Telescope Information

Telescope Information

The page contains links to all relevant information on the telescope; including general purpose information, quality assurance, detailed instructions, guides, and instrumentation.

UKIRTAn overview of the telescope.
Location and ParametersLocation of the telescope and it’s optical properties.
Wavefront SensingWavefront sensing with WFCAM and Cassegrain instruments.

Quality AssuranceDescription
Quality Assurance ProgramA monthly program to maintain performance.
EmissivityThe thermal emissivity of the telescope and dichroics. (Available to staff on internal container)
Fine FocusCassegrain instrument fine focus values (since 11/2002)
Seeing, extinction, zero points etc.Various UKIRT measurements such as seeing and extinction; some are real-time.

Detailed InstructionsDescriptions
AlignmentAligning the secondary mirror with the primary mirror; WFCAM & Cassegrain.
ChoppingNotes relating to chopping the secondary (useful for thermal infrared only).
DiagnosticsTelescope diagnostics and general troubleshooting.

TSS GuideNotes on startup/shutdown, operating limits, observing moving objects, troubleshooting, etc.

WFCAMInformation about the wide-field imager.
Cassegrain InstrumentsInformation about the Cassegrain instruments: CGS4, Michelle, UFTI and UIST.

UKIRT at Sunset.