

#    CGS4 version:
#      CJD - June 2000
#    Tweeked for UIST, file suffix may still be wrong!!
#      CJD - August 2002
#    Tweeked further for UIST, file suffix should be right now...
#      CJD - November 2002
#    Changed to process _wce frames from pipeline
#      CJD - July 2005
echo " "
echo "    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    *         IRPOL QUICK-LOOK FOR UIST SPEC-POL            * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    *  Assumes frame naming convention is                   * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    *               u<DATE>_<NNNNN>_wce                     * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    *  (i.e. uses flat-fielded "wce" output files from      * "
echo "    *   the pipeline; can edit to reduce QUICK_LOOK raw     * "
echo "    *   data!)                                              * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    *  Note: Processes only sequential list of 8 spec-pol   * "
echo "    *        frames.  Assumes one obj-sky pair at each WP   * "
echo "    *        angle. Order of frames MUST be                 * "
echo "    *            obj-sky-sky-obj-obj-sky-sky-obj            * "
echo "    *                                                       * "
echo "    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "
echo " "

echo "Listing data directory..."
echo " "
echo " "

# Start the FIGARO, KAPPA & TSP routines (quietly)
alias echo 'echo > /dev/null'
unalias echo 

# Enter UT Date and number of first frame
echo -n "UT data of the observations: "
set date="$<"
echo -n "Number of first frame: "
set first="$<"

# Read in data frames, setting number to 5 digits
#    n -  increment to first frame number
#    m -  counter (1 to 8)
  set n = $first
  set m = 1
  while ($m <= 8)
    set num=000${n}
    if ($n < 10) set num=0000${n}
    if ($n > 99) set num=00${n}
    if ($n > 999) set num=0${n}
    set polframe${m}=u${date}_${num}_wce
    echo "Copied " u${date}_${num}_wce " to " polframe${m}...
    @ n = $n + 1
    @ m = $m + 1

# Echo comment
echo " "
echo "--->>> Result will be written to file rgp${date}_${first}"
echo " "
echo "--->>> First subtract OBJECT frames from SKY frames"
echo "       Displaying the four resulting spectral images in GAIA"
echo " "

# Subtract skies from obj frames first; display each result
sub $polframe1 $polframe2 polframe_0d
  gaiadisp  polframe_0d; sleep 1
sub $polframe4 $polframe3 polframe_45d
  gaiadisp polframe_45d; sleep 1
sub $polframe5 $polframe6 polframe_22d
  gaiadisp polframe_22d; sleep 1
sub $polframe8 $polframe7 polframe_67d
  gaiadisp polframe_67d; sleep 1

# Rotate images 90 degress clockwise
# so that dispersion access is vertical (necessary with
# TSP!) irevy is a Figaro command that flips the image about
# a hortizontal axis (so that top becomes bottom).
# Displays last rotated image.

echo " "
echo "--->>> Must then ROTATE differenced frames for TSP"
sleep 1

rotate angle=-90 in=polframe_0d out=polframe_0dr
irevy image=polframe_0dr output=polframe_0rev  

rotate angle=-90 in=polframe_45d out=polframe_45dr
irevy image=polframe_45dr output=polframe_45rev 

rotate angle=-90 in=polframe_22d out=polframe_22dr
irevy image=polframe_22dr output=polframe_22rev 

rotate angle=-90 in=polframe_67d out=polframe_67dr
irevy image=polframe_67dr output=polframe_67rev 

echo " "
echo "--->>> Displaying one of the rotated obj-sky frames "
echo "       (this one is for the 67 deg. WP angle) "
echo " "
  gaiadisp  polframe_67rev; sleep 1

# Now use TSP routine "ccd2pol" to extract spectrum from each sky-subtracted
# specpol image.  ccd2pol assumes 4 specpol images, and 4 spectra (2 positive
# and 2 negative) within each image.  Y-axis is assumed to be the dispersion 
# axis.  
echo " "
echo "--->>> Now use this displayed/rotated image to measure: "
echo " "
echo "      ASTART = start column for left-hand "OBJECT" aperture"
echo "      BSTART = start column for left-hand "SKY" aperture"
echo "      OESEP  = number columns between two positive spectra" 
echo "      WIDTH  = width of spectrum (in pixels) "   
echo " "   
echo "  EXAMPLE - First, left-hand +ve spectrum is centred on "
echo "  column 148, left-hand -ve spectrum is on column 248, and "
echo "  separation between two positive spectra is 165 pixels, then: "
echo " "
echo "      ASTART = 143 "
echo "      BSTART = 243 "
echo "      OESEP  = 165 " 
echo "      WIDTH  = 10 "   
echo " "

ccd2pol pos1=polframe_0rev pos2=polframe_45rev pos3=polframe_22rev pos4=polframe_67rev aperture=a bias=0 readnoise=1 photadu=1 algorithm=ratio output=temp 

echo " "
echo "            i.e. assumes spectra are along columns...  "
echo " "

# Result of ccd2pol written to TSP-format polarisation file, rgp${date}_${n}.
# Use "pplot" to display polarisation results on a kapview window.
echo " "
echo "--->>> Finally, plot Polarisation spectrum "

mv temp.sdf rgp${date}_${n}.sdf
pplot rgp${date}_${n} device=xw label=rgb${date}_${n}

# Calculate percent pol and polarisation angle over a selected
# wavelength range
echo " "
echo "--->>> Calculate Pol.(%) and P.A. over selected wavelength region " 
echo "       (read the wavelength range off the displayed spectrum) "
echo " "
ptheta INPUT=rgp${date}_${n}

echo " "
echo -n " Measure pol values over another wavelength range (y/n)? "
   set answr="$<"
     if ($answr == "Y" || $answr == "y") then
       goto loop1

# Tidy up and done...
rm polframe*
echo " "