WFCAM Secondary (M2) tilt alignment
M2 tilt setpoints
- Move the telescope to zenith, or close by and run a focus measurement using the H-band filter. Determine whether the field has sufficient stars (preferably more than 15 per camera) and if not, find a place close by in the sky that does or use the sky-subtraction focus mode.
- Once the telescope is focused, take three focus measurements at H and use the wfcam_tilt script to determine average E-W (V) and N-S (U) tilt values.
- Assuming the numbers are > +/- 0.1 then the tilt setpoints need adjusting. As yourself (rather than “observer”), go to /jac_sw/itsroot/install/configs and edit the secondary_wfcam.cfg file. The lines you are looking for are:
mcu:hex:u3:base = 4.70
mcu:hex:v4:base = 4.80
- Adjust the value of the former for N-S tilt and the latter for E-W tilt, save the file and type “pvload secondary_wfcam.cfg” (hit the position button on the MCU Engineering Interface Epics screen if necessary to ensure that the top-end has moved) and repeat steps 1 to 4 until both U and V tilts are close to zero.
NB. If tilts are positive, then the setpoints in the secondary_wfcam.cfg file need to be increased by approximately the value of the measured tilt.
M2 tilt correction – only do this if the top-end has been re-engineered.
- This is only required if the top-end has been taken to pieces for work or extensive work has been done on WFCAM which may have changed its flexure.
- Move the telescope to approximately 3-hours east and dec +20. Run an H-band focus measurement and determine if the field has sufficient stars abd if not find a place close by that does or use the sky-subtraction focus mode.
- Once the telescope is focused, take three focus measurements at H and use the wfcam_tilt script to determine the average V tilt value.
- Assuming the number is > +/-0.1 then you need to adjust the tilt correction model. As yourself (rather than “observer”), go to /jac_sw/itsroot/install/configs and edit the secondary_wfcam.cfg file. The line you are looking for is:
mcu:hex:v4_tilt:k1 = -0.3;
- Adjust the value, save the file and type “pvload secondary_wfcam.cfg” (hit the position button on the MCU Engineering Interface Epics screen if necessary to ensure that the top-end has moved). Repeat the previous 4 steps until the V tilt is < +/-0.1
- Now move the telescope to 3-hours west, dec +20 and repeat the above steps. This should be quick as if you have the V tilt correction done for zenith and 3-hours east, it should, by default, be correct for 3-hours west.
- Move the telescope to an HA of zero and dec -30 and repeat the above steps. This time you need to change the value of:
mcu:hex:u3_tilt:k1 = 0.311
- Confirm the tilts measured at HA 0-hours and dec +50.
When you’re happy with the tilt setpoints and correction the secondary_wfcam.cfg file needs to be committed to CVS. Do this by typing:
cvs commit -m “<your comment here>” secondary_wfcam.cfg