796, 130 (6 refereed citations) (7 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  21. Shinn, Jong-Ho & 9 authors
    [Fe II] 1.64 mum Imaging Observations of the Outflow Features around Ultracompact H II Regions in the First Galactic Quadrant
    ApJS, 214, 11 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  22. Sidorin, V., Douglas, K. A., Palous, J., Wünsch, R. & Ehlerová, S.
    Exploring GLIMPSE bubble N107. Multiwavelength observations and simulations
    A&A, 565, 6 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  23. Solin, O., Haikala, L. & Ukkonen, E.
    Mining the VVV: star formation and embedded clusters
    A&A, 562, 115 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  24. Straizys, V. & 11 authors
    The Enigma of the Open Cluster M29 (NGC 6913) Solved
    AJ, 148, 89 (9 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  25. Traficante, A. & 15 authors
    The pros and cons of the inversion method approach to derive 3D dust emission properties in the ISM: the Hi-GAL field centred on (l, b) = (30°, 0°)
    MNRAS, 440, 3588 (3 refereed citations) (3 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  26. Urquhart, J. S. & 14 authors
    ATLASGAL – towards a complete sample of massive star forming clumps
    MNRAS, 443, 1555 (100 refereed citations) (110 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  27. Yoshikawa, Tatsuhito, Nishiyama, Shogo, Tamura, Motohide, Kwon, Jungmi & Nagata, Tetsuya
    Young Stellar Object Search toward the Boundary of the Central Molecular Zone with Near-infrared Polarimetry
    ApJS, 213, 22 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  28. Zhu, H., Tian, W. W. & Zuo, P.
    Supernova Remnant W49B and Its Environment
    ApJ, 793, 95 (19 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [WFCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 387

Total number of citations: 431

Instrumentation, Photometric calibration, Survey data release (5 articles)

  1. Andrews, Stephen K., Kelvin, Lee S., Driver, Simon P. & Robotham, Aaron S. G.
    Detection, Size, Measurement, and Structural Analysis Limits for the 2MASS, UKIDSS-LAS, and VISTA VIKING Surveys
    PASA, 31, 4 (8 refereed citations) (8 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  2. Evans, P. A. & 11 authors
    1SXPS: A Deep Swift X-Ray Telescope Point Source Catalog with Light Curves and Spectra
    ApJS, 210, 8 (97 refereed citations) (102 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  3. Jiang, Linhua & 11 authors
    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 Imaging Data: Depth-optimized Co-adds over 300 deg2 in Five Filters
    ApJS, 213, 12 (44 refereed citations) (48 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  4. Lee, Jae-Joon & 19 authors
    UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for Fe+
    MNRAS, 443, 2650 (13 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [WFCAM]
  5. Moretti, A. & 17 authors
    WINGS Data Release: a database of galaxies in nearby clusters
    A&A, 564, 138 [WFCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 162

Total number of citations: 171

Low-z universe (24 articles)

  1. Alpaslan, Mehmet & 17 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): fine filaments of galaxies detected within voids
    MNRAS, 440, 106 (35 refereed citations) (40 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  2. Alpaslan, Mehmet & 20 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the large-scale structure of galaxies and comparison to mock universes
    MNRAS, 438, 177 (54 refereed citations) (63 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  3. De Propris, Roberto & 9 authors
    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): merging galaxies and their properties
    MNRAS, 444, 2200 (9 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  4. De Propris, Roberto & Melnick, Jorge
    A panchromatic survey of post-starburst mergers: searching for feedback
    MNRAS, 439, 2837 (7 refereed citations) (7 total citations) [UKIDSS,UKIDSS,WFCAM ]
  5. Ergon, M. & 28 authors
    Optical and near-infrared observations of SN 2011dh – The first 100 days
    A&A, 562, 17 [WFCAM]
  6. Filho, M. E., Brochado, P., Brinchmann, J., Lobo, C., Henriques, B., Grützbauch, R. & Gomes, J. M.
    A multiple dry merger at z = 0.18: witnessing the assembly of a massive elliptical galaxy
    MNRAS, 443, 288 (2 refereed citations) (2 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  7. Guo, Qi & 17 authors
    Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: How does the far-IR luminosity function depend on galaxy group properties?
    MNRAS, 442, 2253 (7 refereed citations) (7 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  8. Herrero-Illana, Rubén & 11 authors
    A Multi-wavelength View of the Central Kiloparsec Region in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 1614
    ApJ, 786, 156 (11 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UIST]
  9. Janz, J. & 14 authors
    A Near-infrared Census of the Multicomponent Stellar Structure of Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
    ApJ, 786, 105 (47 refereed citations) (50 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  10. Kelvin, Lee S. & 22 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): ugrizYJHK Sérsic luminosity functions and the cosmic spectral energy distribution by Hubble type
    MNRAS, 439, 1245 (57 refereed citations) (57 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  11. Kelvin, Lee S. & 24 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): stellar mass functions by Hubble type
    MNRAS, 444, 1647 (63 refereed citations) (68 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  12. La Barbera, F., Pasquali, A., Ferreras, I., Gallazzi, A., de Carvalho, R. R. & de la Rosa, I. G.
    SPIDER – X. Environmental effects in central and satellite early-type galaxies through the stellar fossil record
    MNRAS, 445, 1977 (18 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  13. McNaught-Roberts, Tamsyn & 11 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the dependence of the galaxy luminosity function on environment, redshift and colour
    MNRAS, 445, 2125 (33 refereed citations) (35 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  14. Mulroy, Sarah L. & 9 authors
    LoCuSS: the near-infrared luminosity and weak-lensing mass scaling relation of galaxy clusters
    MNRAS, 443, 3309 (13 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  15. Oliva-Altamirano, P. & 28 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): testing galaxy formation models through the most massive galaxies in the Universe
    MNRAS, 440, 762 (26 refereed citations) (29 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  16. Peter, D., Domainko, W., Sanchez, D. A., van der Wel, A. & Gässler, W.
    The host galaxy and Fermi-LAT counterpart of HESS J1943+213
    A&A, 571, 41 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  17. Schulze, S. & 64 authors
    GRB 120422A/SN 2012bz: Bridging the gap between low- and high-luminosity gamma-ray bursts
    A&A, 566, 102 [WFCAM]
  18. Shappee, B. J. & 46 authors
    The Man behind the Curtain: X-Rays Drive the UV through NIR Variability in the 2013 Active Galactic Nucleus Outburst in NGC 2617
    ApJ, 788, 48 (497 refereed citations) (583 total citations) [WFCAM]
  19. Tanaka, Y. T. & 11 authors
    Extreme Blazars Studied with Fermi-LAT and Suzaku: 1ES 0347-121 and Blazar Candidate HESS J1943+213
    ApJ, 787, 155 (18 refereed citations) (23 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  20. Toba, Y. & 12 authors
    Luminosity and Redshift Dependence of the Covering Factor of Active Galactic Nuclei viewed with WISE and Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    ApJ, 788, 45 (24 refereed citations) (27 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  21. Toloba, E. & 17 authors
    Stellar Kinematics and Structural Properties of Virgo Cluster Dwarf Early-type Galaxies from the SMAKCED Project. II. The Survey and a Systematic Analysis of Kinematic Anomalies and Asymmetries
    ApJS, 215, 17 (42 refereed citations) (44 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  22. Tortora, C., La Barbera, F., Napolitano, N. R., Romanowsky, A. J., Ferreras, I. & de Carvalho, R. R.
    Systematic variations of central mass density slopes in early-type galaxies
    MNRAS, 445, 115 (30 refereed citations) (34 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  23. Vulcani, Benedetta & 16 authors
    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the wavelength-dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies revealed by MegaMorph
    MNRAS, 441, 1340 (45 refereed citations) (46 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  24. Whitbourn, J. R. & Shanks, T.
    The local hole revealed by galaxy counts and redshifts
    MNRAS, 437, 2146 (37 refereed citations) (42 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]

Total number of refereed citations: 1075

Total number of citations: 1212

Solar system and extrasolar planets (7 articles)

  1. Birkby, J. L. & 37 authors
    WTS-2 b: a hot Jupiter orbiting near its tidal destruction radius around a K dwarf
    MNRAS, 440, 1470 (33 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [WFCAM]
  2. Dressing, Courtney D., Adams, Elisabeth R., Dupree, Andrea K., Kulesa, Craig & McCarthy, Don
    Adaptive Optics Images. III. 87 Kepler Objects of Interest
    AJ, 148, 78 (36 refereed citations) (38 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  3. Endl, Michael & 15 authors
    Kepler-424 b: A “Lonely” Hot Jupiter that Found a Companion
    ApJ, 795, 151 (21 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [WFCAM]
  4. Rappaport, Saul, Barclay, Thomas, DeVore, John, Rowe, Jason, Sanchis-Ojeda, Roberto & Still, Martin
    KOI-2700b—A Planet Candidate with Dusty Effluents on a 22 hr Orbit
    ApJ, 784, 40 (62 refereed citations) (66 total citations) [WFCAM]
  5. Sanchis-Ojeda, Roberto, Rappaport, Saul, Winn, Joshua N., Kotson, Michael C., Levine, Alan & El Mellah, Ileyk
    A Study of the Shortest-period Planets Found with Kepler
    ApJ, 787, 47 (92 refereed citations) (100 total citations) [WFCAM]
  6. Schmitt, Joseph R. & 31 authors
    Planet Hunters. VI. An Independent Characterization of KOI-351 and Several Long Period Planet Candidates from the Kepler Archival Data
    AJ, 148, 28 (32 refereed citations) (36 total citations) [WFCAM]
  7. Wang, Ji, Xie, Ji-Wei, Barclay, Thomas & Fischer, Debra A.
    Influence of Stellar Multiplicity on Planet Formation. I. Evidence of Suppressed Planet Formation due to Stellar Companions within 20 AU and Validation of Four Planets from the Kepler Multiple Planet Candidates
    ApJ, 783, 4 (65 refereed citations) (69 total citations) [WFCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 341

Total number of citations: 367

Stars and stellar populations (galactic and circum-galactic) (36 articles)

  1. Angeloni, R. & 52 authors
    The VVV Templates Project Towards an automated classification of VVV light-curves. I. Building a database of stellar variability in the near-infrared
    A&A, 567, 100 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  2. Barber, Sara D., Kilic, Mukremin, Brown, Warren R. & Gianninas, A.
    Dusty WDs in the WISE All Sky Survey ∩ SDSS
    ApJ, 786, 77 (24 refereed citations) (24 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  3. Baxter, R. B. & 9 authors
    Component masses of young, wide, non-magnetic white dwarf binaries in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7
    MNRAS, 440, 3184 (8 refereed citations) (12 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  4. Bochanski, John J., Willman, Beth, West, Andrew A., Strader, Jay & Chomiuk, Laura
    Hunting the Most Distant Stars in the Milky Way: Methods and Initial Results
    AJ, 147, 76 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  5. Burningham, Ben, Smith, L., Cardoso, C. V., Lucas, P. W., Burgasser, A. J., Jones, H. R. A. & Smart, R. L.
    The discovery of a T6.5 subdwarf
    MNRAS, 440, 359 (14 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  6. Burns, Ross A. & 7 authors
    Trigonometric Distance and Proper Motion of Iras 20056+3350: A Massive Star-forming Region on the solar Circle
    ApJ, 797, 39 (10 refereed citations) (11 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  7. Contreras Peña, C. & 9 authors
    Extreme infrared variables from UKIDSS – I. A concentration in star-forming regions
    MNRAS, 439, 1829 (20 refereed citations) (22 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  8. Cushing, Michael C., Kirkpatrick, J. Davy, Gelino, Christopher R., Mace, Gregory N., Skrutskie, Michael F. & Gould, Andrew
    Three New Cool Brown Dwarfs Discovered with the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and an Improved Spectrum of the Y0 Dwarf WISE J041022.71+150248.4
    AJ, 147, 113 (31 refereed citations) (33 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  9. Dawson, P., Scholz, A., Ray, T. P., Peterson, D. E., Rodgers-Lee, D. & Geers, V.
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of young brown dwarfs in upper Scorpius
    MNRAS, 442, 1586 (18 refereed citations) (18 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  10. Deacon, Niall R. & 20 authors
    Wide Cool and Ultracool Companions to Nearby Stars from Pan-STARRS 1
    ApJ, 792, 119 (33 refereed citations) (41 total citations) [UKIDSS,UHS,WFCAM]
  11. Gelino, Christopher R. & 8 authors
    WISEP J061135.13-041024.0 AB: A J-band Flux Reversal Binary at the L/T Transition
    AJ, 148, 6 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  12. Getman, Konstantin V. & 8 authors
    Age Gradients in the Stellar Populations of Massive Star Forming Regions Based on a New Stellar Chronometer
    ApJ, 787, 108 (51 refereed citations) (54 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  13. Greiss, S. & 8 authors
    Near-infrared counterparts to the Galactic Bulge Survey X-ray source population
    MNRAS, 438, 2839 (10 refereed citations) (10 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  14. Li, Lifang, Zhang, Fenghui, Han, Quanwang, Kong, Xiaoyang & Gong, Xiaobo
    White-dwarf + main-sequence binaries identified from the ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    MNRAS, 445, 1331 (14 refereed citations) (16 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  15. Lodieu, N., Boudreault, S. & Béjar, V. J. S.
    Spectroscopy of Hyades L dwarf candidates*
    MNRAS, 445, 3908 (14 refereed citations) (14 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  16. Margutti, R. & 56 authors
    A Panchromatic View of the Restless SN 2009ip Reveals the Explosive Ejection of a Massive Star Envelope
    ApJ, 780, 21 (125 refereed citations) (147 total citations) [WFCAM]
  17. Marocco, F. & 10 authors
    The extremely red L dwarf ULAS J222711-004547 – dominated by dust
    MNRAS, 439, 372 (35 refereed citations) (37 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  18. Mathew, Blesson, Varricatt, Watson P., Subramaniam, Annapurni, Ashok, N. M. & Banerjee, D. P. K.
    Optical/IR studies of Be stars in NGC 6834 with emphasis on two specific stars
    RAA, 14, 1173 [UIST,UFTI]
  19. Messineo, Maria & 7 authors
    Near-infrared spectroscopy of candidate red supergiant stars in clusters
    A&A, 571, 43 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  20. Messineo, Maria & 9 authors
    Massive stars in the giant molecular cloud G23.3-0.3 and W41
    A&A, 569, 20 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  21. Mignani, R. P. & 9 authors
    Binary pulsars studies with multiwavelength sky surveys – I. Companion star identification
    MNRAS, 443, 2223 (4 refereed citations) (5 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  22. Pinfield, D. J. & 23 authors
    A deep WISE search for very late type objects and the discovery of two halo/thick-disc T dwarfs: WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052
    MNRAS, 437, 1009 (17 refereed citations) (23 total citations) [UKIDSS,UHS,WFCAM]
  23. Rappaport, S. & 11 authors
    M-dwarf Rapid Rotators and the Detection of Relatively Young Multiple M-Star Systems
    ApJ, 788, 114 (18 refereed citations) (19 total citations) [WFCAM]
  24. Rodríguez, L. F., Carrasco-González, C., Montes, G. & Tapia, M.
    The Peculiar Radio Source M17 JVLA 35
    AJ, 148, 20 (6 refereed citations) (6 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  25. Rojas-Ayala, Bárbara, Iglesias, Daniela, Minniti, Dante, Saito, Roberto K. & Surot, Francisco
    M dwarfs in the b201 tile of the VVV survey. Colour-based selection, spectral types and light curves
    A&A, 571, 36 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  26. Smith, Leigh & 14 authors
    High proper motion objects from the UKIDSS Galactic plane survey
    MNRAS, 443, 2327 (10 refereed citations) (13 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  27. Smith, Leigh & 7 authors
    A 1500 deg2 near infrared proper motion catalogue from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey
    MNRAS, 437, 3603 (18 refereed citations) (20 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  28. Sorahana, S., Suzuki, T. K. & Yamamura, I.
    A signature of chromospheric activity in brown dwarfs revealed by 2.5-5.0 mum AKARI spectra
    MNRAS, 440, 3675 (15 refereed citations) (17 total citations) [CGS4]
  29. Stolte, A. & 8 authors
    The Orbital Motion of the Quintuplet Cluster—A Common Origin for the Arches and Quintuplet Clusters?
    ApJ, 789, 115 (22 refereed citations) (25 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  30. Tremblay, P.-E., Leggett, S. K., Lodieu, N., Freytag, B., Bergeron, P., Kalirai, J. S. & Ludwig, H.-G.
    White Dwarfs in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Data Release 9
    ApJ, 788, 103 (4 refereed citations) (5 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  31. Verbeek, Kars & 15 authors
    Ultraviolet-excess sources with a red/infrared counterpart: low-mass companions, debris discs and QSO selection
    MNRAS, 438, 2 (6 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [WFCAM,UKIDSS]
  32. Warwick, R. S., Byckling, K. & Pérez-Ramírez, D.
    The Galactic plane at faint X-ray fluxes – II. Stacked X-ray spectra of a sample of serendipitous XMM-Newton sources
    MNRAS, 438, 2967 (7 refereed citations) (9 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  33. Xie, Fu-Guo, Yang, Qi-Xiang & Ma, Renyi
    Jet-dominated quiescent states in black hole X-ray binaries: the case of V404 Cyg
    MNRAS, 442, 110 (15 refereed citations) (15 total citations) [WFCAM]
  34. Xu, S. & Jura, M.
    The Drop during Less than 300 Days of a Dusty White Dwarf’s Infrared Luminosity
    ApJ, 792, 39 (37 refereed citations) (39 total citations) [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  35. Zapatero Osorio, M. R. & 10 authors
    Search for free-floating planetary-mass objects in the Pleiades
    A&A, 568, 77 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]
  36. Zapatero Osorio, M. R. & 11 authors
    Spectroscopic follow-up of L- and T-type proper-motion member candidates in the Pleiades
    A&A, 572, 67 [UKIDSS,WFCAM]

Total number of refereed citations: 607

Total number of citations: 682