UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Operations

UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Operations

This page is the starting point for all matters relating to UKIRT Sky Survey operations. It includes notes for UKIDSS observers, policy statements on the subject of data distribution, details of the scheduling and operation of UKIRT and WFCAM, etc.

UKIDSS Operations

Notes for ObserversQuick reference notes for UKIDSS observers. Here you will find details of arranging your trip, arrival requirements, and brief notes on what to expect when operating WFCAM at the summit. 
Operational ModelUKIDSS Operational model and communications paths. Interaction with PATT etc. This document will continue to develop as we gain experience with survey mode.
UKIDSS Survey Administrator InformationDescriptions of the Upload process, database areas, etc. For the use of UKIDSS Survey Heads and co-is.
UKIDSS Survey StatusWeekly updates of UKIDSS survey progress.
Feedback PagesLinks to the top-level UKIDSS project home pages (for general feedback) and the individual upload block projects (for specifics).

WFCAM Operations General Information

WFCAM Scheduling BackgroundGround rules set by the UKIRT Board for scheduling of WFCAM time.
Data PoliciesPolicies governing data storage, access, publication, etc.