Template Observations available for use with UFTI

Template Observations available for use with UFTI

Below we list the template observations that are currently available in the UKIRT OT Template Library. A brief description of what each sequence does is included.

A complete list of ORAC-DR Recipes for use with UFTI is also available. A detailed description of each recipe can be obtained by clicking on the recipe name.

Compact/Point-Source Sequences

Sequence NameAppropriate DRRecipesDescription
3×3 jitter maps, with either 10 or 20 arcsec grid (a 85 arcsec grid sequence is also provided for mapping large regions with a sparse stellar/point-source population – see below for mapping extended/diffuse sources). The nine frames are median averaged to provide the flat-field. Good for point or compact sources, although I and Z will need separate flats. Requires only a dark.
5-point jitter maps, with either 10 or 20 arcsec grids. Flat-field made from median average of the 5 frames. Good for point or compact sources, although I and Z will need separate flats. Requires an appropriate dark.
5pt Jitter (Bright Point Source)BRIGHT_POINT_SOURCE
5-point jitter maps, using a separate flat-field made earlier. Good for bright point/compact sources that require short integration times. Also requires an appropriate dark.
JHK PhotometrYJITTER_SELF_FLAT_NCOLOURMulti-colour photometry, via repeated 5-point jitter patterns. Requires only a dark.
Multi-color imaging (9 pt jitter)JITTER_SELF_FLAT_NCOLOUR3×3 jitter maps made in three different colours. There separate flats are made from the jitter maps, one in each colour. Two options are available, one more efficient, the other more likely gives equal integration times per filter. Requires only a dark.
Sources moved between 4 quadrants of the array; flat-field created from the four frames. Suitable for faint objects or objects within a comparatively bright core embedded in faint extended emission. Requires an appropriate dark.
Sky and Jitter5SKY_AND_JITTER
Sky followed by a 5-point jitter. The sky is subtracted and a pre-determined flat is used. (Primarily for use with IRCAM). Requires an appropriate dark.

Extended-Source Sequences

Sequence NameAppropriate DRRecipes DescriptionDescription
Object and blank sky frames interspersed; object frames are dithered (3×3) on-source. Starts and ends on sky (thus 19 frames in total). A flat is constructed from the sky frames. Also requires a dark.
Object and blank sky frames interspersed; object frames are dithered (5×5) on-source. Starts and ends on sky (thus 51 frames in total). A flat is constructed from the sky frames. Also requires a dark.
Chop Obj-Sky with 9pt JitterCHOP_SKY_JITTER
Object and blank sky frames interspersed, starting and ending on sky (thus 19 frames in total). Uses smaller jitter-offsets about the source than Extended_3x3; appropriate for a target that fills less than about 90% of the array. A flat is constructed from the sky frames. Also requires a dark.

Fabry-Perot Sequences

Sequence NameAppropriate DRRecipesDescription
FPX AlignmentQUICK_LOOKAlignment of Tip (FPX) of FP plates. To be carried out in daytime before start of observing run.
FPY AlignmentQUICK_LOOKAlignment of Tilt (FPY) of FP plates. To be carried out in daytime before start of observing run.
FPZ AlignmentQUICK_LOOKAlignment of FPZ (plate separation). Iterates through the FPZ steps to “tune” to an arc lamp emission line.
Make_Skyflat for FPSKY_FLAT_FPAlignment of FPZ (plate separation). Iterates through the FPZ steps to “tune” to an arc lamp emission line.
Basic (FP)FPTo obtain a sequence of 8 frames; object-sky pairs at on-line, off-line (blue), on-line and off-line (red) FP settings. Requires a separate flat-field (use “Make_Skyflat for FP”) and a dark.
Jitter 5 (FP)FP_JITTERThe Basic FP sequence described above, though repeated 5 times at slightly-jittered positions. Requires a separate flat-field (use “Make_Skyflat for FP”) and a dark.
Jitter 5 no sky (FP)FP_JITTER_NO_SKYObtains only object frames at on-line, off-line (blue), on-line and off-line (red) FP settings, i.e. assumes negligible sky background. Jitters on-source. Requires a separate flat-field (use “Make_Skyflat for FP”) and a dark.
Flux standard for FPBRIGHT_POINT_SOURCEObtains 5-point jitter at each of three FP settings (on-line, off-line-blue, off-line-red). Requires a separate flat-field (use “Make_Skyflat for FP”) and a dark.

Polarimetry Sequences

Sequence NameAppropriate DRRecipesDescription
Make_Skyflat for Pol (UFTI)SKY_FLAT_POLObtain a “master” flat-field from the median average of 8 jittered frames; the wave plate is cycled after every second frame.
Make_Skyflat for each WP angle for Pol (UFTI)SKY_FLAT_POL_ANGLEObtain 4 flat-fields, 1 for each WP angle, from the median average of jittered frames.
Pol Jitter then AnglePOL_JITTERObtain 3 jittered frames at each of the 4 waveplate positions; the telescope is moved before the waveplate. An appropriate dark and separate flat-field must be obtained (use either “Make_Skyflat…” sequence listed above).
Pol Angle then JitterPOL_ANGLE_JITTERObserve at the 4 waveplate angles at each of 3 jittered positions; the waveplate is moved before the telescope. An appropriate dark and separate flat-field must be obtained (use either “Make_Skyflat…” sequence listed above).
Pol ExtendedPOL_EXTENDEDNod between object and blank sky; object-sky pairs obtained at each of the 4 waveplate angles.An appropriate dark and separate flat-field must be obtained (use either “Make_Skyflat…” sequence listed above).

Miscellaneous Sequences

Sequence NameAppropriate DRRecipesDescription
Array_TestsARRAY_TESTSDark exposures from which read noise is calculated; use at the beginning of the night.
Construct a flat field from a sequence of jittered object or sky frames. I and Z-band variants have longer integration times (and could be used with fewer averaged frames).
Flush ArrayQUICK_LOOKTakes 3 short darks to clear array of latency features.